Whats Going wrong in DCUO [from a player of 4+ years]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    the real truth here is everyone commenting on this post is an avid fan of DCUO..
    i personally love the game there are just some major things that need addressed and the current state of the game is in disarray.. i like the monthly content but it jus seen way too RB driven.. even tho you always have the option to take it slow watching everyone else gearup makes you feel left behind...
    i can see the people behind the curtains pushing to balance and restore order but they have LOTS of work to do and its not gonna be a burst heal.. it is a healing over time :p
    i would just like to see the game get better so i kinda vent on these kinda post and see where the rest of the players stand..
    the player and more so the people that read and post on the forums are the ones that love the game..
    and even tho we share different views and opinions one thing we all have in common it the want to see dcuo flourish again..
    with that statement i say to you all... what is it we can do to address and fix the problems the OP has brought to light?
    we all need to chip in this is a team effort...

    brainiac must not control the nexus
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  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Yes, it is better, much more polished now that some power sets have been slowed down. In addition, HL's major issue was that it cheated all the animations away. If you like to push the buttons more, try Celestial or Atomic :)

    Anyone under 30 is a kid to me, so yes?
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    perhaps you didnt pay attention when doing the lantern low level missions? But even to this very day they still use powers like we use to.

    So if we no longer can use them like that, then why can NPC's? if it was truly b/c it was unintended :rolleyes:
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    You should write a long letter to Tunso and point this all out. I'm sure that he'll see your point and change it back.
    Those NPC's are dirty cheaters for sure.
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  5. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Nah bud and its not that I dont like the idea but as a company you gotta treat customers better. We buy the episodes for the best experience. The orogress point locking elite means we must pay for content then pay again to use it. I cant see it being an ok of treating any paying customer honestly
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  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    So it's not possible to get elite gear without replays?
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  7. Magnificent Loyal Player

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  8. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I like the must build only items. Make them for necks, faces, rings, or even weapons only. That way we can build a new pience that we need for different monthly episodes. The must build face was an example. cost 500 which is 1000 for both roles. I managed to craft the face twice.

    In the future make the neck like that and the face drop in the instance. Neck 500, rings 300 each. Just do them in different epiosdes and we good to good.

    Weapons is a question on how much they would cost to make if the must be crafted. I be willing to craft a weapon at 500 or 600 crafting. This would make people use a vendor only weapon for awhile until they craft the weapon.

    Just my opinion, I'm a player who doesn't craft gear but will craft something that not in the instance.
  9. Revoemag Committed Player

    Regarding content that's challenging for most yet doable by all.
    Now that we have monthly releases..
    My idea would be to have raid and alerts as we do now, difficult and with thought out mechanics to challenge the community, but after the month has passed, to release a " dumbed down " or " que pug friendly " version that could be done without the mechanics and more doable with randoms that don't communicate. ( doing Thrones with a qued pug group of hero's/ villains is a nightmare, even with a full group of 130+cr)

    This would allow players (mostly those who aren't top cr ) to still do the content without needing to use /LFG , who most of the players on Lfg have moved on to the new content. ( after retuning after a few months absence I'm finding it extremely difficult to join a group to do raids from the previous episodes, and making my own group hasn't been any easier).
  10. Revoemag Committed Player

    My issue with the easy DPs system now in play is that everyone thinks that they can DPs. I remember back in the day of hard core clip dpsing, I was so sacred of the extreme effort those players would put into it (hearing them on the mic, buttons clicking away like a madman). So scared that I would even try, I didn't want to make that much effort, so I focused on trolling or healing which still was difficult but didn't require the hyperactive button pushing off clip DPs. A good amount of players I've know had done the same, we simply realized that dpsing at that caliber wasn't for us so we focused on the other roles to master.

    Now it's easy to get high damage, easier than the effort to do the other roles, and so many flock to the DPs role.
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  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I don't see the down side if the average player, does more damage than before and is not intimidated to try....I see that as a big bonus.
    We should all play both roles as required.
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  12. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I didn't have the Chance yet to read through all your Posts, but here just a few things, that came to my mind.

    HH Elite difficutly:
    I have to disagree here. Just adding another Boss is not the only thing, that made the elite Version harder than the normal one. The limitation to one death per fight, or you're out, is already a feature, which makes it a lot trickier.
    I'm curious to hear, how many people were able to get the Elite-feats in HH, AFTER the changes were made to Stompa, which make her jump around like crazy, as if a tank didn't matter.

