what do you want for PvP Season 4?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Sage-Rapha, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    I speak to my experience with the weapon of which anyone who knows me would vouch for my expertise with it. I'm told I don't know anything.

    I take the time and make a video performing EXACTLY what they declare I should be doing clearly showing that I am correct.

    I'm told I'm not doing it right or that I'm "slow".

    They then produce a video, demonstrating different actions, a questionable reaction time by the target and hold it up as gospel even while speaking to a previously unheard of "faster combo" time when not hitting a target.

    I am wrong, but they are wholeheartedly and completely right based on what they demonstrated, outside of the parameters of what I was told to do to make what they did work? How's the weather in Jonestown? I hear they have good kool-aid there.

    As to the rest of what you said, I state that the damage being done from this particular combo is justified but agree that with our current gear it is beyond mitigating the damage. That is why I've been saying that more Toughness is required on our gear and not inflated Health pools.
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  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Instead of adding more Toughness it would be better just to rewrite the formula for how toughness works.
    What ever the current mitigation is for x amount of toughness it needs to be upped to reduce the damage of everything equally allowing for the fights to be less of a 1-3 shot fight.
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    No, it was simply stated that it could be done after a lunge. No one ever said how. We left that up to you since you've been using the weapon so long and figured you knew about this stuff. We were very, very wrong apparently. What you're saying is "Lex can deal the best damage after a block breaker" then just using tap melee attacks afterwards. Then making another video of you lunging someone to counter them and dealing more damage because you used actual combos.

    You weren't right. You did it wrong, which is exactly what we had been telling you. We even gave reproduction steps and I offered to make a video with a program running showing there was no foul play with when we were blocking. Your response was neither constructive nor tactful saying I could do whatever I wanted to do and then a slew of other things.

    For anyone wondering, here's the bug report in the bug tracker. I'm just linking this and sending it to Spord since he's one of the few devs that responds to this sort of thing.
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  4. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    How am I supposed to know about an apparent "faster combo when not hitting the target" exploit? I don't actively seek them out nor do I perform them in arenas because that would be just cheap.

    As for my tactfulness, you get as good as you get.
  5. MrWon Committed Player

    Pre nerf Circe and Shazam yes, but not much of Bizarro since only one of his power is UWC. Ice shields in the old days mitigate 100% dmg just like Circe and Shazam, even though caps were based on dom/resto and it is UWC, it was just too much. Shazam is currently THE Ice tank of Legends, then again arena has Fire tanks...sigh...
  6. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    How exactly could I make a thread about a bug I wasn't aware of?
    Are you really trying to get me to share the blame for an unreported, potentially exploitable bug that allows users to have a hidden advantage in PvP?

    Interesting logic.
  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    If this should count as an exploit since it is technically "speeding up a combo" would that not make clipping an exploit too?
    The best we can do is wait for a Dev to confirm it's validity.
    I would have guessed someone who played this game as long as you have would realize "Hey look at this if I swing at the air instead of a target the taps are a bit faster".
  8. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    LMAO The thought of you typing that with a straight face just struck me funny.
  9. MrWon Committed Player

    But the gameplay section also has a lot of complaining threads, but its alright by me since Mepps usually respond to them. I get what you mean about the whole getting bashed for voicing your own opinion, sometimes it goes overboard on the threats, but also I don't blame them sometimes. Have you seen the thread about Shazam when he was getting released? These guys did lots of test on Shazam and gave good detailed feedbacks about him. Pretty much 90% of their feedbacks were ignored and most of their own personal time was wasted. I would be mad and say the devs don't listen too, when they want players to test out something new, then completely blow them off.

    Edit: But it still doesn't justify why they bash other player's opinion. Everyone has a different perspective on how to balance things, they just have to respect other people's viewpoint.
  10. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I play around with a lot of weapons and spend most of my times between ques just randomly tapping and/or dueling. Does not take much to realize the difference in speed.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It really doesn't take much to realize something like this if you're using it every day. It's not some weird thing with clipping. You can notice the speed difference if you're just walking around tapping the attack button. You're literally just pleading ignorance at this point.

    This has been the days discussion. You could have made one if you really wanted to. I was at work most of the day and created one when I got home and could access my laptop because posting videos is a pain.
  12. Mirror Image New Player

    You do not have to be elite to know something like that. Dont take much.
    And trust me, I understand. :)
    You learn something new everyday.
    However that last thing said that's rather snide to say Superpatriot.
  13. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    And this I try my very best to do every time I come here. And then, well, you see what happens. It's like nobody else is allowed to talk about pvp but them.
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  14. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    So now I'm ignorant because I don't know about this, as you've described it, possible exploit? I'm done with you. All you can do is offer insults.
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  15. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Like I said, I don't set out to find possible exploits to use against other players.
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  16. MrWon Committed Player

    It feels like a debate between the republicans and the democratics haha. But I always try my best to look at both viewpoints when it comes to any argument. Of course this one is probably too late, most likely going to get locked soon.
  17. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Until others' opinions can be heard and at least listened to instead of shouted down as idiocy as they always are, this is the state of things.
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  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You're claiming you didn't know something prior to today, and are now using that lack of knowledge to justify your actions. What would you call it then?

    It wasn't 90% of feedback that was ignored. It was 100%. The one adjustment that was given to him didn't even come from player feedback and wasn't even meant to be on test in the first place.
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  19. Mirror Image New Player

    No. You were ignorant (didn't know) of the exploit.
    Yes I would rule it an exploit. Btw, you can do the same with Brawling's Doom Spin Mastery and Home Run Mastery, Dual Pistol's Solar Flare Mastery and Dual Flurry Mastery, etcetera etcetera.

    You've been no better. You trying to slander someone and being snide is just as bad.

    You were wrong and made a big deal out of it.
  20. Mirror Image New Player

    I honestly see why.
    legends were unnecessarily nerfed because of those who shouted in idiocy.
    Rip Hal Jordan and John Stewart.
    Rip Steel Rip Saint Walker

    However that doesn't mean I condone it.
    It's been a bad run for PvP this entire year.
    those who actually wanted to help are no longer here, and who have been shouting for necessary changes, were silenced
    That's entirely on the developmental team.
    That is with the exception of a select few, but really is telliing of what amdvhow things are run here
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