What do you do to keep interest in the game???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIIIINASTYIIIII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Korvyne Committed Player

    I played for 3hrs every night for around 2 years, I'm only on sporadically now when I feel like it. I've lost interest in dcuo at the moment so I'll be trying some new games when they're released, some for pc, some for my neglected ps4 in the hopes a break will reignite my love of this game.
    So yea, my answer is to take a break and come back.
  2. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    And hang out with me...

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  3. Dephyre Committed Player

    I pick on power spamming DPS's.....I kid I kid......no but really y'all are power hungry munchkins
  4. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    I change a game...
    After 3 years play... Like u ... I realize that to wait 4 month for a dlc is just to much for me ( btw 3 years legendery ) ....
  5. MeteorRizzy New Player

  6. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    I agree...not much to do...I mean I want new content but I'm not excited about gu36 to come out...the longer it takes for that update to come out...the better....but some new content would be nice...even though its just solos duos and and an alert....I really think when we get a large group dlc they really need to put 2 raids instead of just one too....I think we are all AnBd out....
  7. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I think it's fun flying around Chinatown if I'm bored. Always good seeing those random groups hunt down heroes. But if It gets dull, I get on a random alt that I never use and troll people. Low-level mule that just tumbling masters around people in HoD haha
  8. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Hey I replaced you in a AnB this morning xD (not sure if you DC'd or something they never said). I looked at the scorecard when they brought me in and I was like hmmm...Aerovenger. I know that name some how. Ok back to our regularly scheduled discussion. I just saw your post and it hit me who you were was all :).
  9. Minecrawler New Player

    I troll in LFG
  10. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Nasty I feel your pain. The content has been thin since OC. My league keeps me going. It's been rough lately though. Very rough.
  11. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Yea, my wifi connection was switched off lol
    Just tanked it for the first time with Pyro...:D
    Got more tank loot when i popped in for Lyssa Drak while on Aero. 3/4 times I got tank gear!
  12. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Gorilla trinket.

    Throw barrels at people dueling.

    Hilarity ensues :D

    Money well spent :cool:
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  13. JonnyD New Player

    • Like x 1
  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I've lost most my interest in the game I've logged on for about 10 mins the for the last week just to do he bizarro solo hoping to get my time traveler shoulders.... But it's obviously not dropping anytime soon... Think I'm not subbing this month and taking a break nothing's really keeping my interest
  15. Psychofro Active Player

    haven't been playing much recently, but as long as A&B won't give me the drops I still need..i'll be interested in playing, just not as much cause downtime during DLC's and such is lame =/

    I'm literally just gathering exos and selling them and ganking villians when they try to take "my bits." It's entertaining for about 45 mins.... Hope all is well Britt..... Gimme money !!!!

    That's an implied task.... Duh
  18. Ice Lantern New Player

    Some things I'll do when I get bored:

    I heal Raven in PvE phase on my hero if I see a group of villains trying to kill her. If they start talking trash, I persist. If they don't, I'll leave soon after.

    I get on my Gadgets character and go into PvP phase. I go Stealth and lay a bunch of mines at the hospital where the opposing faction has to drop off patients. It's real funny when they go to drop off captured patient and they instantly die to mines.

    I make stacks of Soder Cola Next and put them up on the broker at a discounted price of $2001 each. It's good to give back sometimes.
  19. MeteorRizzy New Player

  20. Ramonater New Player

    Just FYI you can use a keyboard on the PS3 and PS4 to play the game, not the mouse though. I use a $10 wireless keyboard to play sometimes. a bit challenging since i never gamed on a pc