As a DPS I find it annoying how Hard Light hardest hitter are melee, i am sure rage has the same issue. There are a lots of moment during alert where you get Ko in 3-4 hits if you don't have the defense buff, so i am looking for powers that allow you to stay range and still do lots of damage. (There are probably none, its worth asking though)
There's a series of clips that provides both a range and melee loadout for each power set. Light is in part 2 at about 27:00. I do pretty well in raids / alerts with these range loadouts. They're all PftT, superpower focus.
Quantum at mid-range Celestial Munitions Electricity Or as someone else mentioned. Broken WM combos that hopefully will get fixed soon The thing you have to realize OP, is that most powers can do fairly well at mid range & Light is one of them. A few powers like Electric can do exceedingly good damage at a distance, but its' all either single target (Light) or Multi- target (Electric) Powers like Gadgets, Rage & HL do their best work up close and personal, but there is a risk vs reward involved.
Munition hum? I just made one yesterday and i love the fact you can move while using abilities. The problem i have with munition is it look so mundane and normal compared to the other fancy powers. I mean everyone can use guns in real life, but its not like you can freeze thing or burn thing just by snapping your finger or waving your hand.
How many time i went melee in alert only to see my HP drop to zero? i rather avoid being a burden with a big + over my head every time i go in the enemy face to chainsaw them. Adds of course are ok, but when its boss time i go melee and get my face smashed.
If you are getting KO'd by using CS vs a boss, you could always try LW Spin (something like PI > (p) Whipthrash (they have range about 2x what you see (c) WT clip (p) LW spin X4 (c) LW Throw. Position is key when melee vs a boss This will enable you to stay back a bit and move during spin Or just stay back and go ST. If it's just the boss, your better off with single target like Hand Clap