What is the truth for the future of DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pyrozombi3, May 31, 2024.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    I hope the new team will go and bring life back to gameplay and balance changes if they just dont care about anything and think they can just do the bare minimum like previous one then i dont think this will go well for dcuo since ppl clearly want to see changes and theres alot of things they can do that are not tied to higher ups.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I agree, and I'm sure it would be welcomed good practice as well, but there might be certain quotas and pressure at play from the higher-ups as well. "Don't do that, focus on xx only"

    In our obvious case- Time/Regurgitation capsules and Booster bundles are top priority due to monetization, seasonals (as filler), and episode release near a set date (but loosely because it's "free"). Probably told to make sure those releases are smooth and on time (with least amount of issues possible) .. or else!

    Edit: They probably even had to pull a lot of strings to allow this episode to released so late in itself.
  3. Pyrozombi3 New Player

    The fact that they haven't hired a replacement community manager since Mepps left is worrying to me. Are they even actively looking for a replacement?

    It tells me they don't even want to invest into the basic needs of the game.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They have money. They bring in the most money at EG7. We are already ignored...the game is ignored.
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  5. Pyrozombi3 New Player

    The truth is-

    Minimum investment isn't good enough. I'd rather see the game sold to a company that will put the proper man power and funding into it, rather than watch it die off more and more each month because of mismanagement.

    It takes money to make money.
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  6. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You're missing the statement where eg7 Investments are crashing hard because the investors are pulling back you do not say you're going to do something and then change your mind the year after. Eg7 is crashing investors are telling you eg7 to sell well they still can before they lose more investors. They did a complete 360 on the investors we all thought DC Universe was going to get an upgrade that was a very horrible mistake and eg7 will pay for it they already are investors are walking off as we speak. Eg7 simply cannot be trusted by the investors nobody wants to invest in a company that's making bad decisions. They simply bought up too much and made the wrong choice to invest money in the wrong places
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  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Eg7 will definitely pay the ultimate price for not investing in DC Universe Online the most profitable game they have and all their investors were looking forward to it. Don't believe me take a look they're all walking off. Why do you think dimensional ink staff left and why they did so many layoffs it's because they're investors are piecing out they don't even have the money to invest in DC Universe anymore
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Soooo, EG7 got clamped.
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  9. BƖack Dedicated Player

    So we are on a way to closing this game.

    But this could be our shot. Maybe another company, a serious company that will see a DCUO a really good bussiness, and will buy off the DC license and open the game... and start invest in it the game can be saved. Just like happened with City of Heroes. I guess there's a lot of people playing now?
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  10. Pyrozombi3 New Player

    City of heroes is a completely different situation. That was a private server that obtained an official license. They are only able to offset costs because of donations.
  11. Pyrozombi3 New Player

  12. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Amazon games is interested in purchasing Daybreak from eg7 Amazon games wants to build a bigger free to play library for its Prime members. Basically if you're a Prime member you'll be able to enjoy the game without having to pay such a hefty membership fee like we do now. All you will need is a Prime Membership to enjoy membership features on DC Universe Online
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Holy Moley Batman!!!

    I have a Prime Membership.

    When will this happen???

    Soon I hope. ;) ;)

    And not Soon like Mepps was using Soon in the past. ;) :)
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    If you’re gonna claim that you know Amazon games is interested in daybreak .. site your source
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  15. iTiredOfTheLies Active Player

    People need to face it! DC is in its last few years. The “hardcore” player base are much older now, people have families, responsibilities etc that come along. People leave!
    The game is dated! Its engine is almost obsolete. Its only goal now is to extract as much as possible before they sell it on to someone else who’ll promise the world, and deliver very little! It’s all been done! DC2is the only viable solution. And only if gamebreak sell it!
    This game has literally been left to rot a slow death.

    “New” DLC 2 weeks ago. Barely made a dent on player numbers. Players wouldn’t come back in droves if pvp was sorted, because it’s who left, (as above) have different priorities now. It’s only when you step away from this game for a lengthy time, then pop back on, that you see how absolutely **** it is! And how trapped in the same cycle of “elite” gear. OP this, OP that, augs, arts, making new alts that you out money into, outta nothing but utter boredom! And so many other addictive behaviours.

    This game deserves to die for how they’ve treated the customers. And I genuinely hope it does soon, so I can have it outta my life forever! It’s nothing more than investment at this stage that keeps me returning.

    3months is all it’d take to be rid of this game forever. Delete it all, walk away! And it’ll all be gone automatically.
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  16. SolarSniper23 New Player

    After 4 years what makes me want to keep playing dcou? Survival mode? Login rewards? New artifacts? Powers cooldowns working timely? Lag? Styles? Repeating dlcs with the same format?.... what exactly do veteran players stay for?
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  17. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    People stay because they've built a relationship with other players it's a community of friends. Not only that but the game has a very unique combat system something no other game can't even come close to. The friendship between players and trying to be better than your friend at whatever it is you're doing or simply just trying to be content or maybe it's that damn feat you both worked hard for. I believe the feat system and how rewarding it feels to get a feat that's not easy to get could make someone really enjoy the game for years and years. Or or just simply making friends it is a community after all a very large one of 10 plus years. Now on the negative side of all that positive talk misery loves company and right now there's a lot of misery going on
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  18. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It’s really the DC comics iconic characters, the fact that there’s few actual superheroes games out there where you can create your own character is that keeps people here. But other than that it gets pretty thin on reasons.
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  19. BƖack Dedicated Player

    To be honest, if DC is closes, I'm sure many companies gonna to get their hands on DC
    The game in its heyday was very popular. The game has really high potential so not surprised that other companies want take over.
  20. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    All they gotta do is work on cleaning old code from unreal 3. There isn't much they can do it's a very slow process they won't say it but that's actually in progress in the back round as you can already see with how many issues we have after Next Gen update
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