Work In Progress What's Next For DCUO: New Plans For Future Episodes.

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    No. You will still have access to play that content first off, and second you still have the option to earn marks from it. Part of the game is the ability to play multiple toons, and all of these toons will need that content to progress. Make an alt, that is part of your premium/legendary subscription as well.

    By not making an alt you are purchasing something that you aren't using, as FtP is only 2 characters, so any premiums or legendaries are paying for extra slots without using them in your statement.
  2. tdowers New Player

    means you better get all gear feats as fast as you can or it will take you months to get the feats once you do a content there is no resetting to get more marks im not buying replay badges no more. there goes a good chunk of my money each month back in my bank ...
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  3. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The devs have pretty much killed the game for me. I was on test and put on the new gear and tried to solo the old Brainiac Sub Construct for fun since I really enjoyed it when I started the game and was lvling. I tired it on the Test Server today and was instantly KOed by mere cr 56 adds that I would have no problem killing in the first place.I see this as a major red flag for DCUO. In this game and most likely for the PC side I play not many ppl play the older content since most are near end game or just about. So the few new players that the game gets really have no real great number in order to barely lvl their toon. I usually act as the main dps and help often for fun but now with the new update in place that will come to a screeching halt. I know the devs are trying to keep the Npcs and game content "iconic" and not to the point to where any villain or hero can beat bosses made for a much larger group but the game, or rather my platform doesn't have that new client flow to enact such new updates and expecting it to successfully work. It also disregards the time and money put into the game to lvl and grow within the game. As you you are taking my merit of being a almost 3 year member with the game. I know you will still enact this because you are eager to try it but remember this.. I told you so... ( Spytle and Mepps) ... then when it slows progress and ppl quit especially loyal members then you will know I am right. I know you think nothing of what im saying atm but mark my words. You practically sucked the novelty of the game, the iconic factor and new player progress and you will learn from it soon.
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  4. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    I was just thinking of some past instances. Ellsworth Memorial Hospital. Playing as a hero I sometimes missed speaking with Sentinel Carter by the entrance the same with Demonic Power, playing as a villain. So one play through and that is it? If we miss that side quest then there is no going back. So no feat points. Even with replay badges I can't go back?
  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    you try to solo older content that isn't a solo and you get an instant KO
  6. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    even if its a duo... a T1 duo...
  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I keep seeing you respond like this in several threads and it doesn't help much.

    Constructive feedback is much better then angry complaints. How would you change it? Are things hitting to hard? Too soft? What are changes that could be made? Is it a bug or intentional? Is it across all instances? Clarifying those things are helpful.

    ...Oh god...I'm Mepps.
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  8. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Im not really mad - im just one of the ppl who sees this coming and can at least say I said what I could ...and that I was right. Im usually able to solo Brainiac Sub Construct with ease but now the first few npcs, which I should remind you are probably the weakest in the raid, were able to KO me in 3 seconds flat. Oh and btw I was in full modded T7 gear XD
  9. Absolix Loyal Player

    You can still run the instance, get feats, and/or do the side quest. If there is normally a mark reward and you have out geared the content you will not receive the mark. Everything else is the same.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, if you look at the stat flattening graph they provided, it's clear that the difference in stats and content difficulty across tier levels is being made much more linear. It's not surprising that old content we used to be able to face roll will now be more challenging. Of course, we won't be able to get marks from that overgeared content, anyway. It'll be just about styles, base items, and the like. I don't see many higher tier folks running lower tier content after this. What bothers me the most, though, is we won't be seeing Deathmike soloing content as he's been able to in the past. :(
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  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Soloing lower content for me was very special and helpful for lower lvl players and now its gone...the devs just have to learn from their mistakes
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  12. Gardel New Player

    I agree with you in everything you said. While developers are blinded by profit and treat us like disposable players, they will have nothing. There are valuing each spent our hard earned money to get the Porch that we are the most important to them is their profit margin, little importantanto if we stop playing or not. Ate why this topic was not created to discuss what should be done, they already vinheram with the idea ready "will be like and over." Unfortunately we have no voice to nothing, we are treated like dirt by them.
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  13. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I can't respond to a post you made in the testing section, but it's related to this, so i'll do it here. You say the stat flattening is a great way to combat power creep. I think optional stat clamping was a better way.

    I'm sure you saw the big controversies about stat clamping even though it was optional, people didn't want to feel the many years of grinding had gone to waste.

