What is dlc 10 exactly?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by dcuo gamer, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Trismegistus New Player

    I'm not sure where to put these thoughts, if this isn't the right spot politely let me know.

    Dear Spord & Technical minions of creativity,

    These are a few of my radical thoughts, they could be drops, or they could be purchasable market items.
    Themed pets that spawn randomly in your base. They would attack during pvp base battles(e.g. scarabs, cats, dogs, rats, crocodiles, Venus fly traps, flying carpet, etc.)

    I love the concept of the Armory! I was wondering if you had taken into consideration the “hidden wall panel” concept? Many iconic characters presently in the game had the panel that moved and behind it was the weapon wall, or the hidden cycle. The access point could be a random item that is only able to be place on the wall at specific locations in the base, and it is the “switch” that allows access to the armory. If you want something other than the standard “hidden panel” they could be purchase items (e.g. swivel mirror, mosaic tile, wall mounted waterfall, etc.)

    Lastly there was conversation at SOE Live about the developer data on who heals the most, kills the most, etc. I thought of a base item (e.g. enchanted mirror, tv, magically atuned tapestry/painting, ticker tape scrolling bar, etc.) that displayed the player who killed the most in pvp from your friends list.

    RodOfOak Nature healer hero, ps3
    Trismegistus, Sorcery dps hero, ps3
  2. Gobbler New Player

    I am not positive what DLC 10 will hold but, I would like to see some mission be it solo, duo, alert or raid. In which we return to the braniac ship and give him exactly what hes asking for. Some hard earned exobyte butt kicking! T5/T6 style
  3. IThe PatchI New Player

    OMG Wonder Woman again?
  4. Gobbler New Player

    So far we know for sure that it is not a ham sandwich.
  5. SuperiorMouse New Player

    this is totally unrelated to the current discussion. you should repost this into it's own thread in Gotham (this section) for discussion.
  6. Larfleeze New Player

    No dev has stated specifically what is to come with DLC 10 or beyond.
    No interview has stated specifically what is to come with DLC 10 or beyond.
    No employee has stated specifically what is to come with DLC 10 or beyond.
    Anyone who says anything otherwise is incorrect.

    All we know is that DLC 10 and 11 are tentatively going to be related to Darkseid and Apokolips, and Wonder Woman, Circe and the Amazons. That's it.

    We don't know what story goes into DLC 10. It could be the first part of both. It could, for all intents and purposes, have to do with neither Darkseid or the Magic mentors and it wouldn't be the first time they completely changed their minds regarding a DLC.
  7. SuperiorMouse New Player

    sigh. fixed that for you.

    i would urge you to have the correct information before you attempt to suggest others are incorrect.

    here is the summary.
    • DLC9 is War of the Light part 1 and short of a miracle or act of god; will include Red / Blue lanterns as a tank powerset. -- i urge you to join us in prayer sigh.
    • DLC 10 is Halls of Power part 1 (the first part of the 4th World storyline).
    • armouries and league halls have been moved to an update that will likely precede this DLC. this DLC will feature raids on league bases (still relating content to the name). Larry Liberty confirmed this in his interview to Gamescon.
    • DLC11 is Amazon Fury part 1.
    here's the Gamescon interview previously referenced. this interview occurs at least a week after SOELive. Larry Liberty is the Executive Producer.

    this information may be incorrect, but if it is, it means the person in charge is giving the incorrect information.
  8. Conduit New Player

    lol! You realize that they've said nothing about the power. "I cannot say what the power is, exactly." is what Larry Liberty said.
    And I highly doubt they'd make a Blue/Red Lantern Tank powers, anyway.
    The Corps are too small and the powers themselves are too similar to the Light power we have now. I could honestly see them waiting until DLC10 and doing a tank power based off of the New Gods from New Genesis, using the "Astroforce". It's much more inventive, in my opinion. But they did say DLC9 brings a new power, so... We'll see :)
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  9. Larfleeze New Player

    Right, and all he says about them in that entire interview is "We're currently calling 10 Halls of Power..." then goes right into how it has to do with league halls. That's it. Nothing is stated about them SPECIFICALLY. Everyone that is saying DLC 10 will be Darkseid, 11 will be Amazons is assuming both of these 100%.

    He doesn't say DLC 10 will be the Darkseid DLC. He doesn't say DLC 11 will be Amazons Fury. In fact, he doesn't mention either one of those topics. All he says is that, currently DLC10 is titled Halls of Power. Well, last SOE the "currently" for Halls of Power was that it was purely a guild housing centered DLC. Now that's changed to being a free update.

    So, again, anyone that says they know SPECIFICALLY what is coming with DLC 10 and beyond is at best guessing. My information is 100% accurate. I would urge YOU to have the correct information before spreading any more false information around, but we both know you aren't going to do that.
  10. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I think that all Larfleeze is saying is that there is no official announcement (i. e. press release) regarding much of anything in the future - not even DLC 9. Sure, we have the roadmap from this year's SOE Live ... but according to SOE Live last year, we were supposed to get Halls of Power as a DLC and The Trials of Trigon (sic) wasn't supposed to be out until winter.

    Plans changed, and could change again.

    I believe that we should always keep an open mind when it comes to this kind of information since absolute certainty of the future is a state that is impossible to achieve in any MMO. If we would refrain from jumping to conclusions, it would help keep people from raging when things don't go exactly as planned.

