What is it with the leaving so early?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lt Skymaster, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Well it depends on the content and the circumstances.

    I have had a general 2 wipe rule for a few years now. If the whole team is really trying yet we're still getting kicked around then I will stick it out. But if its simple content and/or dumb behavior, where both my time and cash are being wasted I'm out after 2 wipes.
  2. FrostedFlakes Level 30

    Thats just the PS Mindset for ya nothing but ignorant fools
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  3. Couze Well-Known Player

    This 1000x this there are times in BDE HH or BDR where i will leave after second boss because i know nothing i say is being understood and the last boss will not go well. Especially, when the healer(s) suck and the tank is squishy. Even better when no one lunges the lifetakers. You can tell what kind of group you have very swiftly...2 wipes no comm i am out 4 marks isn't good enough for 3-5 hours of torture lol.

    No one blocking zooms tornado pull...certainly won't lunge lashing or stop hitting reflections. And they certainly won't block stompas jump or charge...
  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I can't tell you how many groups I run in with and leave because they don't know what they're doing. I understand it's important to progress in terms of gear but it's also important to progress in terms of skill and the mechanics. Don't que for an end content raid being the minimal cr requirement and expect people to carry you. That's the **** I don't like.

    And the very worst part is when multiple people, using keyboards and mics, try to communicate with a person and they don't listen or miss can't see w/e our plees.

    You know what, here's an excellent example. I ran the seasonal today and my leaguemate and I were pugged with a -/= 30 healer and a -/= 30 Tank. They were on PC. They didn't heal nor did they tank, that gets annoying fast. So I did what I was i was expected to do and wasted my time telling this healer a sorcery healer loadout just to be ignored. I don't find wasting time fun, it's a nonrenewable resource and I will never, ever, waste it on people who do not care. Sorry, not sorry. What were we supposed to do? So we left and repugged and got competent players. THEY DO EXIST!!!

    Point is, PS players can que into an instance and 9 times out of 10 we get people who don't know what they're doing. If someone seems like a raid wrecker, they leave. I had one guy in a PB reg raid wanna leave in the middle so we let him leave no questions asked. People are replaceable. If they wanna leave, let them go.
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  5. Senko Committed Player

    Weirdly I generally feel any group needs a bit of a shakedown to figure out how to work together.
    "Oh we wiped because you did that did we, are you like to do it again? You are ok then I probably need to be closer to you because you ran out of my heal range and I'd appreciate if you slowed down a bit my old system makes turning in this towere a bit tricky."
    "Oh this tanks a blocker not an interrupter ok they'll take less damage like that I can focus my attention a bit . . . ah blocking until their power runs low right."
    "Oh the healers a HOT not an instant need to pull out if my health runs low and let it recover."

    ETC, ETC when you quit after one wipe it makes it impossible for others to figure that kind of stuff and get the group to work together. I remember one where it was wipe, player quits, wipe replacement quits, wipe, wipe, smooth run to the end of the instance then 2 more raids that were harder (the raid was harder that is) but we again went through them without a single wipe because we'd figured out how people worked together.
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  6. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Thats not ps players. Thats just the community of the game. People dont want to figure stuff out. They want everything handed to them and if they have to put in work they give up. After paradox the devs made the game easy for the casuals. So dont blame ps players blame the nooby casuals
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  7. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    Not everyone plays like that on PS but... Many people do. I've been on PS since the game was free to play and I can tell you, it wasn't like this before. The FoS123, GoT, PBG, OP12, Nexus and Paradox was the best. I remember spending hours in those instances. Now many new players are just being carried through all the game. And that's why as soon as they die a couple of times they just quit. Also they don't listen, nor mod their gear, nor get SP, etc. but that's another different problem.

    My advice, just get used to it because I don't see any incoming improve to this behaviour. Even if the deserter penalty is brought back to the way it was before.
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  8. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I've experienced this as well as have my league mates. It's definitely an inconvenience, particularly if you're pugging. Plus I don't understand, you're giving yourself the penalty by leaving alerts or raids by doing that.

    What I have seen more of lately, is people whining about sub par performance of a role, even when they're not awful but you know... "not elite enough." So they complain and complain, then we beat the first boss in a raid then they just up and leave in a tizzy. Why? Progress was made, and we were heading to the next boss. Sure enough, more people quit after beating the 2nd boss. This a huge hassle as it really slows a raid down to have to stop every 5 minutes to spend another 20 looking for a backup willing to join the middle of a raid. I'm always on LFG because of this nonsense people are doing, and it's almost like they do it on purpose. Like we're not going fast enough for them so they slow everyone else down by making us go back to LFG again and again and again. So frustrating when players act like everything should be done in like 5 minutes, even raids (including new ones that had just gone live). Bah!! Lol
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  9. theswoosh Well-Known Player

    nothing to do with ps or pc players. in ffxiv if u wipe in a alexander raid 99% guarentee that the group will disband without any chat what so ever. and fyi ffxiv has got waaaay more pc players then ps...so yeah its just a mmo thing...
  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    how? i think its heavily implied if not obvious that he is talking about the groups he has been in. surely he can count that for himself and "a lot" would be a valid term.

    i can say from experience that i have seen groups fall a lot after 1 or 2 wipes. i am not surprised by the OP nor do i have a solution.
  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    2 things really. 1st they simply want to be carried. Happens all the time. 2nd a vet who finds a mistake so unforgivable he leaves. The ladder has yet to understand some end gamers simply are green. Maybe they have a few months of experience in dcuo total, maybe weeks and are messing up. Instead of trying to teach they run off to find an easy group and belly ache. Both stink and as a ps guy I can tell u its often sadly
  12. Real2TM Well-Known Player

    I hate leaving an instance in progress but will not hesitate to do so if I feel it. Sometimes I can just get a vibe that the burn isn't good or the troll isn't good or heals. The only time I will leave immediately is if people start fighting with each other or if players are sticking up for someone who has no business being in there ( not due to gear or knowledge of raid but lack of role).

    I got tells for about 10 minutes from a group because I left after 3 wipes in HH LB. I was Nature healing and running out of power as well as most of the group.. I look at the troll and they got full bar. Asked them to dump power and the response was I use stickybomb, taserpull and drone for power. I asked if they used defib...... Answer: "No, that move doesnt give me power" and the rest of the group said maybe they should get a 3rd tank... Yup I left at that moment. Could I have helped? Sure but this person was 150cr and I didn't bother to look up sp and not worth my time explaining to someone who has clearly been babied/carried through content.

    I read that a lot of players feel they shouldn't be held to certain standards to run content and I absolutely agree because everyone can play their own way. I just like to play and used to playing with players who know what they are doing in the roles they play.
  13. Hraesvelg Always Right

    LOL, I love excuse time. "I'm really lagging, you guys should find someone else." "I've really got to get something to eat." "I've got to go pick up my kids from practice." "I've got to get up early in the morning for a meeting, sorry..."

    Everyone knows what you're doing. That's why the rare times I PUG and need to leave, I'll use something like "My hair is on fire" or "Cops at the door".
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  14. Senko Committed Player

    Errr I've had several of those reasons in real life e.g. live in Ausralia so there have been times lag have been too bad and I'm hurting more than I'm helping especially for feats, planned to see a movie and the raids already run 2 hours so I have to leave, need to be up in 4/5 hours for work etc.