What would you like to have as the next DLC?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Apr 14, 2021.

  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    For my part, I would love to have a new DLC and why not, a DLC with a design, totally new and why not with a phase such as a great war of the lantern universe and to the extent of this type of event.

    Or a period right around the end of Oan (or during the creation of Mogo), but I think a period like the end of Oan would be more impactful, and I may be getting ahead of myself because I don't know much about this period of time that the lantern greens go through, but the end of a planet is in my humble opinion more impactful than the creation of a new planet, mind you, in order to follow such an event from an end of a planet to a new planet, it could very well be designed as a yearly storyline.

    And then, by the way, forced, to have a heal lantern power as a bonus, if such an event would be possible, although I wouldn't mind of course if the devs imagine being able to release it sooner. :D

    And what would you dream of?
  2. Kilbane Active Player

    They've pretty heavily mined out a lot of the major characters. Tons of Flash, Batman, WW, Lantern, and Supes content. I wouldn't mind some Oa based DLC that could be interesting, but it's kind of been done.. though maybe not given full justice.

    I'm sure they have some kind of story arc stuff already in the pipeline. Maybe revisit Earth 3 survivors.. we know Johnny quick and Alexander Luthor are still around. There are also some new DC movies on the horizon that could provide a good starting point like Shazam 2, Black Adam, or the rebooted Suicide Squad.

    Someone suggested a Bizarro world in another post, that could be a lot of goofy fun.

    Although honestly I really would rather they took a some time to do a serious QoL improvement, bug fix pass, and a bit of power/weapon rebalance (looking at you suppressor turret, Super Speed, and Brawl/Shuriken or DW/Flurry). There should be no reason that both cannot be done at the same time.. but some bugs and QoL stuff have been around for over a year so if resources are a problem.. maybe shift focus for a bit.
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    If we are going back to Lanterns, I want them to remodel Lyssa Drake. Plus, I want to see more Black Lantern superheroes like Wonder Woman and Donna Troy, Superman, etc.

    I think we need a DLC around Jason Todd.
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  4. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This DLC is "World of Flashpoint". Not Flashpoint proper. It's possible the next DLC will be a Flashpoint proper DLC. I wouldn't mind that since this DLC doesn't really spend any time on the actual events of Flashpoint.

    The other thing to consider is that Flashpoint was an actual storyline AND event that rebooted the continuity into the New52 (ugh). So. Even if they don't do a proper Flashpoint; is this meant to telegraph them rebooting the game's continuity? If so, what will that look like? They did re-introduce Brainiac so it looks like it's leading to something relating to him (sigh).

    Of course this could be over thinking and it's just a DLC and story being covered and won't lead to anything or any changes. But that would be a missed opportunity and also diminish the importance of the Flashpoint story/event. This would be a good time/event/excuse to revamp the open world and remove all those Brainiac bottles for the main game though and they did talk about streamlining the game's leveling path and progression. And we know they have membership / monetizing structure changes coming. It could all be related.


    If you're asking what I'd like to see personally (instead of what I think we'll see)...
    • I'd like to see a White Martian invasion of Metropolis DLC featuring J'onn inspired by JL's "Secret Origins".
    • I'd still like to see a dedicated Captain Marvel DLC that covers his universe and abandons the changes made in the New52 now that that continuity is done.
    • I'd like a DLC that takes inspiration from Justice League's "Dead Reckoning" episode where they visit Nanda Parpat. The previous LoA didn't do it justice and ignored all the lore behind the location.
    • And I'd like to see a Giffen/DeMatteis era JLI DLC featuring Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (Ted), Fire & Ice.
    • More Superman content too.
    • In general I'd also like to see content featuring Tala, Morgan LeFay and Amanda Waller (in relation to Cadmus as a big bad, rather than SS).
    I don't want another Lantern episode. It's been done to death. We have every colour.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Personally I can do without another 'Lantern' episode. If a new lantern power would be introduced, I think it's a no-brainer to do one of those eps, but if it's just a re-hash of 'War of the light' type topics, no thanks. Same for WW, Flash and Bats. We've had enough of them for a few episodes. Let them help...sure. But not the main focus.

    I do think a follow up on Earth 3 is overdue, as the story was kind of left open ended....Anti-monitor was on his way, and arrived for the anniversary, but there were a lot of the E3 Villains we never saw and they really never resolved the whole E3 story for any of them. They technically found the doorway to our earth...maybe part 2 can be the CSA invasion of our earth after the anti monitor's attack.

    Bizarro? yeah, not sure how you build a whole episode around that one "Joke" of "me Bizarro...me your best friend" kind of stuff.

