Whats Going wrong in DCUO [from a player of 4+ years]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. MuTeDx Committed Player

    The thing about the old HL is it was "in-line" as it was. Remember when quantum and celestial dropped? Both of those powers put dps'd HL PRE AM's. The old HL was fast but the numbers were low, so doing well with HL reqiured the player to hit more than 6times as many buttons as any other power to top the charts (a fair trade in my book). It was challenging and fun, and it took practice. HL may have been the first OP power but its still the only one that not just anyone can use. Even in its younger days of RSF there were people who couldn't perform that one properly. Skill was a thing at one point.

    Also my thoughts on "balance", it will never happen. Some powers are just made to perform better in certain situations. Balance was always a joke and a ploy to sell replay badges by creating a rotation of OP powers that perform leagues above the rest with no effort (ice, earth, quantum). One the replays skew down new powers will replace the current top powers. No one is considering single target vs aoe and how that effect numbers.
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  2. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    +1 and yes.
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  3. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    While the devs are still reading this, honestly where's the cross faction style vendor?
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    While playing support in other games is much easier and benefiting. In DCUO there is a dps now, support later mentality. Plus playing as a DPS for all type of content is much much easier, specifically due to the damage gap that is still very large since OC was released.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Powers sets where I have clipped or still clip to this day...

    Earth, Rage, Atomic, HL, Gadgets, Ice, Fire, Sorcery, and Nature...

    I do not like jump cancelling...I always hated it and I'm glad it is gone from most powers.

    I liked the idea of AM but only a few powers really have a good AM idea.

    I think HL and Rage have more abilities to pick from that work within the AM and it allows these power a bit more flexability. I know for my HL toon toon I could have 3 armories. One for single target, one for multi and one just designed around melee. I love how they treated HL and Rage AM, but what I do not like is how every time a power got a AM, its damage level became the new level to set other powers up too.

    I feel that is still happening today, even with the mid-range update.