What do you do to keep interest in the game???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIIIINASTYIIIII, Apr 15, 2014.


    I do exactly the same thing but I also go exobit hunting in the PvP phase and pick on Villains who try to get bits. It’s cruel but very entertaining.
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  2. Feenicks New Player

    I play most every night. 2, 3, sometimes 4 hours. I always find something to hold my interest. I'm sorry you can't. Just saying......
  3. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I have barely been on this week and when I am on it will be for 20 mins:)
  4. chaoticRE Well-Known Player

    Well thanks for the idea ! Now i'll never quit dcuo no matter ....... what...... :( but yeah more toons more fun!

    No need to be sorry. It’s not actually a struggle. Just disappointing that the game is slowing down atm
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  6. Meta Flare New Player

    Start a new character and learn a new power, or try to make a character with a power youre familiar with and try to do something different like make up a new rotation or something.
  7. NexGenX New Player

    I go to the test server and mess around with new builds for live, or just to be OP and faceroll easy content. Or I try soloing stuff that normally isn't. Trigon's Prison, Strykers, Arkham, T5 duos sub-avs. Constant enjoyment, Oh yeah and decorating my ever evolving base. :D
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  8. Little Sister New Player

    Lately I've been grinding Lair battle wins. I'm actually having a lot of fun with them. I just hit 500 today. I hit 250 4 days ago, so it's going pretty fast.

    It's also helping me get to 10K knock out feat (almost there) and finishing up my Elemental pvp set.

    I enjoy all aspects of the game, but I think it's Feats that really keep my interest. I'm a bit of a completionist.
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  9. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    This probably sounds kinda strange but I keep myself interested by getting stronger gear so I can help out the new heroes in game.

    Obviously it does benefit me with things like style feats and in pvp matches etc etc but every time I log onto EU PVP I notice either 1 or a group of T4 PVP geared villains attking like lvl 5-20 heroes who havent a hope, so I get as strong as possible as fast as possible and try get better so I can either beast these villains and drive em back or at the very least distract them long enough for the low lvl to finish his mission.

    Feels good to help them out, even if it is only in a game.
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  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Roam around the city and try imagine how things were during the beta days.
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  11. MercPony Devoted Player

    Something else I found interesting to do was go to Metropolis or Gotham and roam the entire city with movement mode turned off. Puts the game in a new perspective.
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  12. Black Prime New Player

    Dont do it. I was tricked into coming over there this past fall. I was really let down. The devs spent to much time on making the game pretty. There is no action. At least dcuo has content that kind of teaches you your role. That game is played as a dps til level 50 then you get thrown to the wolves. Cant tell you how many ARCHERS over there would not give power cause it hurt their damage. Lol. If that game were more action based i think then it would be fun. Setting macros and moving around the room is what that game is all about.

    What to do when yoir bored with dcuo, yes been here for 3 years also, well i am trying to burn this path that i run in the tech wing. I do almost perfect circles and should have a path burnt in the ground by now. Lol.

    Only suggestion is run a alt. I use to run 4 toons, but got burnt out on that after T5 came out. I change powers from time to time and this lets me play different powers without buying respec tokens. I think it took 4 or 5 runs of AnB and some trigons. Within a month or so my alt went from 89 to 103. This is how i have been keeping busy. I justified to myself buying the skill points cause there is no way i am doing all this crap again, lol. Also in the long run having a alt that is as strong as my main makes it feel like its not a alt. I dont care about all the styles he doesnt have. I can play dress up on my main. This does help a little, but not much. Most my league has died out for the same reason. Picked back up with the last dlc, but since there is only 1 alert i am guessing i will see most of them for the first week. Get all the feats done outside of the gridy ones and back to 1 alert a day and see ya tommorrow.

    Sad thing is the next raid they make will prob be just one. That would be fine, but i really hope they look at revamping some old raids with a hard mode.that is one thing ffiv got right. They did make some of their content easier for less skilled players same as dcuo. But they also have hard mode and extream mode for their alerts and raids. We need more of what they do on FNL. Something where if a league like yours or mine or alot of them now since we are all pretty much 103cr could do every night for fun. Not ripping thru prime battle ground in 3 min. That is dumb. Also we wont even have to go into T4 stuff and below anymore since we will get a monthly box from T5 raids. Think your bored now wait another month, lol.
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  13. EzioNight New Player

    I play old stuff then 10min in I'm bored out my mind and just quit and go play minecraft instead.
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  14. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I recently rolled a new toon after taking some time off which has peaked my interest lately, Unfortunatly PvP is still pretty bad so I don't know how long I'll stay involved since thats really my main thing for playing online games.
  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Create and play an Alt character.

    Leveling up a new character is a nice change of pace from grinding the end game content over and over to gear up your toon.

    Edit; Forgto to mention.... take you time leveling up your toon. Make it last. No point to level up a new toon only to have it being CR 105 after 5 days.
  16. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i don't blame you. the game is worlds of awesome but even that won't prevent you from burning out if you've been playing extensively for a few years. if you count all the alerts ive run on my main and all my alts (keeping in mind i popped the 500 alerts feat for my main and main alt like two, two and a half years ago...) i've run them all maybe 2500-2575 times total. you're bound to get bored. theres nothing wrong with taking a little break or playing another game for a little bit til you remember what your missing. its those "give me what i want or i quit" threads that get all the ridicule...

    having lots of toons helps. i have a whole team and all have thier own itineraries and "to do" lists. My main is currently basically just grinding right now (currently working on finishing my "batte for earth" duos feat, still hunting cc bounties and running raids once a week without resetting (which currently takes one night) so its been all about the alts.

    When "Tides of War" first went live i rolled up a villain and decided that every year to roll a new one up to see what those mentor missions are like. First was magic, last years was meta, this year its going to be tech.

    With everything the game has to offer to keep us interested there isnt anything quite like leveling up a new toon.
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    I have 3. One of each role
  18. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I work on grind feats when there's nothing else to do. I try to pick just one or two and focus on them about an hour a day. Right now I'm working on treasure chests - 60 more to go for 1000!
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  19. AlTheButcher New Player

    This man, along with myself and many other, already have every available feat completed.
  20. Radium Devoted Player

    I stop playing for extended periods of time.

    Honestly, you want to stay interested in the game? Stop playing for a DLC or 2. You'd be amazed at how refreshing it is to back away for a bit.