Whatever Happened to Early Access for Membership?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AZPrime, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. AZPrime Active Player

    For some time, one of the perks of being a subscriber to DCUO was one week of early access to new content. As far as I can tell it was quietly retired around the time the game switched to monthly content releases. Recently I've seen a lot of talk in-game speculating about why it was retired; some think that it didn't fit the monthly release schedule, others say it was a revenue issue, etc.

    Since I haven't found anything concrete from searching the internet, I thought I'd ask; Whatever happened to the early access perk for membership?
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    idk maybe not enough subscribers, nothing worse than releasing new content and the subscribers have not enough players to play with
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  3. Entrust Committed Player

    It was never an actual "member benefit" as described in the member benefits lists.

    I remember on one of the live-streams, years ago, they said it was something nice that "tried" to do for members when scheduling allowed. Think of it like the annual member gift/pet; it's not listed as a member benefit but the devs give it out when/if they can.

    It is very likely that monthly content did make the 1 week early access impractical given that release schedule.
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  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    That was done away with when they went to Monthly Episodes then Never reinstated when they reverted to Quarterly
  5. TestReporter Loyal Player

    HOLY MOLY, they said a gazillion times early acess was never a perk. All perks are listed when you buy the membership. Also, it was a bad thing, you had less players to play with and premium players were left behind.

    It was removed during monthly content because when a episode delayed the premiums had to wait about 2 weeks more than the expected to play it.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We believe it is better for everyone to be able to play together with everyone on day one.
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  7. Entrust Committed Player

    As a premium member, I didn't mind that legendary had 1 week early access. Even when they didn't it sometimes an extra week before it was available on Steam.

    An extra week really isn't anything to me. If legendary feel special getting an extra week then let them have it. :)
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  8. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Not everyone thinks like that, i personally believe the premiums should have acess at the same time, because just like Mepps said: "it is better for everyone to be able to play together with everyone on day one". In the past we had a ton of players and most of the leagues were active, now we have some servers and the villain side that suffers to find groups.
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  9. Entrust Committed Player

    Well if the legendaries start grabbing torches & pitchforks, just know this premium player is willing to "let them eat cake."

    LOL :)
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  10. Entrust Committed Player

    I'll acknowledge that not everyone feels the same way about it.

    I'm fairly certain there are Legendary players that don't care they no longer get early access.

    Different people have different priorities. Gotta love individuality! :)
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  11. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Albeit and unwritten perk, the is was one of the better benefits of being legendary...

    Disappointing to see it go.

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  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Monthly content kind of killed it....... If they had tried to give subscribers a 1 week first peek at every monthly DLC we got it would have meant the Dev team would have even less time to throw together that content. So in some cases you'd be talking a whole 2 weeks to plan and code the new stuff.. a week to stick it on test and work out the bugs and glitches so they could release it at the end of week three so the Legendary could get a peek. They would have had Devs dropping like flies from the heart attacks all that stress would have caused.

    When that finally ended we went months before we saw the next DLC and I think when that drought finally ended they just put the content out to be played. At that point the idea was to get players back .. because how many Legendary let the subs end until they had some thing new to play? Between that and the fact that they were NOT making cash off the Premiums selling them ANY new DLCs making anyone wait a week probably seemed like a bad idea.

    Then we had yet another major game overhaul to give us "Stats matter" so between most of the devs tied up on that along with the concept of "Why stick out new content and then just have to turn around and re code it?" we had yet another dry spell.

    Finally? To be honest back when we were getting those 1 week previews at times it almost felt like we were all on the test server working out the bugs and glitches it took being live with a huge player base adding lag etc.. to make them show up. We'd spend a week dealing with all sorts of problems they didn't find on test and then.. the game went live for the Premiums and F2P after we found all the problems for THEM? Yeah we got a week of extra game time but they had less issues to deal with by the time they gained access.

    At this point.. just get the stuff ready and get it on line so I can play. I'm not really worried about a week head start.
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  13. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I enjoyed the Perk it wasn't something we asked for but it was nice while it lasted :D
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  14. Entrust Committed Player


    Yes! I liked that all you legendary players were kind enough to find (suffer through) all those bugs before it was my (premiums) time to join in.

  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    2 reasons come to mind why

    1 people got everything in the first week or by the time non legendary players started, they were already bored and left the game.

    2 when cr mattered and if you weren't cr 9999999 by the time the content started for everyone else, they couldn't get into raids.
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  16. not_again Dedicated Player

    A week is too long early access, but I would love to see maybe a 24 hour early access for members.
  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    They didn't revert to "Quarterly"...they went back to large or whole Episode release, instead of the two pieces of content per month. When Amazon Fury 3 came out in November of 2016, we didn't see a new Episode till June of 2017...Quarterly means every three months, and it's pretty obvious we were not following anything resembling that schedule.
  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yes, but that was because ps3 was holding us back. Or was it the stats revamp? :D
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That perk has been gone so long I can't even understand why anyone would lament that...especially with the list of things this game did in the past that would be nice to have again (like decent PvP).
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    We're still not on a Quarterly schedule and Mepps stated before that we wouldn't be. Content would be released according to their internal schedule...and considering that we didn't get new content until 5 months after E3 release...yeah...Quarterly is gone. :(;):)
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