Work In Progress What's Next For DCUO: New Plans For Future Episodes.

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. Aspar Agus Well-Known Player

    I didn't even crunch numbers, I just logged onto test and started buying gear while listening for the audio cues for when I'd progress up content bands.
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  2. Acne New Player

    i was really dissapointed that they didnt give earth a long range aoe pull if you wanna you earth you have to be flight and have the op pull to pull anything
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  3. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    This appears to be a roundabout way, in part, to dissuade players from running content while overgeared and crushing the experience for players that are only at level for the content, but so long as any feats are associated with running general content types, it's not going to limit players ruining the experience for others unless the feats themselves similarly meet this combat rating range requirement.
  4. Black Dragon New Player

    This must be DCUO's belated April Fools joke.. Because this will only serve to separate the community, and create a greater divide, not to mention, discourage players from helping each-other out for "charity" cases, with no reward towards any consolation of possible mark benefits. Furthermore, it will make other content obsolete, certain things like bounties, and certain raids will gradually become less and less worth extending a helping hand to.

    I see no good coming from the long term effects of this update, suffice to say, this may be the point where you twist the system so much, so dramatically, it starts to snap; dare I even say, the beginning of the end? I already have to solo things like Arkham Asylum, and Khandaq, because I get no help from my league mates, who all live inside the HoH, where I am not yet able to go. But this...

    There will be gravity to this which changes the feel of the game, the soul of the game. For now I'm willing to give the devs the benefit of the doubt until they release a final model for this new "system" they are going to be implementing. However, as the pleas of the players often go upon deaf ears, I expect the devs to more or less, just tell us to eat crow.

    With competitors like City of Titans is coming... I wonder how DCUO is going to adjust in future updates in order to hook it's people into staying, while things like this risking the further tarnishing the game appeal. Part of me can't help but wonder, if this is only going to be a temporary circumstance, and they will add more "clauses and options" to game-play aspects, in order to create adjustable, or optional scaling.
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  5. Hector Danger Well-Known Player

    Well, the whole idea of "helping" someone, generally means your not really doing it for your own personal gain. So what if I don't get those three lousy marks, they mean nothing to me.
  6. ReAni Mator New Player

    Yh the whole 'over geared players ruining it for others' nvr happened when I was leveling. In fact after so many crappy runs with ppl at the same level with no clue (due to no guidance from the game for learning roles etc more than anything), kicking whomever was in line for blame, an overgeared player in the mix ensuring success was very, very welcome. It's obvious it's all about pandering to newer players in the hopes for some cash flow. Makes sense from a business stand point. This games gonna milk it at hard as possible this year.
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  7. speedster1981 Committed Player

    after this my only incentive to do the lower content will be the feats other than to help a friend out in the lower content. I just hope even though we won't get the marks we will still be able to finish our style feats that are needed.... and I'm still curious about the marks of valor anyone get wind of whats happening with those?
  8. Ash Vegna New Player

    I feel like we just got our wallets, and shoes jacked by our closest friends... and now we gotta walk ten miles home in the snow.
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  9. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    Same for me, I do believe that if they make these changes I will be done with DCUO. I quit A Realm Reborn because of how they changed leveling and this sounds ten times worse. Oh well, it was fun for the first few years.
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  10. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    A lot of what you said here is why I quit playing A Realm Reborn.
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  11. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    I was going to play a bit tonight but after reading this and everyone's comments I don't feel like playing anymore at all. Think I am done with DCUO.
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  12. beardrive Committed Player

    I'm curious, Will there be a cap on mostly German players demanding to know the SP of players for those players to be able to remain in the content or be kicked if said SP is not to their liking? The reason I ask is because your system of Combat Rating is now no longer relevant to higher tier content, but another more random "You don't have enough SP to play this" metric is beginning to emerge from players who want others to carry them through content. Why? Because if you can get into Hall of Hades with a 108CR, then an ENTIRE group of players with 108CR should be able to complete it, not a group of 112-114CR's unable to complete it which I experienced just today and had to bow out of after TWO hours of cycling through about 20ish members coming in and out. And we know what happens when that scorecard gets too long, it disbands--as it should.Scorecards are not about friendly competition--they're about kicking. Every single time I've been kicked is because of the scorecard and not because of a filthy mouth (which I rarely use).

