What would get you to spend (more) money on this game???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChillCat, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Things that would make me spend more money on this game:
    • More emphasis on bug fixes - I'm tired of waiting months/years for bugs to get fixed, and I'm tired of bugs making it live that were found on test and reported.
    • Better customer support (less time for responses, less generic responses that assume it must be the customer's fault first)
    • Legendary perk - expanding inventory and bank slots through drops
    • Legendary perk - An infinite armories marketplace item (stops working if subscription is canceled, works again if subscription is renewed)
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  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Challenge in content

    Fair way to obtain best set of gear with the special items being gold.
  3. inferno Loyal Player

    A week ago I actually went into my account expenses and tallied up how much I spent on dcuo since the last half of 2013. I know I spend money on the game, I enjoy it, I don't mind and I actually reserve enough cash for the whole year just for DCUO outside of my subscription fee. Dcuo is the ONLY game I play throughout the year. So for the last half of 2013 I spent around $150. 2014 had a lot of new stuff to purchase and good sales on replay badges and recovery kits; I ended up spending $225.

    On top of this I have 3 premium accounts; one of which has all the DLC and a PC premium account which has dlc 1-10.
    Yeah, I'm Cuckoo for DCUO.

    Anyway, I discovered that on 2015 (this year; 9 months in) I spent a whopping $10.00. Yup, just ten bucks for a rename token.

    I still play the game. The reserved money is still there, I still want to spend $150.00. There's just nothing to entice me to spend the money on.

    The last sale on the replay badges and recovery kits was not worth it for me to purchase although these two are on the top of my "need to buy" list.
    The base items are way too expensive and not unique. The posters was almost something I wanted to buy but I don't know what they look like.
    Iconic styles? Wow, the right ones and I wouldn't even wait for a sale. Those would be in my "implusive buying"category.

    The money is there if DCUO wants it.
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  4. majosea Dedicated Player

    1 cross play to speed up the time the lfg or q
    2 walkin for all content , that way dont have use lfg or q if you can solo it , and mostly need for that ones want to run events and not be state clamped , and run groups not knowing what to do . a way to avoid it walkins
    3 loot system all content
    4 more content
    5 Iconic emblems
    6 more races to get them I have league mates that love the races and want more they have every emblem in game atm
    7 more styles
    8 more areas like starling city ect a big world map , that's not a rehash of gotham and metro .
    9 revamp on vault drop and styles and base items . not the same one again and again that something subs don't like .
    10 lockboxs the rate of which they drop need adjusting , if sub not get the sum of the style they want , they might not sub again ,
    11 more solo and duo content
    that's just my take on it , , if these ideas get in game I would start subbing again .,
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  5. ChillCat Loyal Player

    On #10, I mentioned something in another thread that still sticks with me. Would you buy a "good luck charm" from the marketplace that only last for 30 days? The purpose of the charm would be to

    - increase odds for rare drops in high end content
    - increase odds of collecting rare items from collection (Scott and Big Barda's wedding announcement, for example)
    - Finding exobits grants you 2 or 3 bits instead of 1

    Just an idea, the point of the recharge would be, of course, to encourage more marketplace purchasing. Again, I don't see it as a money grab if I'm getting something in return that's enhancing my enjoyment of the game. Just a thought...
  6. Jcal Dedicated Player

    1) Instance Walk-In Base Teleporter.

    2) More MP Styles.

    3) Investigation/Briefing Base Audio Player (plays audio without having to be in your menu).

    4) NPC Sidekick/Backup Skins (Amazon, Parademon, Cultist, etc).

    Couple of things that would get me to spend a little extra. ;)
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  7. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Thanks for this. I don't quite get the use case for #3 with the audio player. Could you walk through how that would work and why it would be valuable to you?
  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    You can listen to all of your Investigations/Briefings as long as you're in your Deeds menu. If you back out of the menu, you can only finish the track you were listening to. It would be awesome to have some type of base item with an Investigation/Briefing playlist selector, which would play any/all tracks you've selected. This would enhance the experience of being in your base (possibly LH) while using your base amenities.

    Think about it. Having Hal Jordan going over Emotional Spectrum lore while hunting down the best prices on the broker or going over combat parsers on the sparring target.
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  9. majosea Dedicated Player

    sorry I forgot 12 , reduce the cost marks of legends unlock a char for subs .
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  10. Laz523 Well-Known Player

    More shared bank slots and styles, especially styles cuz those in MP atm just don't cut it.
  11. SasquaT Dedicated Player

  12. buddah Well-Known Player

    An expandable base, cross-faction styles, updated vault drops, different base skins
  13. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Hair and jacket like this:


    This aura:


    This hair and neckpiece (as a chest item)


    I'll take this aura:


    Oh and let me fully make this character:


    K THNX! :D
  14. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Simple, make it so I can direct buy Episodes with SC/DC pre-paid cards.

    Of course they would need to make the new cards first.
  15. agentjamie New Player

    More Open Worlds - Gotham and Metro are nice, but Central City is tiny....especially with the popularity of Arrow, why not make Starling City?

    - Vehicles. I know you don't need them with the movement....but I want them. I want a motorbike! A jetski! A ....flying jetski!

    - Customisable sidekick. Let me choose how he's dressed, I want him to compliment my style.

    - More open world mission. Give me reasons to stay in the world. Like the distressed citizens or regular crime....I find that even thought I don't need to do it and get nothing in return, I still find myself doing those whenevr I pass one. Make that relevant

    tl;dr: Open World with sweet motorcycles!
  16. Zylo Committed Player

    Skill Points

    Make Skill points matter in a MASSIVE way. its was the only reason why I spent time and money playing. ever since mods and high stat gear made them pointless. getting Skill points should be one of the main things that should feel like progress in making your hero/villain stronger.

    since there is no point in getting Skill points, then its no point in completing feats. if there is no point in completing feats, then there is no point for me to pay for a sub or anything to play the game.
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  17. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    More bank space.

    And any type of face style that would have a cigar or cigarette hanging from my mouth.
  18. megamanexe Committed Player

    more content per month and a better community
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  19. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Absolutely yes to more bank slots.

    Might have a tough time with anything related to smoking or drinking sice this game is targeted as low as pre-teens. Promoting healthy choices, etc,etc,etc.
  20. Lionxoft Committed Player

    I see quite a few requests for iconic styles. Daybreak is willing to implement "Casual styles" because of the "Overwhelming" amount of requests from the players yet why aren't there iconic skin packs for sale? If they want to limit use then make it a guise similar to how the Training Robot guise works.