    I disagree here, too. When maps were locked away for weeks due to the map-Rotation, it was close to impossible to work on wins on specific maps. I tried it during that time and it took me months.
    Australia for example. It was up 2 out of 8 weeks only, because Legends doesn't count for the feat. Every time it was on the Rotation, it was at the same time with a new DLC, SM, PVP-season or Seasonal Event, so no-one had any interest in running it.
    The necessity to add map-Rotations again just to force people to run specific maps, even though they don't like them, also says a lot about that content.

    I absolutely agree with what you said about lair-battle-rewards and the stupid non-participation-Penalty and worse, same as what you said about making skill Points matter again.
  13. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    I agree with Proto on this. Just adding 1 boss and a few more adds with slightly higher CR isn't what this game was as far a difficulty 2 years ago. Before, the content was difficult and it had mechanics...Now the only think the devs did was add NPC's and bosses that do a 1 shot randomly that hits for (i've seen this) 100k damage. No NPC or boss should be able to hit that hard. A proper balance would be to let the healers have a chance at keeping his team alive...but having an NPC hit for 100,000 in one shot and having that move hidden behind 8 players FX's that are so distracting that even the outline feature is hidden and at the same time having to keep up with other NPC's special sometimes one hit attacks at the same time....come on.

    Here you guys need not be so stern. You guys started out in the right way, with the Novice raids. Why not have a novice version of ALL raids you release, a normal version, and an elite version. Novice raids mean the droprate is lower than normal, and normal is lower than elite. Risk vs Reward.

    I agree with the devs on this to a point. Replays don't need to go anywhere. However, there are those who don't have money for replays. However, now that content is monthly...8 weeks is now overkill. Especially with the low droprates. There are alot of people who have replayed elite and normal new UM and didn't get anything but green gear 3-4 times in a row. I've even experienced this. That is 3-4 weeks of playing for those without replays. How is this fun?
    And spending replays DOES affect how you advance. If you get gear or marks for gear...you advance. If you get gear faster due to replays...you advance faster than those who have no money for replays.

    Ok, midrange needed to be added, however, His arguement was how it's a waist of dev time to create powers if only 4-6 powers total out of 20-30 powers from both trees are focused on. You give us 2 trees of powers, but only need 3-4 powers plus an activator like resonance for mental to cause 1 power to do MAJOR damage. It's a cookie cutter way of getting players to just hit 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 so on and so forth. That is boring. DC's combat engine is so much more active than any other MMO, yet with the new AM way, your removing or restricting us. Sure we can use other powers, but then when people look at the scorecard and see your doing 2 mil damage while everyone else has done 10 mil.... you know how the community reacts to this...so 12345 rotation is it to stay current. This needs help.

    While I don't PvP...I do agree PvP has been COMPLETELY ignored. And I also don't agree with stat clamping. We all work hard on our toons. We spend hours and hours and days and days to get the high end PvP gear. So clamping our stats is a slap in the face to all that hard work and effort we put into the game. How about actually making PvP CR mean something in arenas again. Whereas you get teamed up or against only people within a certain CR level and remove the clamp. It would balance it out more and people would feel like we acheived a strong toon.

    This game is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY a gear grab with the current system. There is absolutely no question about that and if you and any dev think otherwise you are dilusional.

    And with the issue of skill points. They do need to matter. Again, why would someone want to grind out those tedeous feats to get 250+ SP if someone with 100 SP or even 77 can compete or outperform you. And that goes not only for DPS role but for support roles. A healer with 77 SP shouldn't be able to solo heal a teir 7 raid. Just like what I said about PvP...it's a slap in the face to people who spend hours and days and months grinding feats like the 25000 gather feat, or the 500 solo, etc....
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  14. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    I AGREE.

    BOTTOM LINE: I have been WARNING the DEVS of stuff like this for YEARS myself as well. It just seems like all the MAJORITY of voices during these CHANGES were from NEW PLAYERS that didn't have a clue and because their voices were the MAJORITY look at where we are now. I mentioned it already in another thread BUT i have gone and bought FALLOUT 4 which gives me 100 % RELEVANCY ( compared to the roughly 12 % of this game that I'M PAYING for ) which i'm sure will keep me busy for awhile.

    Don't get me wrong I LOVE this game as well BUT I'M getting very tired of all the NERFS , PVP being broken , RELEVANT content burning me out as doing the SAME 12 pieces DAY in DAY out ( especially when there is about 78 % i could be running ) , the whole UTILITY BELT issue which has been on going for over a YEAR now , the OP ITEM LEVELS not scaling and holding back CR , the WALK INS which have been ASKED for for probably over 2 - 3 YEARS now , the FACT they KEEP taking away places to EARN PRESTIGE when capped on marks ( this mainly for LEGEND marks ( when capped out with no toons left to buy WE CAN'T even trade for the 25 MEASLY PRESTIGE we used to get by trading 100 LEGEND marks )) which IMHO can't believe the toons themselves have 1000 + prestige on them BUT ONLY if YOU DON'T COLLECT them ( STUPID IMHO ) . These are just a FEW of the things that have been OVERLOOKED for so long now BECAUSE of this NEW FORMAT.

