What Makes A True DPS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Star kid14, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    A true dps knows how to max there damage out in any situation . That's our job
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Best run I had is when a DPS started lashing out at me as a troll stating he had no power. That DPS was right next to me. I'm in the instance chat, saying please pick me up. I'm next to x player, please pick up the troll.

    Healer goes down. Group wips. I get yelled at because there was no power for healer and tank. I kindly explain what happened. DPS response, not my job to do pick up. It is the troll job. Solo troll cannot pick himself up. The group agreed with him. I was like, OMG...how can a down player pick thesm self up. I left.

    When I was tanking I wait until the group is ready. In a Necro run I was helping a league mate out get some gear. DPSs four of them, the rest of the team in there was my league that were all the support roles and 1 DPS. The 4 DPS started the instance without any support players and wipes and we laugh as no one responded to my text or in instance chat if they were ready. So I ask again, they run forward. I shook my head and thought of leaving. One of the DPS sent me a tell telling me how horrible I am and that I should follow the DPS. I sent him a tell back stating, you should follow the tank, not the other way around.

    Pugging NGN my healer and guess what, DPS let's me go down, no pick up and group wipes. I get yelled at by the group. I state kindly I went down and needed to be picked up and I was by this player. Player said no you were up, you were in DPS not healer stance. I'm like really....I was down not up...

    DPS players lie, focus on burn, and forget the support player more than not. Not all, but it feels like the majority cares about one thing and one thing only, the scoreboard.
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  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    you named a few powers that have good power return and they are not the only powers in game, some are heavily reliant on power from the trolls even now in this world of power AM's. your statments make you the kind of DPS this thread is directed at.. yes you should pick up, yes you should work as a group, and yes you are disposable. learn to be a team player and not just a PEW PEW player
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  4. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    I guess I'm still not being clear. If no one can agree on A power being fotm, or even if one is, it probably means there isn't one.
    This makes me believe that power balancing is slow working.
    Although I would disagree with you even if you were understanding my point. If two powers were obviously OP compared to all the rest you could call them fotm. Especially since there is no qualifiers in the acronym fotm that indicates singular or plural. It could just as easily be flavors as flavor.
    Connotation aside if more than one power is "OP" there may be no fotm. But that was the initial discussion anyway
  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Let me get this correct...In most instances troll have POT, power dumps, picks and mechanics of the instance ususally to deal with and you say they have time to do picks up over you as a DPS when they maybe already busy doing another one of their jobs.

    It is DPS mentality like this that give DPS players a bad name, period. When I play any role, even tank, I do my part for the group and do pick ups as needed. Why, cause it is a TEAM game and not a SOLO person game. Stop the burn for a sec and pick up whoever is down, especially if you are next to them.
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  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    But as you can see, some and probably a majority of DPS players are more focused on burn and not team work. That is a big problem with this game. I love having the ability to switch roles and help the group... I do it regualry...
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  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Debuffing is important, it helps increase the burn. Knowing what add to debuff is also important. For instance, did you find debuff helpful when in Hall of Hades, I know I did for the No Hand and No Feet feat. Without the healing debuff you can forget getting that feat at CR.
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  8. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    What makes a "true" DPS?

    Why Mom, Apple Pie and Chevrolet of course :)
  9. SteelSD Level 30

    Actually, when asked why your DPS is so low, the usual excuse you give is "lag". The real reason is that your activity level is exceptionally low, you need explanations of how your powers work from others in the raid, and don't know how to position yourself; generally resulting in you being dead for long periods (which would make it awfully difficult for you to pick anyone up).

    There are certainly scoreboard chasers who may negatively affect groups, but the stuff above is the real killer. PIck-ups are a side event; mostly an excuse for bad DPS and easy to deal with for those with actual skill.
  10. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Agreed. A simple defense debuff increases overall burn by 7% for as long as it is up. Over the course of a raid this is a big help. Given the mania of many players to complete content so fast that they did not even know they did it I don't see why anyone would minimize the value of debuffs.
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  11. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Multiple powers can not be flavour of the month, this isn't can't even be argued, flavour of the month is use to describe when one power is so clearly above the rest, but when multiple powers are above, it no longer becuase classied as flavour of the months, just the other powers are under powered. and right now, ice, fire,gadgets,munitions,mental,quantum, can't all be flavour of the month. I've been playing mmos for a long time i undersatdnt eh lingo. This is pretty much the last thing i'm going to say to you, it seems like you just like disagreeing for the sake of it.
  12. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    So did you do the testing or did you just pull that number out of your a$$?
  13. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    The times you need to debuff are far and few inbetween, mst of the time you're just a battery, the debuffs you do in this time is becuase you wanted to not becuase it was warrented.
  14. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    yeah my bad, i type faster than i think sometimes and make errors.
  15. RapidRay Committed Player

  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    There is no reason to have more than one troll right now, if you're not wanting to run 5 1 1 1, you're better off running with two healers than two trolls. A skilled troll can do all that is neccessary due to the power regen mechanics that exists in the game right now.

    Of course if you have 5 dps things for the most part dont live long enough to need either of the two support roles.
  17. megamanexe Committed Player

    im' going to stop you there. there are no skilled trolls anymore...
    id rather have two trolls than two healers
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  18. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Saying there are no skilled trolls is not only incorrect, it makes you wonder if you truly no what a skilled troll can do.

    Granted if you want to make the argument that lots of them left the game, sure all grant you that, I've seen several trolls leave these forums and the game due to being to unhappy with decisions that have been made.

    You wanting certain roles in raids you run is fine, after all it affects how you play the game.

    Oh for the record because it's an inconsistent fact "in game" (specifically based off of LFG shouts and what I've heard Pugs randomly spout) you actually were able to get a group of 113's through NGN day one. My league did this with two healers and a 114 tank.
  19. RapidRay Committed Player

    Has it ever occurred to you that there are fewer "skilled" support roles out there because the DPS community has been putting pressure (and plenty of verbal abuse) on them for years? Same for the tanks?

    I'll let you in on a secret...you ticked a lot of them off and they left. The few that are still around probably don't need to pug because they are leagues. The tanks...heck, you can shout "need tank for last boss" until your eyes bug out but don't expect too many replys. The tanks would like to get ALL the rewards in a raid, not just the last boss drops, so good luck with that.

    Bottom line...the developers have redesigned the game to lessen the importance of support roles steadily since the alert buffs were added to the game. It never dawned on them that many "skilled" players preferred to run support roles and...no surprises here...they either went DPS or left the game all together.
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  20. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Byte me. 7% rebuff is standard throughout the game nimnutz