    What they're doing is basically a different version fo stat clamping but it's not optoinal anymore. People have clamored for walk-in portals to old content for ages so that they could have some variety in their game play and try to Deathmike stuff just for fun.

    They are taking that option away.

    Wouldn't it have been a better idea to go ahead with their stat clamping idea Jens had talked about, give us end game marks if we choose to clamp ourselves and have people run that content much more? If they kept the symbols system, they could make sure peope didn't just run old stuff and get end game rewards.

    Many other ways of combating power creep that would make people rage, when this hits live, stuff will hit the fan.
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  14. smelter New Player

    Im not sure if this was answered, but since the episodes are going to be monthly, does that mean seasonal, as in coming back around, or just more content released that is there to choose from? My only suggestion is from a different view point. As a new player to the game new players often do not understand the updates, the changes in content, the weapon mechanic, or even some of the basic funtions of the game. As my place in the league I try to educate as much as possible to keep everyone aware of the knowledge base that is this community of Dc. As the game changes somethings, I feel must remain the same. 1. Create a pvp boot camp place for new players to learn against other BEGINNING pvp players. You have new players wanting to pvp but playing against players who wear 98gear. Guess what, that player may not desire to play or learn that way. Explain the skill point placement options some where in the game, SOMEWHERE! You have players that do know how or where to place their skill points. And guess what else, until you get into a good league YOU still will not know. The vendors that provide the styles and gear is good. But when you add a style or gear like in the respect area in the watchtower explain this to players. Some may think this is the gear you need for that skill point and if it is not then you just wasted your marks on some gear you never intended to purchase if you knew what style it goes to. I guess just a few more explantions ingame would be nice to help players understand things that youtube and twitch hasnt caught up with yet. Thanks for reading
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    But this isn't stat clamping. Stat clamping locks your stats to the CR tier of the content you're running, regardless of your gear. Stat flattening takes the ridiculous exponential stat inflation of the gear and makes it more linear. Honestly, that's the way it should have been from the start. Around T5, things started to really take off at a ludicrous pace. It's simply not sustainable. This is not just about linearizing the prior tiers up to T6. It's about the future growth.

    It's also worth noting that there are apparent buggy inconsistencies in the gear stats on the current test build. That may be playing a role in some of the issues people are reporting.

    Optional stat clamping will enter the game down the road, and I suspect it will allow us to farm marks from content outside of our "relevant" tier, which will blow the game wide open.
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  16. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    most of the servers on DCUO don't have a population that is massive for the plan they are trying to enact- the lower ll player population is almost non existant and I usually group with a good 2-3 of them to get them through a raid with my 113 dps so that they can progress in the game even when it lacks the players for that tier. I myself also just enjoy running the content myself and I remember the times when I was at their lvl and felt good about my progress. Our progress with our gear is worthless with doesn't make senior players feel good and others like me cannot help others progress either now due to the upcoming GU
  17. smelter New Player

    Add ps. Change this page so other people who choose to use it can understand it. I tell people to visit this page all the time ann they all have the same complaint. "THEY CANT FINE ANYTHING THEY ARE LOOKING FOR". I navigate but to a new player it isnt very user friendly for the player that wants to comment about the low level bounties being way to far in the air still, or the need to help running central city bounties done. The community is suppost to help but anyone who has played for awhile knows that that is an unfair waiting game, hoping someone will hear their shout and help them. So this community here may be the only help a new player can get.
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    My understanding of this is that instead of large quarterly DLCs, we'll be getting smaller content packs trickling out monthly. This will mean fresh content more frequently.

    As for the tutorial issues you mention, there is actually a lot more in game now than there used to be. There are also DCUO-sanctioned, player-produced videos covering a large amount to the information you described.
  19. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    i hope you're right, but i don't see it happening with the current mark system. They are constantly trying to find ways to make us play current content for current rewards, what would prevent someone from running everything BUT current content and get current rewards?

    The symbol system was a better option if they wanted to go forward with optional stat clamping for marks.

    I also hope people getting destroyed by t1 mobs with t7 gear is indeed a bug or some sort of miscalculatoin. If it's intended, it's a safe bet there will be an even bigger reduction of high end players running anything below "relevant".
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  20. smelter New Player

    I havent checked lately, and I will in the morning. I dont mean to come off like Im not a fan of the game. I am a tremendous fan of this world called DcUo. This game has changed so much from the very beginnings to where it is today. Its just hard for new players to keep up with the changes and the players that know about this page and this community get lost and eventually quit playing because they feel no help is out there to guide them
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