    I wouldn't mind some more Teen Titan stuff, although they got a bit of a spotlight in Legion. I think the most likely would be to tie into any of the upcoming media projects as mentioned above, like Black Adam or Shazam (although hopefully less goofy than the movie)...or Suicide Squad. And hopefully if it's any of those, it's not 'alternate reality' or 'from the future' themed.
  6. Doctor England New Player

    Definitely white martians with a new NPC model for Martian Manhunter and finally getting Miss Martian in game, that’s really all I want. We also don’t have Martian Manhunter inspired gear and that is crazy to me.
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  7. L T Devoted Player

    I'm thinking that since the lantern episodes were very popular in the anniversary showdown, we'll get more of that soon. Personally I'd like to see more Earth 3 or maybe some Superman content (it's been a while since Death of Superman).

    The Titans episode was really good. I'd like more Titans also, but they just threw the Titans in with Legion, so it's probably better to wait a bit for that.
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  8. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    MMmm Crowbar base item! :p
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  9. Wildcat Committed Player

    Captain Atom stuff... real flashpoint episode... hmm watchmen stuff? :eek:
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  10. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'm thinking summer's gotta be a Suicide Squad episode, to coincide with the movie. I'm hoping we get a good, villain-centric storyline alongside new Iconics for both classic and modern members: Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, Enchantress, Peacemaker, Javelin, etc.

    What do I want? Well, now that we've had the LSH, I'm going to have to start a new 'most wanted' list... just spitballing here...

    -Doom Patrol - with Danny the Street as an Open World area.
    -Justice League International - with Ted Kord/Blue Beetle and Captain Atom.
    -DC One Million - mostly just 'cause I'm a sucker for Hourman III (and Solaris would make an awesome boss/bounty).

    ...and about a zillion more... :D
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  11. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I kinda liked the legends of tomorrow dlc
  12. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    in the end i think we should get away more orgin storys of the heroes and villians from dc....lets say i still miss someones xD
  13. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    Take me on home, to, the asylum
    Never alone, in, the asylum


    would like to return to arkham at some point
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  14. LLSmoothJ Active Player

    I think we're due for another Earth 3 Episode. We've been kept hanging in regards to Alexander Luthor's fate for how long? Maybe this time we can see Earth 3 Metropolis Ultropolis. See the other members of the Syndicate (Power Ring, Atomica, maybe even Sea King), and possibly get some backstory on both the Syndicate and the Justice Underground.
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  15. Fwames Well-Known Player

    Thomas Wayne teleports to DCUO to warn Batman about the impending return of a Brainiac and his plans of harnessing the power of both the source and exobytes. In Thomas's travels he encounters a multitude of problems, one of them he does not expect. The exobyte empowered GCPD captured Thomas without much resistance and was interrogated. Knowing that Thomas Wayne is decades dead and Brainiac was defeated, Thomas was branded a lunatic in vigilante costume. Commissioner Gordon then sent Thomas to the depths Arkham where he was locked up together with Gotham's finest criminals.

    With project Cadmus on the rise and their goal of creating a new team of supers ready at their disposal, Amanda Waller was tasked to capture Thomas Wayne and retrieve the information about the source empowered exobytes. Now, it is up to the Suicide Squad to bust Thomas out of Arkham but they are up against time and the Bat Family as Batman has plans of his own.

    Don't mind me, I just want Brainiac to return and continue the story of DCUO and Arkham, and Suicide Squad, and Batman, and Gotham, and exobytes, and the source, and project Cadmus, and everthing but the kitchen sink
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  16. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    I think it would be cool for us to all get turned into children/sprites for a dlc like that one JL/JLU? episode
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  17. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    Knights of Gotham, wanna see more content of Batgirl, Poison Ivy and Damian Wayne and the Joker.

    Black Canary and Green Arrow stories in form of duos and alert, like nostalgic DLCs.

    Suicide Squad

    Martian related content.

    Some real hero vs villain content.

    A large scale present time Metropolis open world.

    I like to go back to nightclubs and police stations.

    Wanna see new NPCs, Green Arrow, Batgirl, Miss Martian, Martian Manhunter, Blue Beetle, Giovani Zatara, Enchantress, Captain Atom, Stargirl, Robotman, Mister Terrific.

    A new planet :(

    I think we need to take votes like we did for the gear sets.
  18. FreyDCUO Well-Known Player

    I'd love to see a Justice League vs Teen Titans type episode where we see the return of Trigon. Some pretty cool styles could come from that.
  19. Duskthedark New Player

    Same here they had a lot of lantern stuff when soe was around, and then daybreak did blackhand. they have lantern oh they have lantern. lol maybe do a booster gold or shazam episode. I mean there is so much out there.
  20. Brit Loyal Player

    Doomsday Clock.
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