What happened to the weapon/power animations?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ereez, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Ereez Well-Known Player

    I remember playing dc a little a few years back and if I remember right didn't weapons and powers have unique interactions? Like shield users would throw their shield down when using backdraft ect.. things like that. My memory is a little foggy but I'm pretty sure there were some cool animations in there at some point that were removed, whats the deal?
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Game Update 36 happened. When they standardized animation times and got rid of things like Jump cancelling in DPS situations, they also removed a ton of unique animations in order to reduce the memory footprint they took up. I remember those animations you speak of, and miss a lot of them...especially Gadgets, which had a different animation for each type of thing you could throw...now Paralyzing Dart and Gauss Grenade share the exact same animation...*sigh*
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  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I still die a little inside every time I'm reminded of this. I miss those animations so much. I understand why it had to be done, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Ugh Pre GU 36 staff.

    I miss the Robin style rotating combo.
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  5. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    I miss how cryofoam integrates with rifle.
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  6. Kuno Loyal Player

    I used to love hitting the ground with the trident for an Ice hability.
    Another cool thing we lost like comic cutscenes, different backgrounds in the login screen, new weapon styles dropping in a DLC, new powers and MP styles items.
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  7. Ereez Well-Known Player

    Unlikely to happen but it would be great to see these unique animations return at some point
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  8. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Ain't happening bro...
    Too many TC to sell instead of cool things to fix or add in game
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  9. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    One of the things that the game is sinning at the moment is the game mechanic, that is ultrapowed and extremely slow in relation to the new games!
    Outside everything is "equal", they all make the same move ...
    This is horrible and kills too much not only the gameplay but the joy of playing DC.
    If you want this game to have not only more players, but also more profitability, I think it's time to start rethinking this kind of thing!

    The mechanic is overpowered, and what they did was leave even poorer ...
  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    You have ps3 and it's stubborn/broke users to thank for that.
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic or what, but the reason why it's not happening have ZERO to do with Time Capsules or any cash grab notions. It was done to cut down memory footprint on the PS3 so that they could continue adding a few more things like powers.
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  12. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I wonder what system caused these changes to happen. It couldn't possibly be the PS3 because some forum users have said the PS3 isn't holding the game back at all. :rolleyes:. lol.

    All joking aside it is sad those animations had to go away :(.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Very unlikely. Even if they removed the PS3 out of the equation, I don't think they will go back and readd the animations. That would be a waste of time.

    I do miss them though. :(
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  14. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    some weapon combos still have unique animation effect depending on your power. like MA's spinning punch or Riffle's tap range. yes, the animation itself isn't different, just the effect. but it is still something right?
  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    At the time everyone was either on the PS3 or PC. The review of resources and the update of animations was part of the prep work for PS4, since the game was going to have to be essentially cross-platform. It had nothing to do with the players' attitude whatsoever.
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Those are possible because they are effects changes. It's the reason why they are able to make new powersets since all animations are reused but skinned differently. A good example would be Mass Terror and Bloom both share the same animation, but skinned differently.