What is the truth for the future of DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pyrozombi3, May 31, 2024.

  1. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Considering DC Universe is eg7s highest grossing game by 67% I think they would be crazy if they sold Daybreak to anyone else. You might as well just hang up your coat at that point. Eg7 would be extremely dumb to sell Daybreak to anyone 67% is outrageous for one game in daybreaks library. I think it's absolutely ridiculous not to at least invest 500 million into DC Universe like Sony did eg7 is choosing to keep it in life support. Which is totally okay someone will offer them a big chunk of money for Daybreak which is absolutely what they're aiming for. DC Universe is fragile but the highest paying game by far with the biggest population it's a very smart move to sell Daybreak and walk away with a fat chunk of cash instead of investing a fat chunk of cash. DC Universe Online is a gold mine but like eg7 said it is fragile in 2025 with the start of James guns Phase 1 DC Universe reboot.I can almost guarantee you Daybreak will be bought by another company. eg7 is sitting on a gold mine and they're very smart about it they're playing the waiting game waiting for offers
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  2. Sollace Committed Player

    When I see how this game ends, or how the greens don't even care about discussions on the forum any more, now I'm down to just 1 active character, I'm clearly going to move on, I'm still a subscriber so it's easier to find another ally or 2, but after that, goodbye DCUO, 2024 is announcing so many games and good games to come, I don't see why we should stay with a game we no longer value, except for our wallets...
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  3. BƖack Dedicated Player

    This would be the best solution for us if Eg7 would've sold this game to the right hands. In their hands all I see is that this game will simply be shutted down.

    DCUO was their most profitable product that's for sure, but the key word "it was". I guess, it is not anymore? Since so many players has left they no longer earn as much as before that's what i think.

    This game is very poorly updated since Daybreak took over and each year it was just worse and we found ourselves at a point where "Eg7" themselves admitted in their presentation that the game would be on liife support until 2030 and that it will receive very little.

    Which is more Recycled Episodes every 6 months and the same Events and more PayToWin. The players just simply ran away from this game and I'm not surprised at all. They shot themselves in the foot with this presentation.
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  4. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I was thinking to move on to Final Fantasy XIV.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    EQ2 was pretty great too imo. If I had a PC set up I'd totally be back on there. Out of all the many many MMOs I've played to end game (including WoW), that was the one I always went back to. It's pretty massive though content-wise. Might be a bit dated too nowadays (not sure). Had some of the most unique raid boss mechanics I'd ever seen (also not sure about nowadays).
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I play FF XIV also, and it is quite different from DCUO. The combat style is different, certain attacked will only work if you specifically target an NPC, also, depending on the “level” of the content you are playing, certain abilities just are not available to you to use.

    There is a bi-monthly membership fee to play, I think it is $74.99 US, and on top of that you have to buy the DLCs.

    The community of players spans the gamut of dead serious players to the more casual just as it does here on DCUO. I have been kicked from a dungeon, FF XIV’s version of our Alert, because after defeating the first boss successfully, they decided my “burn” was not fast enough. So I was kicked. I don’t often run into those types of players because I have learned to avoid them.

    I am not in any way trying to dissuade you in any way, I just wanted to give you some details that might help in your decision making about trying FF XIV. It is very enjoyable, I love playing it, but it can get expensive. If you don’t like the color of your gear, no prob they will sell you paint to change the color. If you don’t like the style of your current gear and want to use another style to mask it, no problem, they will sell you the Glamour to change it. Don’t like the appearance of your character, no prob there either, they will sell you the Fantasia to change your entire appearance. In other words, what is free in DCUO and we take for granted comes at a cost in FF XIV.
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  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The game definitely won't shut down the game is extremely profitable the problem wasn't eg7 or Daybreak the problem was hiring the last ceo jack who did stats revamp clamp and ruined this game into artifacts/swaping pay to win
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  8. zNot Loyal Player

    Could the new team if they wanted to balance/nerf these and other balance breaking issues? Someone who cares about the integrity of the game wouldve surely already fixxed atleast the biggest outliers?
  9. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I just can't imagine this game going till 2030 as it is.

    It's 6 more years of a life support and paytowin.

