We have two new vendors, Cheetah and Doctor Fate. What base item goes where and for how much? A large item price at 250 or 500 Fate Tokens will have a no-play factor as "big leagues" will buy 30 to show their OP-ness and instantly de-value it by dumping them all in their main league hall (LULZ tyfp), and low-priced at 20 people will pile them up like they mean nothing. This will create visual glitches than can only promote seizures in those horrified enough to even partake of the befuddling, grisly visage of wetted and furrow-browed, attention-seeking desperation. You heard. Here's my take, and a few items. Please feel free to list more from base items already in the game, or make up your own and roll the dice to see if they get created. XD FATE VENDOR 150 fate tokens Crown of Thorns Portal Large Orrery of the Universe League Hall Starfield Window Large (Once time capsule has been opened on current toon--asset currently unavailable but re-sized easy peasy) Trigon's Door Large from Convergence of Unmending (asset currently unavailable but re-sized) 50 fate tokens Crown of Thorns Portal Orrery of the Universe Starfield Window (once time capsule has been opened on current toon) Trigon's Door (asset unavailable currently but re-sized and smaller) Dilapidated Wooden Bridge Broken Wooden Bridge CHEETAH VENDOR 25 source marks All feat-related base items. People can buy styles with marks, why not base items? Prehistoric, Eastern, Shabby, Occult, Playhouse, Mystical set. (once each base-set feat has popped, 5 marks each) 10 source marks "Rarer" base items dropped in things like Happiness Home, e.g. New Genesis Flowering Vine and Third World Wall Conduit, Silent School Table and Silent School Bookcase from The Silent School, et al. 5 source marks Windows, Flooring, Rugs, Lamps, tables, and any other assets to make a basic room. Well, Column of Eternity, Demon Pods. The Deco set from Kandor Central Tower is a great example of assets that can be added very easily! And finally the entire nature sets from all Seasonal Vaults. Though presented as purchaseable Seasonal items now, they originally dropped in the Vault. These are not the other nature items offered from seasonals like the Stone Wall Cascade, ONLY the items that dropped from the Seasonal Vault like Autumn Branch, Clump of Large Icicles etc. would be included. That's my short list! These base items should all drop currently as they do, but also added to the requisite vendors for base design. I can't wait to see your list!
Hmph! Base Items should be priced as gear are on the gear vendors in the Archives. Therefore, only the newest base items from the 3 newest episodes should be full price as they are on Cheetah; ALL other base items should be 10 Source Marks because they are from old content. Another example of this is how the Seasonal Vendors are set up with base items; the newest ones are full price and the old ones are either 5 or 6 source marks.
Base items should do what they always did, being able to drop from their respective content. And IF they insist on keeping the recently used formula of new Episode-base items tossed into Cheetah, it should all be for source marks, not new Episode currency further piling up the costs.
I think they will put the starfield window on the Booster Gold vendor (and hopefully not for absurd price) and I would love to be able to get elite items more often but they should be kept as chase items in elite. Putting them in a vendor means we are not working hard to farm them which means less people run the content to buy them. Orrery of The Universe is a Anniversary gift. So I doubt they will hand it out on a vendor like that. The idea itself is great but need to think of the outcome of what it'll do to the content.
It was a massive mistake putting a base item in a TC in the first place... Especially a ceiling-item of that kind, of which we have severely limited options of in-game already and the kind that the community has been asking for over the years. I'm getting tired of being screwed over for dedicating to base building, pretty soon there will be a 200 Artifact determining the fate of my base items.
Well, I do agree about keeping the price for base items source marks only. Since the devs have changed the loot table it's difficult to do content and expect to have the base items attached to it drop on a consistent basis. I think that having base items on vendors frees up the loot table so the devs could put more gear /nth metal/ally favor/style drops in it.
