What is your best memory in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, May 6, 2017.

  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

    With all the negativity going on in the forums as of late, I thought I would try to shift it to something more positive and with that in mind, I wonder what is your best memory playing DCUO?

    I remember when I first started playing this game. I was constantly running with my cousin and two friends that I used to do pretty much everything in the game with.

    We always stayed on a call, laughing and making fun of each other whenever one would mess something up. We would have a set time when we all logged in and did everything together.

    It was really fun to do all of that with them and while I miss those times a lot, I can't think of any moment in DCUO that I had a better time playing the game than when I started out playing it.


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  2. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Let me think on this and narrow down a favorite! Lol
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  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

    HH and going for Granny's Gold Star. It was fun and challenging. I had a great time with the group attempting the feat and we eventually managed to pop it. In fact, we were the only ones to do it at current CR on EUPS :)

    I also have plenty of great memories with the old core of my league Crossfire. They've all moved on, but man, I do miss them and I just had so many great times with them, even if it was just sitting around talking.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    My first time in Fos2 when it first released and the assassins murdered our tank and the whole group in that narrow hallway. Good times
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  5. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    watching the opening of this game for the 1st time... it's still my favorite opening scene of all time..
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  6. Solankeee New Player

    I think my best memory is back when FOS1, FOS2 and FOS3 was the hardest thing to do. Just around that time, i think the game was very nice. And at that time, there were 1v1 tournaments going on, certain players arranged big tournaments and heroes/villains showed up in huge crowds, then making a huge circle for people to 1v1 each other. It always took place at Centennial Park around Superman Statue. I'm much more a PvE guy, but just the fact that so many players showed up and that we all could arrange such a great thing together. That was soooo fun :D
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  7. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Remembering the good times is what makes me angry lol because the only reason they stopped is greed. For example... Last spring farming the crap out event decorating tons of stuff, helping a friend decorate = Epic, this spring...cool items but no point farming it for so few items = massive rage.

    The stronger I get, the more stuff that becomes easy the more fun I have. So im still making my good time memories.
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  8. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    My favorite memory of the game is a toss up between my league mates and I trapping the giant robots that walk around the watchtower we would surround him so he had no place to go so he'd glitch step and it would look like he's dancing so we'd all dance too. It's how we passed the time between raids. The other is after a massive open world boss battle in the watchtower one of the giant robots went down we all crowded around him and said a few nice words.
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  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Season of The Witch did one of those lantern 4person missions...to say I was #1 DPS is like saying the ocean may be damp at times...for the whole mission the score gap just got more ridiculous...people stopped bantering and chatting going to crazed lengths to do ANYTHING just so their numbers added to something...none of it mattered...been playing for years and Sorc one of the first powers I took seriously...scores come up last map completely silent...all I type in Group is "Just an old crone with a stick"...Sorc/2H...rest of the team types crap like LOL instantly afterward...I have had BAD days too of course...but Season gave me one of the better ones and I srtill dusdt her off sometimes...
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  10. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    Best memory is when I won 3duels out of 5 against a lv172cr healer while being cr112, was nice seeing him get mad, happened this week. I'd love to say who but then again its against the forum rules. Villain eups. Hopefully he's using the forums ;-)
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  11. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Best memory is struggling to complete Kahndaq, Inner Sanctum and Brainiac Sub-Construct.

    2nd best was doing battle for Earth and origin crisis. I also loved WoL.

    Man I really miss those days.
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  12. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    First time soloing Brother Eye in the batcave as a Tank while the rest of the group was out writing in the chat that it was going to be a wipe.

    Finishing it feeling like a monster.
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  13. Emoney Loyal Player

    Back in 2011, when there were seperate servers, I played on the pvp server "Blood will run."

    Open world pvp was the thing back then, and more specifically, the original fightclub.

    For those that dont know, on top of the Star lab silo off the shore of the tomorrow district, heroes and villains would meet. There we assembled, each faction across one another, and take turns 1vs1. Back then there wasnt a duel option, so everyone had a flag up, and everyone was vulnerable to being jumped by 100 villians at once. The awesome part, we policed it with the honor code. Always 1vs1, but if someone else jumped in, they were jumped lol. Once in a while it turned into an all out faction war.....which were epic btw, but I enjoyed the most when it stayed respectful of the rules.

    My wish is that the devs bring back the open world pvp, perhaps after they drop support on the ps3.
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  14. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    For me the best memory was when prime battlegroud came out and we had two static groups having healthy competition on who was gonna finish first and we won by a little :)
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  15. SheerFaith Committed Player

    Staying on the highest Buliding in Metropolis and watching around this awesome view.
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  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    still waiting for that moment
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  17. Korvyne Committed Player

    Running nexus and dox when they were new with my league and friends. Having to learn the tells of the bosses, the different mechanics from the artifacts and getting the feats that seemed so difficult back then. Good times.

    More recently, much the same thing, getting feats with my leaguemates, i enjoy the comradery side of raiding so when we pull off something tricky in new content or a feat we all need it's a buzz for me.
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  18. Controller Devoted Player

    My best memory?

    My very first time doing Gates of Tartarus.

    To this day, the voice acting, musical score and layout of that raid is embedded in my memory and was IMO magnificent.
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  19. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I've always liked that raid as well. It's so beautiful and fun to run.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Mine is running dlc7 and meeting new people. I ran with so many different people and pugged a lot back then. I built a league by pugging and finding good players. I also had 2 groups i ran dox with on the regular learning it to do EO. Spent a lot of hours with all those people and had a lot of laughs.
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