    I DIDN'T want to turn this into a RANT but as of late it's almost IMPOSSIBLE not to RANT. Any way i will be back once in awhile BUT i have some FALLOUT 4 to ENJOY.
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  15. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I left DC this month after 5 yrs. This game has become a replay badge driven game. I payed a sub then find myself behind a Paywall to get gear. Cr is ALL that matters. You can bill your product Amy way you like but if the customer doesn't like it it's a fail. PERCEPTION IS Reality in my case with this game.
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  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I think a reiteration of new content needs to be given out.

    Now keep in mind when I say new refreshing content I dont mean new raids, new alerts, I mean a new type of content to run.
    LPVE was a good idea but all it really is , is just content we already have ran as legends characters with feats added on.
    No new type of content outside of operations has been added to the game since launch.

    Warframe has trials, FFXIV has diadem exploration, Destiny has races, and ESO has global territory warfare.

    I am still waiting on DCUO for something.

    As another side note, I dont think they understand how many people quit the game of because of what happened to skill points. It was literally a slap to every veteran in the game, same thing for mods. I'll admit it took some veterans a while to realize and believe it which is why people didnt insta-quit after GU47.

    However at the same time, if they believe they cannot create new type of content or fix the journal bugs and quest tracking system currently hurting new players, then the game is in big trouble.

    However the OP original statement states what the majority of the community feels what is wrong with the game.
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  17. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    The problem with clipping...

    #1 - It wasn't intended to the extent that players discovered ways to do it. This was repeated several times by Tunso in the past before the attitude was to simply roll with it and try not to allow anything else to break

    #2 - As the dev team continues to decline in number, it gets more and more difficult to keep balance with the game's various combat abilities and powers. The amount of variables clipping introduced into the game was nothing short of a massive headache to try to deal with in terms of maintaining balance. While it is technically a skill, the extent at which clipping could factor in OG DCUO was far too wide, especially for an MMO that was advertising itself as an action game that utilized (then) modern physics, highlighting the 'real time' aspect. When you saw a mad clipper going nuts in their rotation, the visual was absolutely horrifying. Power modifiers didn't help either, considering some rotations could make better use of higher tier abilities than others (why we have the max damage mod now). Sure, knowing what you could do with it on the sender's end was nice, but it hurt far more than helped, and folks on the receiving end, especially those that didn't even know clipping existed, were calling foul and making false reports on players suspected of cheating.

    The new combat mechanics are various measures to balance intended dps and also bring them in line with each other. WM stomped out clipping, and now AMs have stomped out WM. While AM's are far from perfect and still very limiting, more for some powers than others. That's as good as it's going to get. There's not a whole lot of time left to the game, and i'm sure they want to get this over with so they can focus on more promotional events and figure out what they can still do with it, new owners considered.
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  18. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Perception is reality in all things customer related. Period.

    Not quoting Savior here but I'm sick of hearing "those without the money to buy replays" as the reason people don't use them. I'm an adult with a family and I make a very good living doing what I do. I have plenty of cash to drop on badges if I choose to but I refuse out of principle. I pay a subscription fee for whichever game I choose to play at the time for a reason.

    I expect unfettered access to the game, no restrictions. DCUO doesn't work like that because of replays. I no longer participate at endgame at all. Once I level a few more powers I haven't tried yet, I will donate everything I have of value to the league bank and delete the game. I will no longer support the paywall behind a paywall system Daybreak has instituted in this game with my wallet.

    If EQNext actually releases, I will once again be a paying customer. H1Z1 might get me if the survival side gets some love and it ever leaves alpha. But DCUO? Unless something changes with the monetization model that removes the emphasis on replays and suppresses the progress of those who refuse to use them, I will not return once I am done playing around with powers.

    Is Planetside 2 any good?
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  19. Minnion Devoted Player

    I believe his point was that playing DPS is easier than playing your support role now, or at least perceived as such so there are still people that don't play both roles as required.(Can't make people play both roles as required, but we can at least try to balance things out so that people don't all think DPS is easier than support, or that support is easier than DPS. Part of that comes down to content design.)
  20. Fies Committed Player

    PS2 isnt a bad game but micro-transactions ontop of your sub greatly improve experience :)