    Also, (and a separate issue), will matchmaking work for content now, or will we continue to see 8 DPS for one raid, as happens frequently? When there are not enough matched players for a raid, the raid should not happen, even if people are angry it's taking two hours to get into one. Last night I had three Acts of Defiance I walked into and out of because it had four DPS's in it. Fail.
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  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You know there is a setting in the settings menu where you can select to only have an alert queue pop if it has one of each role queued up, right? That being said, people could queue up as both DPS and their support role and then refuse to be their support role when they get inside, but there is no way the matchmaking can fix that unless they implement a system that locks you into the role you queued for. As for not queue blindly into a raid. That's just asking for trouble. Take the time to make a group yourself using LFG. You'll get into the raid much faster and have a higher chance of succeeding.
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  14. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I had no idea that was hidden there, the amount of time I've had groups fail because the game grouped up 4 controller powers and thrown us into ICW with no one over 103 is shockingly high.
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  15. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Cr based content reward locks and NPC scaling !@#$%!??
    With all of the current in game content that needs to be fixed why why why is this the direction that you choose to take with the game? I will not pretend to speak for everyone playing this game however all of the people that I have spoken with about these coming changes have had the same general reaction of that when these changes occur they will be be leaving the game and moving on. It makes me sad that I have put countless hours and dollars into gearing 17 toons to 112+cr w 160+sp on each, into a game where the people running it either have no clue or just flat out don't care what their paying customers want. As the game stands right now DCUO is the only game that I enjoy to play and I am afraid that with these changes you will lose many many paying legendary subscribers by continuosly listening to and repeatedly trying to cater to lower level ftp and freemium users. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against ftp or premium but let's not kid ourselves the average legendary member spends more money on this game in one month than the average ftp or premium player will spend in a year but they are continuously ignored. Feel free to hate me but imo these forums should be reserved for legendary subscribers only as a means of communication with the development team. The main issues expressed with CR based reward locks and NPC scaling are that not only are you taking the replay value out of lower level content (which you have strived to bring back in the past) but you will also be alienating all of the lower cr players who shout for help. I fear that people such as myself who will as it stands gladly respond to shouts for help with mbot/obot, cc/mist bounties, Raven, or anything for that matter will no longer do so because the toons we have worked so hard to make stronger have been rendered impotent by CR scaling. But I digress I'll get over it and like many other paying legendary customers when the time comes I'll move on. #dcuofrustration
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  16. DRy New Player

    Additional payments for subscriptions? You lost a lot of world because you did not accept enough of different means of payment for subscriptions. In Europe many have bank card that you do not accept.
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  17. dvdira New Player

    Speaking for myself, there are two reasons why I take the time to grind new and old content to get higher CR.

    1. To access new content alongside all of my leaguemates.
    2. To access old content EASILY for feats (especially style drops)

    CR Scaling as stated will have no impact on the first, but it will significantly impact my desire to run old content for feats and such. For example, my leaguemates were just talking last night about a group of all cr113 had a hard time finishing Stryker's Island on the test server.... they quit at the rogues since they weren't familiar with the mechanics. Now, obviously these guys apparently never did it at level; its impossible not to know the mechanics at level since Stryker's is one of 5 alerts that you need to grind to get to the max CR of that tier. But for them to have to quit with cr113 armor? Mindboggling.

    Why do obsolete content have to be hard in the first place? What's the point of CR and SP grinding if things don't get easier for you over time? Why disincentivize the top CR players from playing with lower tiers totally? To clarify, I don't mind the loss of marks since i never ran old content for the marks. But if that content is just as hard for me as the relevant content, forget it. You'd have to be a leaguemate to convince me to go through that again, unless i really have nothing better to do.

    Now, to clarify... I am a legendary cr114 player with 192 sp.... all i have to do now actually is to grind the old content until the update comes out to avoid the problem. I am not keen on leveling another alt, so I am not commenting here because I feel it will adversely affect me. I just find the whole idea of CR scaling (as it is intended to be implemented) to be totally unnecessary from a practical standpoint.

    In fact, most of the core guys in our league are 3 to 4 year legendary players, and we've ground out all of the content as we leveled, the lowest SP being 184. We have several guys at SP200+, 1 at SP214 even. Even our alts are at SP184+, so this news really doesn't affect us unless we plant to level an alt. We believe that we worked hard to get our toons where they are, and we feel that others should work just as hard. We don't like playing with high CR players with low SPs, because from hindsight, lack of experience usually leads to a lack of discipline in raids. Low SP players usually talk louder and listen less. When the instance requires coordination to win, this can make all the difference.

