Work In Progress What's Next For DCUO: New Plans For Future Episodes.

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I understand where you are coming from but as it is now people burn through the content in a month or less now then they have to wait for the next to drop. At least this way there will be new content every month and should keep everyone's interest longer. Also there may only be new content every month but you will be able to run 6 months of content always once they get it going. So earning marks would not be an issue. SO there will be no need to run old content for mark anyway. Hence the reason I do not see an problem with it.
    Every bracket will have 4 raids, 2 Elite Raids, 2 alerts, 2 elite alerts, 4 duos and 2 solos...plenty of marks to be earned without needing to replay. If you only play it all once then that is 90 marks but you can do the alerts, duos and solos lots more. So 180 marks to 220 marks depending on how they do the elite raids and alerts. Again that is a week. unless I did my math wrong which is possible
    4 raids=40 mark
    2 E Raid=20-but may have to use replays to unlock
    2 Alerts=10
    2 E Alerts= 10-but may have to use replays to unlock
    4 Duos=8x7 days=56
    2 Solos=2=7 days=14
    Grand total 180 low 220 high
    Again if my math is right and I did not get something wrong.
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  2. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Will we also be getting time to pre-pay our mainframe rent before it expires? Not being able to pay it until it expires makes absolutely no sense from neither a gameplay nor an immersion standpoint (this also goes for belt slots).
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  3. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    This is very true. However managing perception is as important as managing reality. Judging by a lot of posts in the thread that's going to be a bear.
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  4. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    Change can be good.....
    I pray its good.....:p
  5. Sun Goddess New Player

    At CR 113 how is running Necro trivial? I used those MOFs to buy synth mods for my off role equipment. How is running Assault and Battery trivial? I used those MOTs to buy lower gear equipment styles for feats and SPs.

    With the new system, we won't be able to do that any longer.
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Actually the focus should have been to get players to go back into old content, not push them away from it.
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  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    that is only once all the content is out, but once the last piece of content is out, we would have burned the other 5 months, same will be as every piece is released, we will only really have 1 month worth of content, the rest will only be worth marks, but that's the problem, only the current content will be, and If I want to recharge the base, buy rare styles, or even use the style vendor I would have to replay that, and only that to do so, and if the prices for gear will stay the same, we would need to run everything at least 3 times, going by your numbers, just to buy vendor gear, but that's not including base and belt trinkets, rare styles, and even vendor mats.
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  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    he meant old as in FoS or Gates.
  9. ErnieB Loyal Player

    they are going by the other drops, problem is a 3+ year old player doesn't need anything from old content, other than marks to recharge trinkets, and even though now it is trivial, the new system would have given us those instances as other ways to get marks, now we would have to run the new content, and only that, for marks, and the first 2 or 3 months the grind will be unbearable as the new content will be limited, btw 2 months is how long base trinkets will last.
  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No with the new system your limited in content.
    People ran several pieces of content for marks for various reasons. If you were to apply the new formula right now, you wouldnt recieve marks for TD, any amazon fury solos besides the new one and all of the HoP raids and alerts would not give you anything.
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  11. ReAni Mator New Player

    Marks and all aside, with comparatively so much change than with SOE, it all feels a little desperate. That's also the vibe I'm getting from the long term players I know and speak with. ATM it seems to be all about finding ways to get money out of new players much earlier on in their character development, and trying to get long termers to feel compelled to be around every month due to change rather than supplying enough quarterly fun, quality content. All this and the spruking about 'how much we are going to love it' contrived sales pitch feels like a very different, and desperate approach. I feel like I have seem this all before in various struggling businesses, Obviously after playing the game for quite a while now I don't wish it to go down, but in the end there are always other games. Hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.
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  12. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Had an idea last night about making rent (and belt slots) more user-friendly. How about adding a checkbox to make these things optionally auto-renew, assuming you have Marks on hand? That way, the mainframe and belt would never expire if we didn't intend them to.

    This would also have the benefit of not losing me prestige on Thursdays because my mainframe expired overnight without any way for me to pay the rent before the prestige was awarded.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Any excess Marks will be lost. Spend them now!
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    tell exactly where I'm wrong, because I don't follow?, you repeated what I said, you would only get marks from the new content, which when it starts the content will be very limited. All you did was apply it to the current system, but it's no different from what I said.
  15. SkullGang Devoted Player

    So as CR114 doing Necro, Op4 and Lockdown is pointless for MoF ?
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  16. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Sorry I am just not seeing an issue with this compared to how it is now. I guess we just have different opinons about some thing. I hope that you find that you like the new system more than you think you will.
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    lol sorry I quoted the wrong person.
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    What happens to the base boost I charged before the change, including Utility Belt slots, will they last the remainder of the old time or convert to an aprox. time for the new system?.
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  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    When the new system launches you will have new pieces of content to run each month. However as soon as your character gets a few pieces of gear and reaches 117, you will be stuck waiting for the next piece of content because all other content will be irrelevant to you.

    I think the key question is when GU47 comes out will all players CR go down by 7 because mods will no longer be a factor.
  20. Sore Steadfast Player

    How we get older styles is a valid concern. That concern isn't centered around the specific change of relevancy bands. It's encompassing of the entire change (including the switch to a single currency). I hope to hear more on that in the future. It's great feedback. I don't know if the relevancy of any current MoT instances are necessarily the solution to that concern but maybe they could be. We'll have to see on that. You mention A&B because it awards MoT and serves an example. It's worth at least acknowledging that the challenge rating of A&B for a T6B player is trivial. So it might make sense the end solution will have its rewards be trivial to the progression into T6B or T7. I do at least see where a system of increasing MoT costs by a factor of 5 might become problematic if maintained indefinitely.

    You're touching on a good point with what I consider the grey area. That's the instances still awarding MoF today but look like they might not be considered in-band. That's extra complicated by the old large-group/small-group approach. In the new system we should have 4 non-elite raids relevant to us at any time. If we compare that to today, that would be AFII and WotL II raids. AFII has three raids and WotL has one. You're talking about wanting one more DLC to be relevant such as HOP I, which also had three taking us up to 7 but would sometimes drop down to 5 because large/small. Because of symbols HOP I isn't relevant except for what you're highlighting, the delivery of MoF. Those MoF are extra relevant for things like rent and mods. Rent has been discussed at length about how much cheaper that will be. Maybe that's enough cheaper to make 4 raids enough to handle rent and mods, especially acknowledging the other sized content that will be relevant too. I think that's going to be something we'll need to feel out as we experience it. I wouldn't jump immediately to assume it'll be problematic.
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