I don't see how the loot table could have changed to the point where it would be difficult for it to drop new base items in new content, like it always has. That doesn't make sense to me. They simply swap out the old base items that they have put there instead of the actual, new ones that should be dropping in the first place. There aren't MORE gear, nth, ally favor nor style drops than it previously was, so it doesn't seem like a valid reason at all to just eliminate new base items from dropping in a new Episode. This is a change that is unwarranted and unnecessary.
For the new base items, I agree. It is the older base items that I don't see dropping in the older content consistently like they used to; those should go onto the vendors (I should have made that point more clear; sorry ). For example, I got a Library Wall (Justice League Dark base item) in a Tier 2 solo mission boss drop. I would be nice to just go to a base item vendor and pick out the specific older base item(s) I need to decorate my base. I dont mind farming for the new ones.
Well the old ones are supposed to work their way into that Cheetah vendor as far I know. I assume they will keep adding more to it, hopefully sooner rather than later. That's what that Vendor was supposed to mainly be all about as far as I understood it, yet suddenly there are no new base item drops in new Episodes, and new Base items just happen to show up in there for new Episode currency. That's not what that vendor was supposed to be about.
All the basic elements should be available from a vendor and purchasable in source brand, either via a vendor linked to their DLC or a global vendor, I'm sick of doing x amount of intense work to get the same **** I'm not interested in and never get what I came for in the instance!
Orrery of The Universe is a Anniversary gift. So I doubt they will hand it out on a vendor like that. Though that be true Zoe, I got the Orrery of the Multiverse (League Hall ) as a drop in pvp my first week here on our server. It drops in pvp, but so infrequently as to not want to go through the effort to play it. I see it on the broker maybe 2-3 times a year for either 350k or 20 million. I don't know where the normal Orrery of the Multiverse base item drops, but I DO know we just got the Batman Cowl from Back From The Hack, and that was feat-related. So I'm kinda hoping they may uncover other goodies for us base designers, as now that Spring Event 2022 is launching we already have two auras on the Dr Fate vendor. Why not feature base items; or, at least in future base items related to current seasonal events?
I agree. My main idea with this post was to ask way/s to introduce the availability of more OP items, what they would be, and what they would cost and with what currency. Shuffling around proprietary base items would need to be addressed with those mentioned OP base items. This basic step of single-item OP base additions to ANY vendor I myself see as a springboard for the full four seasonal Vault base items being added to Cheetah, all related to basic base design; trees, branches, stumps, snow, icicles, etc, so people might have a baseline to work with as well as other items over time related to the basics of base design. As you said Tolly, we need basic stuff. 700 base items and little way to get them makes design counter-intuitive and a hassle. Costs can always be adjusted and moved to other currencies with regards to whatever we choose, but something has to get the ball rolling, and it's our ideas. Maybe I totally don't get the idea of the Cheetah vendor; which DOES says "rare." None of those items are, as they require simple collections or briefings/investigations et al, but I trust it is as mepps said, that this is "Only a beginning," and more tabs/years/seasons/dlcs are going to be added over time. I hope soon! HOWEVER, if everything stays as it is, how do we ask for non-in-game base items, like walls, ceilings, flooring and other basic items that fall only in the category of seasonal? My list had mostly previous assets regardless of ties because that would cost nothing. We ask for things that cost no money, as they are the easist things to get. My bases usually take about a full year cycle to fully design as I add elements from other DLC's seasonals etc., but that is only because each seasonal comes around with basic items like flooring etc. I am on a ramble. My final word? Easier to get base items in bulk quantities, and lemme buy really good stuffs with special money! If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read, and thanks everyone for responding.
I have found Legacy Content base-item drops are one DLC above and one below, so the Dilapidated Wooden Bridge I have gotten not only from Unholy matrimony , but also the Zamaron duo. I've gotten War of the Light stuff in Unholy matrimony as well, like the mist containers--so each DLC overlaps. This may make it more confusing for general base item collecting of a particular DLC; but, if you are looking for a specific item, there are more options now if you run the DLC above it and the one below it.
