What are the top (highly regarded) Powers?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by JustARTificia1, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. JustARTificia1 New Player

    Hit 30 and was looking to respec on top of subbing to have access to everything. I'm currently using Light (dps focus) at the moment but want a change. I was mostly looking towards DPS as being my main focus, however I am open to Tank and Healer so if a power is very capable in both all the better.

    I've looked into Rage and that seems like where I'll be headed, but I just would like your opinions of the power or any others that are strong in the roles they can take before I make a decision.

    Not too bothered what is the absolute strongest in DPS or Tanking, just don't want a power that would feel lacking or does not contribute as much to a group.

  2. Dragnahr Anderson New Player

    OK first things first, there is no best power. Any power is good if you use it right, all powers have the same thing i say pick a power you have history with, even if someone beats you in damage, means the person knows his/her power better or the person drinks flexs like water. I use rage and i'm perfect with it no matter how many times it gets nerfed (pardon spelling).
  3. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Been Mental DPS since Day One. Know thy Power. Never trolled a day in my life up to T6. It was a hard uphill fight to progress, given that Damage Role-only players are a dime per 14 dozens... but along the way I came to know my power as intimately as a player ever could...even discovered a few things (my jealously guarded secrets, please don't ask) about it that only the Devs may know, which will allow me to go toe-to-toe even with the players using boosted Rage DPSing with 50 more SP than I have. I've done it, and have screenshots as trophy/proof.
    The point is, (and agreeing with the player above) be comfortable with your power, and stick with it and learn it to the fullest capacity. Discovery is its own reward.
  4. JustARTificia1 New Player

    Wasn't asking for the "best powers". I was just asking want are the highly regarded powers that are considered strong in either Tank, Healer or DPS. Is Ice more valuable to a team as a Tank over DPS? Why? Is Earth DPS somewhat lacking in DPS over Rage yet can Tank just as well as Earth?

    That's all I was asking. I've tried looking around, however most of the sources I find are out of date. I saw someone saying how rubbish Fire was, then saw that is was revamped after some time that comment was made.
  5. Buckley Loyal Player

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  6. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    There is the key issue... ALL powers CAN do any instance...which is best? It varies, across the board. Ice will be awesome in this instance, but total crap in that instance, same as Earth, Same as Fire, etc. For healing, precisely the same way. You will never see a power that slam dunks the others in every way, in every instance.
  7. Ice Clown New Player

    Rage is a beast in everything. Just know the mechanics of Rage and use weapon mastery and you'll be contributing just fine.
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  8. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Ice can tank high end content better and way easier than Rage and is up there in terms of DPS too
  9. Netherith Well-Known Player

    As a tank, you will only be looking at Rage, Ice, Fire and Earth. If you're only interested in pure damage output, Rage seems to be the high-end power; before Rage was released the primary crowd preferred Fire. For pure defensive ability and staying power, Ice is the preferred power while Earth specialized in pets and environmental carnage.
  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    ice is atm the power who has highest potential , pve and pvp both roles.
  11. JustARTificia1 New Player

    Are you talking about both DPS and Tank? If so, why are they strong in DPS? I have often seen it posted on the boards, but never looked into it.
  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    If you're looking at healer types, Sorcery is considered good at both healing and damage.
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  13. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Sorcery is another power that excells at bot roles
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  14. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    For the limited info I know about Ice, DPS: has a 60% damage modifier, most powers only have a 50%, keep the 60% up and you'll be sweet with damage, Tank: Shields, lotsa shields and very forgiving to someone new to tanking
  15. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Well, when the Max Damage mod comes out, all high level players will have a 60% modifier too, so that will discount your advice. :p

    I would never pick a power just because it does better anything... I pick a power because I love playing it. Your longevity in DCUO depends greatly on how much you enjoy playing your power... and if you pick one that does awesome damage but you really aren't excited about playing, then you most likely will not stick around playing too long. I started with Light, eventually switched to Celestial, then discovered Sorcery after the revamp and love it... not because it is better than another power, but because it is much more fun to play for how I like to play.
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  16. Akimbo Commando New Player

    My personal list of top 5 powers:

    1: Gadgets
    2: Gadgets
    3: Gadgets
    4: Gadgets
    5: Gadgets

    (But seriously, though, it sounds like Rage will by right up your alley.)
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  17. ChaosInternational New Player

    Everyone will say theirs is the best. I think you should look at the power turnover rates to see what power set has the most dedicated base. I know most every mental toon I know says "day one" and they have no desire to change.

    I guess what I'm getting at is finding your own niche, a power you enjoy using.
  18. FloodingGotham New Player

    The most powerful is skill.
  19. JustARTificia1 New Player

    And that's what I wanted to know. I wanted to know why people think that their power is strong and why? Does it feel satisfying seeing all that damage ticks as a Fire user for example?

    I can't just switch out powers without blowing 65 Pounds just trying them out. I would make a new toon, if I didn't put effort into the one I have. I would make test toons, if I could even sample a build. Getting to 10 as a Rage/Gadget/Mental/Fire/etc... doesn't give me enough to experience that power.

    So I was hoping people could tell me why they like their power. I didn't like HL because there is no impact. I never feel satisfied performing any powers and am scratching my head when I use Chompers or Inspiration to see no VFX. I went through content easy enough, often go top of the boards but the power just feels weak. Doesn't matter whether or not it was, it sure felt it and I couldn't drag myself any longer playing it.

    I appreciate TrueArchon for explaining why they chose Mental.
  20. ChaosInternational New Player

    Mental had me at, "specializing in CC effects". I'm a controller because it's a Jack of all trades role, I can match my damage and power out in any instance.