What are you listening to now?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by DrNooB, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. OneBadBoi Active Player

  2. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Recorded by a fan on April 29, 2018 **
  3. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    We need the styles of the first dancer in the game :p
    We already have the mask :)
    Please, that's not that crapshitz Fornite dancing, is it? :eek:
  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

  6. Myoxz Well-Known Player

    Old...but good. The Cult - Revolution

  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  8. Great Spirit Devoted Player

  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  10. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Have a different version of "Butterfly" haven't ever been able to find online, so no idea who the group is :(
  12. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    You may be thinking of...

    or...(which people have refereed to as The Butterfly song)

  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Oh HAEL no! It's not that damn "Crazy Town" song, it's the same song as "Smile" sings, just has a male singing the Samurai's lines (and trust me, have looked on YouTube for over 10 years, which is very difficult to do narrowing down a single worded song title)
    It came free on a generic mp3 player, along with a Lionel Ritchie song
  14. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Um...points above to the second song I posted...That's the name of the song. Enter the Ninja. Try looking for that instead of Butterfly. I did see T.I.'s song Whatever You Like sampled the song.
  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    No, like said, it is "Butterfly", just a different version of it (female lead singer, with a male singing the Samurai's lines), have had it for over ten years (between 10 and 15 years, give or take) so well before "Enter The Ninja" (which is even worser than Crazy Town's song /shudder)
  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  20. Great Spirit Devoted Player