Whats Going wrong in DCUO [from a player of 4+ years]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    Never thought I'd miss the days when there was a long wait period between DLCs...
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  2. Commander Coral Well-Known Player

    Back in the day of OC, my main was a Nature healer. I had just really gotten down healing right before OC came out.

    I remember spending Thursday after Thursday trying to get my Prime Weapon Styles, going on the hunt for Runes of the Norseman style and gear from Dawn, and don't forget the OP Prime Head. Tier 4 is still to this day my favorite Tuer because that's where my growth as a player really happened.

    Pre-OC my league had scheduled league runs of Dawn + Veng in the same nights. Sometimes we had enough people that wanted to run content for us to run three groups running the same raids at the same time (by the way, JusticeKnights league. Still a member and we're making a comeback if anyone's looking for a league.). We weren't able to do the docks in Metro during Veng all together or the Bees or the Ghosts because we'd crash. We had to be in different phases.

    When OC came out, clipping and loadout differences were very prevalent. I learned how to DPS with Nature and clipping when OC came out. I leveled two alts when OC came out because I wanted to tank OC raids and try quantum with the other. That Earth tank toon that I leveled when OC came out is now my main.

    I learned how to tank with Earth when OC was out. It took a good tank to tank Dox at that time and when OC first came out, the last room in Nexus when you got the Superboy Artifact was sooo hard!!

    Remember when OC came out and Earth DPS could either Aftershock and risk getting killed by the gas from Lex in Nexus or being able to use Rumblecrush and clip your weapon with and burst Earth power there is? That was fun. I know that the raids when they came out were impossible but it caused such a level of growth for me as a player that I can never forget it.
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  3. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    I think that's a tangential discussion - is top gear really necessary? As a healer, do you feel less capable having let's say max vendor gear? Interested in your thoughts, having played with you.
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  4. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    You still fail to understand the issue, and what is being discussed.
    Not to be rude, really, just letting you know that you seem to be on a completely different page.
  5. Zusheqiel Active Player

    Very nice detailed post
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  6. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    I don't misunderstand the issue I just don't agree with you lol
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  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    I absolutely hate the "specialty adds" they all look exactly the same... same size, same coloring and especially the same name colors!

    That desperately needs to be changed. With sooo much going on, and no ability to actually see who's who,.
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  8. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    i agree 100% hopefully we can see change in the future
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  9. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    It's pretty easy to see imo,

    corruptors are the muscle heads

    cryo ad is bigger than the other ads and by locking on to him you can see his name.

    Punishers are female shades, can tell by different style.

    Ad from lockdown is red.

    Bowmasters are very obvious, the only ad openly carrying a bow lol.
  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    Inccorect. Very... incorrect.
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  11. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/league-hall-going-down-on-a-tuesday.264616/ check this post out also mepps it should be displayed to the team so we can get some change :)
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  12. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    You don't agree with me about what? o_O
    You don't understand what is being said, so you can't disagree with it, because you aren't aware of it.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Hi Green! *waves* Healers got a massive healing buff in OC stats. It never came down even after stat flattening. Which is funny, because Dom requirement for NPC's willpower had to be lowered after stat flattening. Which means that they weren't thinking about Tanks or Controllers when doing that part.

    With Controllers in mind, they've mentioned this before, crowd control trivializes content. So instead of making it where if you use CC there are other things you have to deal with, they make it passable w/o CC. Mind you, tanks can still pull and have limited CC, controllers are supposed to lockdown an enemy. We have this for minion classes as well as certain NPCs that are intended to be. (Manhunters and V lanterns off hand come to mind.)

    To truly incorporate controllers to be more than just a battery, which we all know is the driving factor of having 4 roles instead of the holy trinity. They have to make content that requires a controller. They did this in WotLp1. It is by far my favorite DLC for this. And I don't mean AnB's last boss room, that needs the manhunters stunned, but the fact that all content in it is passable with any group makeup, but having a controller helps that much more. Take the terminals. You start hitting the cog, you get targetted instantly. A tank can pull the add, but will not be the target. A controller stuns that add and you are gold. This is content with controllers in mind. Where if you overgear, you can burn the adds faster than they can spawn and stop someone from hitting the cogs.
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  14. Backseid Devoted Player

    No you don't.

    You mean you want "clipping" to do better damage right? Saying they all do the same makes absolutely no sense. Who, in their right mind, would want to have play the old way and get the same results as an AM rotation?!

    Think about what you just said for a sec. Lol
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  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    Hahaha! I hope you're joking.
  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'd be happy if clipping provided an equal alternative to AMs. Right now, the old playstyle does what? 25%?
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  17. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    I actually think clipping should be equal with WM & AM...
    that way players have the option to play their way, without falling behind...
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  18. Backseid Devoted Player

    So you'd do all that extra work, while the guy next to ya presses one button, and be ok ?!
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  19. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Best example of this was the alerts, MR had the Manhunters who moved mist containers, those couldn't be tanked since there mechanic was only to move containers, you needed a controller to stun them long enough to kill them. Then ST had the mess at Downtown, you needed a troll to help get the machines disabled faster because robots would always come out if destroyed, then that whole mess with the bombs, and well we all know how bad the JSA part is. Though back then you needed one just for power, still I believe some mechanics from back then should be implemented now, and like you said it wasn't needed, but sure as hell made it a lot easier.
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  20. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    I'm serious lol, that's how i visually distinguish them, other than locking on to them to see the name.