What’s your favorite raid?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Trykz, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Love and war was a fun one! Man that last boss with the V adds was a headache sometimes, that was back when trolls being able to stun adds was hella important lol.
    Defo good pick!
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  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think Halls of Hades is my favourite, or at least definitely up there. I have fond memories of league mates screeching and laughing on voice chat about running away from Cerberus before he got to the room. Labyrinth of Lost Souls was really good too. That whole episode overall was just really top tier imo.
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  3. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I really enjoyed War of the Light Part I and II. Besides Love and War I liked Assault and Battery.
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  4. Emoney Loyal Player

    My favorites are always the one room gladiator style fights.

    Fos3 was the first, but Prime battleground is prob my favorite. Then Paradox, and Happiness home.

    And, I know we are talking raids, but my favorite all time alert is still Oan.
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  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    FOS 2 Power Core, Our league spent many an evening in there. I remember one run in particular, our tank actually fell asleep, snoring into his headset.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    LOL I didn't like HoH because I actually am afraid of Dogs in real life. Mechanics in there was unique. They did something similar in JLD raid with the sentries in the library. Was interesting to see the mechanic again.

    I did like Labyrinth, though it was one heck of an instance to try and pug. OMG. The Gas room was by far the most painful to get through.
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  7. Dene Devoted Player

    It was Gates for me - it just felt so cool! except 1 run that was so toxic but that's a seperate story lol
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

  9. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    Olympus, False Idols, or The Throne. I'm a big fan of scenery and engaging maps. The boss fights were pretty cool too.
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  10. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    A gates run is still one of my weirdest runs. It was put together through shouts in the watchtower, and everyone had a mic, but nobody said a word the whole run. You could hear people clearing their throats, or dogs, but nobody spoke. This was shortly after the raid dropped, maybe a week, and getting the speed feat was a real feather in your cap. Anyway, this quiet run, gets the speed feat, all 8 players pop the feat at the end. We all stand around silently nobody saying anything, and one by one, everyone leaves.

    That raid was nearly 10 years ago now and I still remember the run.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I have numerous favorites, but mostly


    Nothing really since.
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  12. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Definitely power core. I came in when this was the newest.
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  13. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Such a freaking classic!
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  14. Trykz Dedicated Player

    That’s like a who’s who of the best raids lol.
    Glad someone finally have gates some love, I love gates!
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  15. Chewsy Well-Known Player

    I really love the mechanics and characters in the first JLD Arcane boss, but the 2nd one in Limbo Town is way too cluttered and messy. Would be a top tier raid for me if the quality of the first half carried over to the second half.
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  16. C3alix Committed Player

    From a tanks prospective:

    Lockdown - You're literally what everybody is worried about from start to finish.

    Gotham City Zoo Elite - This version of the raid had less to do with gear and more to do with skills all the way around as a tank. Standing still was NOT an option.

    Nexus - This was one of the first raids to take us out of our comfort zones.

    Monsters of Mayhem Elite - TEAMWORK!! COMMUNICATION! This version put you on the spot!
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  17. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    HiveE. Nostalgia is certainly part of it but it’s also objectively (as possible) a great raid.
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  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I probably should have specified they're my favourites only if I'm running with people I know. Pugging...not so much.
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  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Love the Bombshells Paradox raid. This was first introduction of the Bombshells versions of Iconic characters and I love the mechanics there. I am sad they only did a raid and we never got a open world with them roaming around :(
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  20. L T Devoted Player

    Throne of the Dead/e hands down.

    The mechanics were astoundingly good. Getting half the group teleported kept everyone on their toes.
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