What is your best memory in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, May 6, 2017.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    best memory ----> when the game was actually fun
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  2. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Sorry this is off topic but your sig is scary lol
  3. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

  4. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    That's the death note guy right?
  5. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Yeah, Light Yagami, one of my favorite anime of all time (Death Note)
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  6. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    2013. Old league active. Old mechanics. Paradox Wave yet unbeaten. Hours trying to figure out how to do it. Memories :)

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  7. Hyppoli Well-Known Player

    pvping with all my friends when they were here, sniff.:(
  8. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    The day that DCUO got rid of Time Capsules.
    It's a Future Memory; or was it a Dream.
    Either way, it was Great!
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  9. majosea Dedicated Player

    when synthetic mods were still relevant, the fastest way to mod , because farming mods is not repeat not fun
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  10. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    november 2011 when i made my first toon everrrr,the whole 2012 just playing an mmo for the first time it was great i built a league ' DC Outlawz ' it was great . lol "meet at phase shifter for inspection" before fos 2 raids lol .man dcuo use to be so dam fun pvp was fun dps was fun af, when electric first went live lol the deadly voltaic bolt in FOS 8v8 lmao!! then they nerfed electric never to be heard from again lmao . hardlight and gadgets back in the day.
  11. Swamarian Committed Player

    Community events.
    1) The football game on Thanksgiving near Centennial Park.
    2) Hide & Seek on the PvP server. You had to find (and take out) a character from the other faction. I had no problem finding Oiddad, but he'd stomp me into the ground every time. (And the villains ended up winning.)

    I also had some good bounty runs. For Central City, there was Poppy Z and the seven trolls, and the time we had 2 raid groups. Everyone in both groups got every bounty.
    Villain side, we did all of the open world bounties (before they were level 30+) with someone who was level 8. She got credit for them all (and some good gear) without being knocked out once.
  12. High Troller Loyal Player

    i have a lot of cherished memories in this game, considering I have been playing since the game came out and that I played on USPC and USPS.

    the day before the game came out, I saw the cinematic trailer (the game intro essentially w/o any actual gameplay). building your own hero or villain? dc comics? i was instantly sold!

    oh, and a very fun time with one of the hero leagues i used to be in! (seriously, 8-man Robin premade?)

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  13. Miggly Committed Player

    For me it would have to be release day. I start playing and go through Brainiac's ship and then I am in New Bohemia Police Station. Seeing all the players on line running around the Station and out on the beach across the street was awesome. First mmo I ever played.
  14. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Rock, Paper, Scissor in the game

  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    What was my best memory in DCUO?

    Disclaimer: The following post maybe seen as rose tinted glasses, if you aren't aware of the fact that this is an opinion then don't read. You've been warned.

    So my best memory in DCUO would have to be when I was first starting out on this game late December 2013. It was new to me; so the first thing I did was mess around with the style options(I skipped the whole intro, I just wanted to jump straight into everything.) I heard some not very good things regarding the heroes side back then when I was new to the game, so I went to make me a Villain Character; my first powerset and weapon of choice being a fire and staff user.

    I started off on the Brainiac Ship, and my first impressions there was that it was generally okay but felt like it could be a bit more I dunno engaging or just something that could help make it appeal somewhat. So I beat it, beat all the robots, and then I got to the boss and just destroyed all the adds.

    My first mentor of choice was The Joker, Finally the real game was starting to come available for me; I was blown away by just how much I was seeing and getting to explore. I got to do alot of cool stuff, beat up the cops; rig their suits and cars with bombs and then I finally got straight into a boss fight with the Huntress.

    She was eh, but It was still a cool introductory fight to one of the major iconics.

    Then I get onto Big Bad Bane, I had no choice but to soder and stun him; and because I was new at the time; I just worked with the loadout that the game pre-determined for me.

    I was introduced to the Hod which I thought was neat, got introduced to the lair which I wasn't thrilled about because I wanted to continue leveling ya know? The Lair system never helped with that, and I got stuck with the Dive theme'd lair which was pretty underwhelming.

    My Main Struggles with the game came at the level 15 and level 30 missions, these actually felt like they were legit challenging to me; like I barely ended up beating batman, and I ended up dying a lot during the Robot Joker Boss Fight.

    I mean sure, Some of these boss fights may or may not have been hard for you back in the day; Keep in mind I was completely new to the game and the fact that I can still remember my first character from level 1 to 30 fondly makes it my best memory of DCUO.

    Sometimes I just wish I could re-experience this game without knowing what I do now, It was a mixture of me being taken into the leveling, the open worlds, and just having a blast with everything. I didn't know what support roles were(I did press T by accident a couple of times during leveling but still didn't understand it) It was just simple, struggling, but overall fun for me.

  16. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I miss popping my tranm in the room after booster gold in t1 hive duo and making over 99 billion damage.
    didnt even hit anything til then
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Probably the moment i made my first character and i got to look at the open world back in september of 2011 it was everything i wanted in a super hero game ..getting to create my own character and having a vast world as a sandbox... sadly it was an mmo is how i thought of it at the time... but still an amazing game to play i loved and still love the level up missions... i dont care how many times ive leveled up a toon.. still love the stories...

    And i have a second... before i was really not into the social aspect of the game when i first joined... i was gonna play the game solo..then learned really quickly all the stuff i wanted really bad (house of el t2 gear) i needed to play with team mates it wasnt til around April 2012 did i join the league im still in ... (which is all but dead)...and got to meet really good friends who changed my opinion on playing with others ...
  18. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    One that stands out is the first time I successfully solo healed Paradox Wave raid. I had a lot of difficulty with that raid at earlier CR levels. The day I solo healed the entire thing was a personal accomplishment. Not just for being able to heal, but being aware of where and when to heal as well as picking up any deaths.
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    the best years of this game, sadly this game died for many when they removed that play style.
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  20. Unida Dedicated Player

    god that makes me sad watching that. it was indeed the glory years, before things got 'fixed' beyond redundancy and replays and TC's ruled the land.

    I used to love checking out your loadout video guides as well - good to see you are still around.

    I wonder if they'd every put a pre GU36 build on a server for people that wanted to play in that environment. it'd get more people than the main one, so probably not.
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