    Now I do think that Larry is correct and that DLC10 is indeed Halls of Power I ... but it's not assured quite yet. He has been known to misspeak from time to time.

    (Heck, it's even possible that DLC 11 could be War of Light II instead of Amazon Fury I ... though unlikely)
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  11. Larfleeze New Player

    This guy gets it.

    Considering he said "Ranx is a red lantern" I'm going to take everything he says with a grain of salt. He may be the "executive producer", but in my experience 9/10 that person knows very little about what is going on other than whether or not something is or isn't making money.
  12. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i love that you bolded something i wrote and completely ignored the context of the sentence which preceeds it. reading comprehension fail. lol

    at the 4 minute mark LL appears to let it slip... this could be a miss-speak but with other mounting "evidence" that's not likely.
    as for your flight of imagination; they aren't waiting. the devs have explained their attentiveness to release powersets in threes to maintain balance with the roles. the next powerset will be a tank powerset and while it may not be Lantern related, that's not very likely at this point. don't hold your breath for "astroforce"

    i don't really care what Larfleeze is saying to be honest. i'm simply correcting him for errantly providing incorrect information himself in the pretext that others are wrong.

    it's common sense that anything can happen. but SOELive is the 1 year plan. Spytle told us at that point everything we are discussing and a week later Liberty cleared up the few things that Spytle wasn't clear about. while there may be changes with the plan, it's more unlikely that any changes would happen much further down the road after DLC10

    ps. we know from Spytle's statements that they will not be sequential.
  13. Conduit New Player

    If you watch Friday Night Legends and/or some of their panels from their conventions, Jens and a few others talked about Halls of Power being based around the New Genesis VS Apokalips storyline at some point. Not sure which video, though.
  14. Larfleeze New Player

    And at the start of the panels from SoE Live they specifically state that nothing is set in stone and everything is tentative to change. Could it very well end up where DLC 10 is HoP with New Gen / Apokalips with DLC 11 being Amazon Fury? Yes. Is that 100% set in stone that it will happen? No.

    To answer the question posed by the OP, "what is DLC 10 exactly?" you would have to know exactly what DLC 10 is, and very few people actually know what it is. Those that do are the team that are working on it, who have specifically stated that nothing from SoE live, other than DLC 9 being War of the Light, is finalized.
  15. Conduit New Player

    I think you're misinterpreting what he's saying. When he says "War of the Light will feature Red and Blue lanterns", I believe he's talking about the story.
    Granted, I like lanterns and all, but I don't think two powersets should be featuring them. Considering Green and Yellow are the biggest corps [In Members], it makes sense that we'd have access to them.
    And I'm not holding my breath for anything. I'm simply tossing around ideas. And I do find Blue/Red lanterns to be a little too predictable.
  16. SuperiorMouse New Player

    that IS the 4th World content we mentioned earlier. he confirmed this at SOELive

    no i'm not misinterpreting him. he's either being accurate or he's miss-speaking. i pointed that out in the text you quoted.

    many (if not most) of us do not want to see another lantern based powerset at this point.
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  17. Conduit New Player

    I never said anything was finalized. I'm simply saying they leaked the story or something of the sort.
    I know people have been asking for a Darkseid-based DLC for a while. And I see why, he's the most BAMF Villain I've ever seen in the DC story.
  18. Larfleeze New Player

    If there's anyone providing incorrect information it's you in assuming that 10 will be Darkseid, 11 will be Amazon fury, and 9 will feature red/blue powers. None of which are stated anywhere in anything you can provide as "proof". In the interview he is saying "We're currently calling War of the Light and that will feature lantern powers. Really more focus on Red and Blue corps, but the others, Green and Yellow, will be there as well". Are you going to try and say that new Green and Yellow powers are going to come out? No? Then you shouldn't be saying Red and Blue powers are going to be coming out as well.

    Again, you are taking tiny snippets of information and molding them to fit whatever assumptions you want in regards to upcomming DLC. You are not speaking any FACTS but merely OPINIONS. I am speaking FACTS.
  19. Conduit New Player

    The point of the people at DC leaking info to us is to tell us parts of the whole, and let us fill in the gaps ourselves. Use our imagination to think about something as it may be, but not how it will be.
    There's no fun in just sticking to facts all the time.
    You'd be surprised what some Devs do; take Bungie or Bioware for instance, they use their forums and leaked information to help them fill in gaps that they couldn't do on their own. The community inadvertently contributed to that game or story in some aspect, just by being imaginative.

    Although, the lantern fanatics are starting to genuinely scare me.
  20. Larfleeze New Player

    I understand that completely. However, this does NOT change the fact that the question posed in the OP is "What is DLC 10 exactly". (S)He is confused about what is going to be in it. Everyone is coming up with what they THINK is going to be in the DLC. This does not help alleviate the confusion and only compounds it as you have different people saying different things. I am simply trying to tell the OP that anyone who is saying the know what is going to come with DLC10 and beyond is wrong, as no one knows what is going to be on them, other than the people working on the game and more than likely those close to them. All we know are what they are tentatively being called, which is - as stated by Spytle - subject to change. Then certain people come in and try to tell me that I'm wrong, and post links to interviews to "back up their claims" when all the interviews do is shed light on the fact that even one of the heads of the game isn't exactly sure what is going to be on it.

    But hey, it's perfectly logical that a random member on the forums who has an smug air about them knows more about what is coming up in the game than the EP, amirite?