    However, we find this whole CR scaling thing to be uncalled for. If this move is meant to force players to work together with similar at-level players (since there is no incentive for higher level players to play), then fine. But I believe it is a huge price to pay in the long run for such a small benefit. Not only will it make the game unfriendly for newcomers -- which obviously is bad for the game -- it will also further segregate the community as well.

    What's worse, it will remove any sense of accomplishment playing the game offers. If the upcoming CR 108 armor is not going to make life easy for me to do past AND existing content, then why grind for it? Statistical progression must have an impact on the way we play the game, or there would be no incentive to progress at all.

    Perhaps a more solomonic way is not to fully CR Scale, but to put a cap on the maximum damage higher tier players can dish out in the instance? That way, it still won't be as easy to finish, but not as difficult as it was when you were at level. You could be forced to play the mechanics, it would still be possible for you to die, but you should definitely be able to finish it.

    I'm thinking for example the difficulty level of League Hall Security Breach for CR112 players. Not impossible, but not as difficult as it was before. You will still need roles to finish, still need to be on your toes or risk Mantis cooking you alive... but its much easier than it was originally.
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  18. Arktos New Player

    I have only been playing this a short time, a little less than a year. Don't know what else to say other than if these are the changes that will be implemented then I will probably cancel my subscription and leave the game. I believe these changes would be "game breaking" both in terms of my enjoyment of the game and in terms of ability to level alts etc. I do hope the devs would reconsider these changes but I don't believe that is likely to happen.
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  19. Bloodartist_ Active Player

    Like I said in my previous post. The amount of players who can't comprehend any strategy, tactics (especially those supposed to apply to the given content), or know the intricacies of their own role is staggering. People have gotten too used to being carried by high-Cr people, or their own high CR. And the instant they fail because they just suck, they leave and try to find a group that can carry them through.

    This is why I am personally sort of inclined toward the said changes, but it is obvious that as a whole the population of this already old MMO is going to suffer when all the crybabies leave.
  20. UltraVillain Committed Player

    + Stat flattening - a good idea
    Provided it isn't too heavy handed this is a long overdue process, it is important that players need to 'feel' super, they need to feel at all times they are progressing and the game is appreciative of that progress but the spread of effectiveness from t1 to t6 currently is excessive - we out level far more content than we see added.

    - Removing or reducing rewards for high end players tackling lower end content - a dreadful idea.
    Anything that reduces the reward or increases the frustration of high end players accessing low end content will be bad for the game.
    As with any 'aged' game the proportion of players doing higher end content will outnumber those at the lower is very evident from lfg how the t1-t3 raids take much longer to fill than the t5-6 stuff, some of the lowest are calling for an interminable length and when they finally assemble a full team often someone there from the beginning has to leave.....there is a real need to overtly promote and encourage players of all levels to keep hitting that old content so that new players have some company and even some hope of moving forward.

    + Smaller scale content and more relevant episodes - An excellent idea
    Far too much of the current content is so far reaching and influential it leaves the players character far behind, effectively diminishing our importance while at the same time demanding the impossible of the larger game world. We need content that is meaningful in a personal sense, that feels more the everyday bread and butter of heroism and villainy. We also need some real distinction between the factions to encourage cross play and contention (ie not just the exact same raid with the end boss 'occasionally' switched).

    ~ Monthly Updates. - worrying
    Our current 3 month cycle is already somewhat prone to buggy releases and abrupt and absurdly easy exploits....I can't see an accelerated pace doing anything other than increase this problem and in turn increase player frustration.

    - Monthly Armour update - Please NO!
    There are few things more demoralising than realising that armour you've been slaving to complete is now second best. More styles yes, newer armour NO.

    - Exclusive raid content and elitist pandering armour - Please for the love of al that is holy NO!
    The broad gamut of raid's duos' alerts and solo's should be encouraged as a whole, to develop variety and diversity in what players can log in to do....this is about fun. Channelling the best reward to a small subset of the content simply forces players to endure the same stuff regardless of enjoyment or challenge - it is self defeating in that it is really saying 'you can do that, but if you really why waste time collecting the second best. The same overall rewards should be the ultimate achievement of the same tier raids/alerts/duos/solos the only thing that should reasonably change is the speed you gain them. Let players choose how they want to enjoy the game and open as much of the game as possible to maximise who it can appeal to.

    Overall I feel the vast majority of what is being done is going to negatively effect the game and the one thing that would make all the difference to me - ie putting more DC into the game - is all but a sidenote at present, I remain very worried.
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