What is your best memory in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, May 6, 2017.

  1. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    Well, I can't really narrow it down to one. It should have been getting EO, but I actually died in the beginning of that fight and got the feat sitting in the spawn area.

    Beating lockdown was one as was nexus. I miss nexus. Trying to find the shields to avoid the one shot. Ill never see those shields again.
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  2. ZeusShock Well-Known Player

    2011-end of 2014. Right before wotl pt1. The Trilogies were pretty bad.
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    The moment they released the Flash Emblem was my best DCUO moment.
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  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Been here awhile and have many. The most fun I've had on this game was way back when I was in my second league. We were a very close group. We had all roles and great dps. We were beastly in pvp being born on TKJ. Spending one entire day getting the 10 wins in a row for arenas, back in the day. This was no easy feat on my server. Most villains walked over hero's because of gear. Question tines for us hero's were horrible. But that is probably my best memory. Spending that entire day to get those wins was Awesome. Most of them don't play anymore, but shout out anyway to my old buddies...oddity, our beast healer...battery power, dps...controller x, controller...auytayu, dps...and I was the other heal.
  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    compare your experience to a new players...they enter the asylum...what mysteries await??!! it dont fing matter a 190 joined and theyre half a map away killing all instantly...sad...aint it??
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  6. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Running with Lights out, and deleting the game off my HDD a couple months back.
  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    We had this in No Man's Land too. Good times. I also miss the wars outside of the safehouses.

    But my favorite memory was when I first hit level 30 and started doing the T1 duos. Running the OMAC duo, my partner got killed a couple minutes after getting to the final room with Brother Eye because he activated the first computer terminal before wiping out the drones first. So I'm stuck alone with only level 28/29 gear(which was the highest aside from .5 and T1 gear). I would stick and move. Worst part of it was out of the 6 or so healing barrels in there, only one I got to use for me while the others were blown up by the NPC enemies and to top that off, they weren't respawning so all I had were Soder Cola Extremes so I would pop one, run around for the cool down and pop another. Took me a while but I ended up soloing the instance. Believe me, back then it was a big deal. Oh, and there was no shutting off the electric floor like in the solo mission.
  8. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    I have only been playing 110 days but there are still some classic ones. A few not so positive.

    1. Entered that mission in the park where you go to Hell or whatever. Was running with 2 league mates. As we got to the final boss one of them went to grab a briefing/investigation. I assumed I was rescuing the titans and thus I let them all free. Of course I was now locked in here with all of them, and I was also too low of a level to be into the mission. It took a lot of running up, hiding, and using the same health barrels but I somehow solo'd that beezy. Took forever. Totally worth it.

    2. My first time in the PVP phase. My friend took me to where the heroes come out. I guess they had been smashing down some lower rank villains. We ended up merging into one super team that ran them all off. I was especially delighted when I jumped up on the roof above them, landed right in the middle of three of them expecting to be knocked across the map by the robot, and somehow killed them and the robot with 1-2 shots. Even filmed it.

    3. I really enjoyed being in a raid with some scoreboard chasing elitist who told me I would never have 300 SP, or that I couldn't do it anytime soon. He pretty much picked the fight with me only because I was beating him with 170 SP. They also expected to bury me as they were 2 CR higher then me, and of course they were playing like a complete damage crazed moron (orbitals on ads, no pick ups, no cogs, etc). It was him and 5 of his league members, myself and one other random person. By the end of the event he didn't have a negative word to say. Myself and the healer saved the team from a wipe by picking up over half the team who all went down at once. It was a nice feeling knowing that despite his however many years of playing he was still too big of a noob to realize that sacrificing thousands of stats for +1 CR pretty much canceled out all of his 300+SP when you really think about it. I also had more secures and definitely more pick ups then anyone in the instance. I beat his whole league and he was the first one to split while the cut scene was going. Good times.
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  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    When the villain side was thriving. Peaked my head in yesterday and the gold bots took over shout chat in the HoD, they never posted that much in shout before. Even with bonus marks weekend there was barely any LFG shouts. I hope one day the vill population can rejuvenate.
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  10. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Going to SOE Live in 2013 and winning $1,000. The trip, money, and people I met made it easily my fondest moment of DCUO.
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  11. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    FoS 2 bridge of friendship where I witnessed a lot of friendship being made.
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Getting Epic Odyssey feat for the first time in early December 2013.
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  13. Domi Well-Known Player

    I have many good memories on DCUO.
    One I will have to pick though would be my very first month of DCUO and getting to know my hunny who I live with now. and it is our 3 years together today. (Almost 3 years being together irl too.) My best friend's husband got me into the game since I've been healing in MMOs for over 13+ years. He said they needed a healer. Him and one of our other real life friend was playing the game. They introduced me to my now hunny. I remember how I could never ever for the life of me hear Quantum talk. Then once he started to help me make a back-up troll since we had enough healers, I finally got to hear him talk. XD I use to bow to him whenever he helped give me a new style or collection becase I didn 't think he could hear me talk. Hahaha.
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  14. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I miss the older forums, when we could use our own images for avatars. Good times.
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  15. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    What servers do you play on? Idk about EU but on US PS4/PS3/PC the HoD is usually an ocean of people fighting each other. LFG is usually popping as well. Usually whenever it is time for me to do anything I look at the chat box and within a minute there will be the group I needed.
  16. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Congrats on the anniversary.
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  17. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Everything before gu36
  18. Soder coIas Level 30

    Back in year one, I remember doing Stryker Island Alert, and I spent nearly 6-7 hours in there with someone. I used to main dps back then but after that run, I noticed healing may very well be my new role in life. (Later on, I became a healer main but yeah) I spent the 6-7 hours in there with a person I didn't really like at the time and ended up leaving that alert with a new best friend lol. It was truly fun.
  19. Devlyka Level 30

    doing the new jsa content about 4 months in and having to heal for my league a bunch of veterans and completeting it smoothly.. i was a nervous wreck
  20. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    When I joined my 1st League. They took me thru the current Raid and I never got thru a raid before like that, It was outstanding. I always had to pug a group before I joined the League.