    /no way
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Perhaps, but if they aren't allowed to (or told not to) then they won't no matter how much they care. As I mentioned in my previous post. The new boss has to allow it and/or direct them to work on it.
  11. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah it seems their licences go to 2030 but at this rate two things will either happen a) it’ll go on like this each year worse than the last because management refuses to take our suggestions so by the time it’s 2030 the server populations will be way less than ever and it won’t be profitable so they won’t renew and that’s it or b) someone at either end will get tired of this bs maybe WB or perhaps at EG7 themselves and they’ll find a way to contractually pull the plug. I don’t want to think either scenario will happen but this game in it’s current state ain’t looking good. I’ve seen veterans of this game dropping off like flies and no matter how many new players come to check out the game and you can rest assured they ain’t staying very long to make a stable community. Look at this poor management of this new episode or at the very least how average it is? No clue why they needed like 2 years to release this DLC like this? Oh well obviously the PS5 and X Series update set them back. And more time on cashgrabs. And taking money and putting it into other games etc. And letting people go when they already had a mass exodus of their most competent staff. And doing God knows what else? And making sure we don’t get double arts experience ever again. I mean I’m hoping the new episode in September will be fire but let’s be realistic here will it? I dunno guys…
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  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Oh and their forums lag badly too which I’m sure is a sign of things currently and can’t be too good so it takes forever to login to your account and posts either duplicate or time out. Yay
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  13. zNot Loyal Player

    By boss you mean the Lead producer? He actually said if i remember correctly that he will leave it upto the creative director to decide but that creative director isnt even on the forums? Or how will he know our feedback? I dont get it.
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    For the benefit of those who haven't been here over a decade, I'll note that we've had exactly the same chatter -- oh, the game is stagnant, management doesn't care, it's going to shut down soon, everyone is leaving or has left, etc., etc., etc. -- non-stop since at least year two of the game, twelve years ago.

    It just never ever changes. Never has, never will.

    The inconvenient fact is that players have no idea what the people at EG7 or anywhere else in the ownership change think, and absent a leak of internal memos that has never occurred, players will never know what's coming regarding matters at the top, and never will.
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Higher than that. The lead producer's boss can easily tell them they just want X content by X date and focus on that and not fixing the game or taking suggestions. All actions from the lead producer have to go through the higher-ups for approval first.
  16. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The game is about to get a lot more population with episode 48 with the coming of episode 48 they will probably announce something big. Episode 48 is going to be something they have not tried yet. And then you got James Gunn making his own DC Universe which is going to make the population of DC Universe Online Skyrocket once again. This game needs to start changing the way it makes episodes the game is completely stagnant every episode has been the same
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  17. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately with artifacts there's a lot of things they cannot fix artifacts were not intended for stats revamp they only implemented artifacts to save stats revamp people did not enjoy the clamp and they still don't allies are not intended for stats revamp either. The reason why I say not intended is because they are not clamped which makes them extremely unbalanced especially when you let us art swap. Unfortunately art swapping has completely destroyed stats revamp there's zero coming back from that a new revamp has to be implemented
  18. psieco New Player

    i play this game for years . and this game is awesome, one better that i already play and i already play alot of game. the only party that is problematic since start and very hard to fix is powerset. Superman cant be same power in a game than batman, and to be sincere i dont know how fix this ,is a superheroes game that have very differents toons with diferents powers, isnt same think that a medieval fantasy thant toons have similar power
  19. Super Summoner New Player

    "We're making significant investments in the game’s future"

    Cool, so a new day I presume?

    So lets talk about new powers. That is an investment. It gives vets who has all the current powers new abilities to engage in, and bring back old players to try out new things.

    DCUO may be many folks only MMO, but I play quite a few. Many of them get new classes, powers, etc. CO (The other superhero MMO) has maybe 150 players max online, but has 41 archetypes..........Point? Been around the MMO landscape, not buying any excuses beyond "We just don't want to do it." New powers is good. New stuff is good.

    "Your brain on shopping: When you see something new-to-you, your brain gives you a small pulse of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine"
    https://www.patagonia.com/stories/feeling-like-new/story-144207.html#:~:text=Our brains tend to like it that way.,-00:00:00&text=This is your brain on,the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine.

    If Serums could not be done due to drugs being in the game, then Bane would not be in the game. To me, there is a lack of talent in the ranks because I don't know anyone on the forums that would mind piledriving somebody..........Or would find Serums "Not fun or interesting."

    Serums or grappling would be interesting. Only seen it done in one other MMO.

    Imo, Serums should be a priority. Maybe not the number one priority, but in regards to powers. It would be one of the few power sets that are not elemental copies of one another.
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  20. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Do you believe it will get better?