What’s coming July 16th?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Furious Vee, Jul 2, 2024.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Clearly there's less lag at the farm next to the acid factory, happy picking. :)
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  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    im not a mushroom.
  3. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Im in the spirit world right now and there are giant chickens strutting about. /shotguns firing off.
    Trying to summon Apache Chief to help me fight off these giant chickens.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Most likely not a bonus week the week of July 16.. that’s for sure
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  5. Sollace Committed Player

    Forget all the excitement about a potential good event x2 or whatever, it's going to be Batman Day, it's on 16 July and it was in the roadmap programme released in March...
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  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I bet you July 16 will be a whole lotta disappointment. That seems to be one thing you can depend on in DCUO these days. All I’m hoping for is that the lag doesn’t increase and it’s something you won’t have to eventually max out the credit cards for but who am I kidding it probably will? :D
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Batman Day is Sept 21st 2024.

    So... pretty sure it is not Batman Day. ;) ;)

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  8. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Schrödinger's Discount
  9. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

  10. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    Antilag and chat repair tokens will be added to the marketplace :D
  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I say keep your expectations low … and you won’t be disappointed.

    Also maybe it’s the announcement of the new dlc .. and they mentioned it would have new structure or something so maybe it’s them explaining it who knows.

    They promised the dlc for September (I’m skeptical) but if the last dlc is any indication how things are going over there then they should put up on test now so they can make the fixes before it goes live cause for some reason they struggle fixing things while it’s on test.
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  12. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I hope they bring that 85th anniversary emblem. Said it before and I will say it again, been waiting years for this to come back.
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  13. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    So according to Kendricke’s producer letter July 16 is when they switching to reset days on Tuesday from Thursday. Also new Brainiac Returns content and double Bizarro Samples incoming. They’re announcing new DLC on July 26 for San Diego con. So that’s the big surprise.
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    How do you know this out of curiousity
  15. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Go look at the producer's letter. It's all detailed there.
  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It’s in Announcements currently.
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Thanks I saw it now I thought they meant the old producer letter
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  18. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Lol yeah if that was the case I would hesitate to trust that’d work out to be true but since the guy himself says it’s this Tuesday on a Friday this week I’ll take my bets more lol
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  19. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Welp, my playgroup is going to fall apart now, torn between people who have to do it immediately and those with different schedules.
  20. Kendricke Lead Producer, DCUO

    That's a good bet.
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