Weapon Mastery: The Good and the Bad

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minecrawler, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Minecrawler New Player

    Here are my initial thoughts. This is strictly from a dps POV.

    The good things:
    -Lots of varieties. Hopefully this will lead to some very interesting new dps builds.
    -Most of the combos do respectable damage so people can actually play with their favorite weapon and still be competitive with others.
    -Power consumption will be significantly less.
    -Many of the powers that were not so good with damage dealing will do more damage now (might not be the same level as the top dps powers but still itll be better than before)

    The bad things:
    -Another game mechanic that favors precision based powers.
    -The whole point of removing jump cancelling was so people can have fun while using superpowers, but these weapon combos encourages quite the opposite since people will spend most of the time doing them.
    -The full animation required for max damage heavily interrupts the fast paced combat system and does not fit well with the flow of the combat.
    -Restricted by a DLC? Really?

    What do you guys think?
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  2. Mick Nugget New Player

    I agree with the "pro" section.
    Honestly couldn't disagree more with the "con" section.

    +I haven't noticed any significant advantage for precision based powers, except that the previous gear had a precision based option. the new gear does not, everyone can spec into precision to gain the same base damage. My might buff for my might based power adds a might tick instead of precision, and on top of that, the might power I throw hits a guaranteed crit so it makes good use of all my might.

    +I jump cancel just fine. I don't know if you are aware of this but we can still jump cancel and the delay is negligible unless you want to double grenade on top of everything else still.

    +It just doesn't. I really don't see the diff between doing a weapon combo or chaining another one behind it before hitting a power, except that doing so guarantees the power I throw to crit and saves power so I'm not hurting the troll and I'm still doing beast damage. I just do not see any sort of downside to this... and It is fast paced and hard to execute.

    +This has given me several more options, not less.
  3. Minecrawler New Player

    Weapon mastery is not only for people with new gear.

    I wasnt talking about jump canceling, I was talking about how weapon mastery will now change the way people play. People will use less superpowers and more weapon combos now and that sucks cause this is a superhero game and using powers are more fun in general.

    I have personally tested all the weapon combos, and so have many other people I know, and I can tell you there are many combos that doesnt feel as smooth as it is supposed to be. Although they still have the chance to fine tune them i guess.

    Thanks for feedback :)
  4. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    I never felt as brutal as when I'm DPSing using WM, it may be slower in certain moments, but boy, the damage is just from other planet. Also, I don't think this is just only for precision based powersets, the new T6 gives only might boost compared to vestments of rage (almost 1K more might) plus the 360% crit chance and the crit damage buff after chaining a WM combo succesfully will benefit more might powersets rather than precision ones.

    But something I'm sure about is that if you want to stay competitive, you'll need to be legendary or buy this DLC for sure.

    EDIT: I just read is going to be free for all :D
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  5. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Well they're taking it out of dlc10 and putting it in a future update so who knows now when will get it or what it's going to look like .
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  6. Minecrawler New Player

    Wow they are? That was unexpected. I guess this makes up a bit for what they tried to pull with T6 gear price. +1 Devs!
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  7. ??? Well-Known Player

    Could you help us to make a comparison like you use to do, like Rage vs lets say Fire to see the differences?
  8. Minecrawler New Player

    Yeah I guess what I was trying to say is that we really dont know if the future gears will have 2 different versions or just one. But I just read this:
    So maybe might will get some love after all.
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    My take on WM was it's gonna make me wanna quit, but after seeing videos I think it will be good. I can't help but think what if WM was introduced with the release of dcuo? Think it would be in a better position than it is now, because rather players like it or not, the new combat system is closer to the comics and movies/cartoons a lot of us grew up with. Just my opinion
  10. Black Star New Player

    After trying a few different weapons, I'll be sad to see my old favorites go because I can't ignore better damage from faster/stronger weapons.

    Other than this, My Might DPS will benefit the most from this, and PVP will change a good deal but otherwise I think it'll be business as usual.
  11. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    I really liked everything but the only thing that really bugs me is the Shield WM I would of like it to be Shield combo into OH and Staff, make a spartan warrior or Shield with Brawling and MA or mix but Im looking forward to Troll or Tank with WM.
  12. TrueOlympus New Player

    I remember when Fire use to be sow and brutal.....