Here's my two cents on all these things, for what it's worth to anyone reading. First off, placing items in Cheetah or Fate's Vendor isn't an Or situation comparatively with episodic furniture drops, it's an And. Yes, she was the only way to gain furniture from Episode 42, and most likely 43, but Mepps reassured that this isn't the norm and the Dev team enjoys creating furniture as much as we enjoy getting/collecting/creating with it. How much of this is true? Who's to say. It wouldn't be the first time situations/stances have changed. However, it's the information we've been given, and with the shake up of the development and leadership behind the curtain, furniture just happened to be on the chopping blocks to keep things running. It sucks but again, it shouldn't be the norm, or that's what we've been promised. The true point of Cheetah has always been, from my recollection, to give builders an option to buy older furniture directly from a vendor at a reasonable amount to make furniture grinding not so taxing. As for additions to Fate, I say, hell yes. Give me something to do with my Fate Tokens. If you ask me, the new base items Cheetah's been getting should go to Fate for token exchange, while Cheetah's inventory should consist of ALL old investigation/briefing/collection items (including pre-Tier 5) and tier boxes/items (similar to the Marketplace bundles) from older content people have avidly been requesting/grinding for or in need of multiple to create a base. Examples include: Mysterious Arch/Half Arch pack, Sunstone Flooring/Ceiling/Plate pack, Gold Bullion/Coin/Treasure pack, Bone Tusk Assortment Pack, Library Doorway/Wall pack, and many many more. Again, from what I understand, Cheetah's inventory isn't supposed to solely give out new things but also be an outlet to received older, rarer items that have RNG odds so heavily weighed by a clusterf*%# of a loot pool it's almost 1/100 odds to get the piece needed. Hopefully, once the team has settled from the shake up, her inventory will be broadened to older items/bundles as it was intended. I agree also with the Elite Furniture being accessible but only at a very high mark up in either source marks or fate tokens. I hear the argument of making them prize items or an incentive to run elite, but just because they're accessible elsewhere doesn't mean people won't still run elite content to get them. For example, take the Tier 3 pets. Chang Tzu offers pets for a very high priced source mark purchase IF you've completed the elite raid. However, these pets hold no feats behind them, they are not tradeable, and are merely an option if you're plighted with crap RNG with a specific character and want to have that specific pet to accessorize with. Make the would-be purchasable Elite furniture the same way: no feat points, accessible only with the corresponding Elite headline, and unable to be traded/sold. If the item is at that high of a price point, and is unable to be sold/traded, people will still farm to hedge their bets. This would just be a last resort to allow the obtainment of a specific piece on a specific character. So really, what I'm saying is, stop making it a damn Or situation and make it an And. Cheetah/Fate updates AND Episodic furniture drops. Tradeable/Sellable Elite furniture drops AND stationary, high-priced purchasable ones. Why. Not. Both.
I agree with everything you've said. I'm here to find more ways for us to get base items, in whatever way that happens. My primary focus for myself in game is to use the items, not an endless task and focus on getting them. That's some Jewel Hunter game style for a mobile app! LOL I agree there are certain things I must earn at least once, but many old base items that already drop at "some rate" could be added to either vendor with little/no effort. It is true with all the changes to DCUO we have, as base designers, been left behind for the last year or so, but I believe once things normalize and the development team know where we want to go, I'm sure they will get us there. If I had once sentence; "People just wanna decorate a room like the one you're sitting in."
Base items work pretty much the same as other loot drops do. Some are green, some are blue, some are purple, and a very few are gold. The way they drop is similarly limited. But why "Dirty Trash Can" is gold, and some pieces of the sets that grant feats are green, I shall never know. In response, "People just wanna wear gear like Superman". "People just wanna be top DPS". "People just wanna max out their Augs". And they have to either play the RNG game or spend Source Marks or Broker Cash to do so. Whether you like it or not, it's the same for all of us, no matter which aspect of the game.
That dried-up corpse of Johnny Quick from the Alert would make a great addition to a couple of my bases.