Welcome Angeliana - Senior Community Manager

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Day 1 be like....

    After Thursday's NON XP bonus announcement...
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Pretty much this, the honeymoon phase is strong with some people right now.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    This is just getting ridiculous
  5. Bloodwynd71 Active Player

    As far as Mepps goes. It is sad to see someone get laid off. But a change was needed because over the past few years there has been little interaction from Mepps with the community and his job was community manager.
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  6. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Pro Tip: Don't feed the trolls.
  7. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    This is so unbelievably cringe!!! And worse - it’s left an image in my mind. People sat together playing in their adult bedroom, on mic, being like “dude - you see how hot the new CM is? Bro… right!?” ‘OF’ unite :/
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Welcome to the Moshpit
  9. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Greetings champion. I am RunfromDanger Man, an extraterrestrial AI from the extinct planet of Khymdar. Considering I have bodies of all types my program can be transferred into it is ok to refer to me as a robot or android interchangeably and my personality was programmed to be male.
    If my program had emotional circuits I have no doubt I would be pleased to meet you and if I were capable of feeling I’m sure I would hope for a good and positive interaction on the forums.
  10. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    As per my hubby, I am super evil at times. Usually when one least expects it. :D

    hehe The evil said my soul was too much for him, and he gave it back. :D

    I feed everyone! It's what momma's do. We also know how to mollywhomp those who do not behave!

    If it's not a mudpit where people mosh, is it even a moshpit?

    I too have no feelings (mainly from being a CM since 2007)!
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  11. Wildcat Committed Player

    Hey there Angeliana, nice to see You as new CM :)

    Who is Your favourite DC character and why? :p
  12. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    This made me laugh far too hard this morning, thank you! So silly!
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  13. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I've merged together the like topics of welcoming me. I am humbled and honored by so many positive welcome messages. Thank you all!
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  14. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I've always liked Raven, from the Teen Titan era personally. Psychic powers have always intrigued me, manipulating others with the mind is not as far fetched as people seem to want it to be...although physically wounding someone with the mind is less plausible.
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  15. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    In real life it’s being a janitor at a grocery store that eliminated my feelings.
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  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Ah, good ol' customer service...I used to do something like that in my youth, until I found out I didn't have the disposition to just smile and take it. I salute those that can keep at it.

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  17. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    It is hilarious that you posted that, as a few of my colleagues have claimed that character is modeled after me over the years by name and action. :D
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  18. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Thank you. Eventually it’s actually the same jokes over and over again that are more taxing. The rudeness a person gets used to. However, you never get used to someone telling a stocker “this doesn’t have a price it must be free”, telling the janitor “why don’t you come to my house and do that when you’re done” or telling the cashier “if you count every grain of rice it’s more than 10 items” and the person expecting you to laugh as if you hadn’t heard that joke 100 times already today alone. When someone is being rude though, that’s easy. The answer to whatever they’re being rude about moves from “maybe, let me see what I can do” to “no. Just, no.” lol
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  19. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Oh, then your evil will do us alot of good here. We always wanted an EvilMepps :)
    Oh when Mepps does have to be evil to the evil players of getting rid of them. They cry and Mepps gets paid. :)
    Oh wait, do you mean evil as in Godmode and take us all down in pvp? Because that is really evil. :)
  20. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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