What happens in next DLC?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minecrawler, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Minecrawler New Player

    Don't get me wrong, this is not a thread complaining about WOTL1. In fact with rage and A&B and the new vendor system I can appreciate what the devs have done with this DLC. But with that said, it's been only a few weeks this DLC released, and I am already having hard time finding stuff to do. Because the gear provided by the vendors are more than enough to beat the raid, and there isn't a second raid to beat, there's no real motivation for going forward. Sure you can grind for the raid drops including ring of OP but like I said, I dont feel like they are something I have to have. What concerns me most is that this was supposed to be a large group focused DLC. So what does that mean? Will the next DLC, which is supposed to be a small group focused one, have any raids at all? T6 or not waiting another 8 months for a raid is not something I wanna do.
  2. LaughingRiot Well-Known Player

    The next DLC at this point in time is Amazon's Fury Pt. 1. Unfortunately it will not have any raids, I'm assuming Duo's and mainly Solo content, possibly a 4-man op. It will include T6 armor and according to Jens something to do with skill points specifically.
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  3. Liongale Dedicated Player

    If they're able to get back on track of the 3 month DLC rotation, then we shoudn't have to wait too long for new content.
  4. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    i agree. the reason i loved origin crisis was because it lasted for months and gave me something to strive for. this dlc felt done about 1hr after launch for leagues and within that same day for pugs
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  5. Myrdin69 New Player

    dont think the devs gonna give you a choice
  6. Minecrawler New Player

    Dude, devs make the contents the way "I" wanna play, not the other way around. I don't think they are done making all the DLC's for this year and now just waiting to release them in time. If there are more people who feel the same way as me, I'm sure they can do something about it.
  7. Myrdin69 New Player

    next dlc is set to be a small group dlc so no raid

    and btw devs do the contents the way the community want, not the way you want
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  8. Azrael New Player

    Actually since its new tier gear- it will bring people back and since its small content that gives well smaller awards....it will last for months since it will take longer to purchase tier 6. The problem could arise if the content is really really easy so that running the content is tedious

    my question is what you think the Cr requirement will be?

    cr 101?
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  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    This will hopefully get things more inline, which really was the point of establishing a pattern to begin with. T3 Fos came before the chall/duo/alert adjustment, T4 gates and prime before DLC6 solo stuff, likewise Nex/Wave before DLC8 stuff.

    Finally it oughta make sense for people to gear up a bit before jumping into the breach instead of whining to get carried through 8 man content and/or spamming replays and then getting bored of small content that they roll-stomp.
  10. Minecrawler New Player

    That seems a long jump....Id say around mid 90s since T5 has a cr requirement of 84-85
  11. CharlieFantom Well-Known Player

    What happens? Fight these adds guarding switch, pick this up, take it over here, boss fight.
  12. Minecrawler New Player

    Err Im not going to bother explaining, since you clearly didn't get it when I used the quotations.
  13. Azrael New Player

    If they make DLC 11-( big content with NEw Gods + new movement mode) MUST have at least 2 raids. 1 raid that requires T6 gear to be able to get through. and the 2nd raid requires the t6.25-6.5 that should be purchasable through a vendor and have the best gear drop in 2nd raid that is akin to how they did A&B. Don't forget a style vendor as well. If these things happen I think both DLC 10 & 11 will be a hit
  14. Azrael New Player

    If thats the case I'll stop playing on some my toons for awhile cuz the highest I have is a nature healer at 100.
  15. Deltaheat Well-Known Player

    In the next DLC I think we'll see Aquaman and WW hook up. Mera will find out, attack WW and end up starting a war between Atlantis and Themyscira that will threaten to destroy the world. I'm pretty sure this is going to happen...:rolleyes: