Welcome Angeliana - Senior Community Manager

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I used to PvP my hubby in another game when he made me mad. I would drop tag and kill him while he was grinding on monsters. The "Why did I die? Oh, it's you." never got old!

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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    So..... you are more then evil.....

    You are EEViLLL!!! ;) ;)
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    When I saw you were EEViLLL!!!!.... I was sure you would say Raven. ;)
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  4. Green Action Well-Known Player

    Sounds a lot like bdo LoL,
    my friends would do that o me all the time, I'd stream it too, was good fun,
    Question regrading the twitch,
    any thoughts on actually monetizing the twitch to provide further income for the game?,
    or even donating twitch funds to extra life as another way to give back,

    there is a lot of mmo players on twitch and i feel if we actually put some free stuff (like free 7 time capsules or a free 7 day membership if you have twitch prime), Again it's way to actively showcase the game on different platform esp for MMO gamers and other gamers that aren't familiar with dcuo, it also lets players know "hey dcuo is still around? I haven't played that in ages let me go check it out"
    The thing is too with twitch prime is it reach's a lot of folks, Is there anything in the way of dcuo from reaching out to twitch to maybe help with this?,
    free things on twitch prime is also free advertisement for the company too.

    this was posted in may 6 of 2021
    How many people use Twitch Prime?
    Tl;dr: Twitch subscriptions have grown 55% YoY as the live streaming audience continues to grow in 2021! Twitch subscriptions have seen major growth in the past year. Stream Hatchet estimates that Twitch Prime, a sub tier through an Amazon Prime subscription, had over a 36% increase with 41 million subs
    thats 41 million people that will see free items on twitch,(again this is off of google so please keep with me)

    Also lets talk about twitch drops, with the new SSKTJ they have done twitch drops to help promote theyre twitch community to help content creators grow, its one thing dcuo team really lacked on, was helping content creators to grow, then taking input from them over the years ( a few people were banned even, That's really Not cool) never happened,
    I am hoping to see you help provide feedback as well help the game strive for better heights, I am scared though, I will not lie.

    I have invested nearly 440 days of playing time into this game, and I just want it to get the love that it deserves, and not to be treated like a failure..
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah, I'm pretty evil!


    Jk, I know what you meant. Sadly (on the contrary to popular belief), I myself personally am actually not based on that character (even though she is also my favorite, for obvious reasons).
    (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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  6. Designated Well-Known Player

    When we getting US and EU merge for PS/PC?
  7. Pandavil New Player

    Welcome to the community!
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  8. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Welcome and best of luck!
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  9. Wildcat Committed Player

    GG evil Raven confirmed for legends PVP :p
  10. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  12. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Cause you said 'no' to us.....Sorry. Did they not explain the CM rules to you? If you agree with us on everything...we love you.:D

    One NO and that all goes out the window.....:mad:

    Just kidding...kinda.:rolleyes:
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  14. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

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  15. Cypharr Committed Player

    Exactly why I chose mental for my first toon in 2011. I'm highly intrigued by mental powers. See Maxima
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  16. Cypharr Committed Player

    Angie it would be nice for you and for everyone most especially you to kick off your tenure with a bang by giving us x2 arts xp bonus week as you first spotlight this week. This will rally the community to your cause. But I guess you already knew that. Yay! finally x2 arts bonus week is here.
  17. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I'm just an interim person. I'm sure when a more permanent person is in place, something such as that can be discussed with them.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    No, I need bonus wonderverse!
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
  20. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

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