Weapon Mastery Testing

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Black Star New Player

    Good to know you guys are keeping track of potential OP PI's and WM interactions.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Thanks for the clarification, Tunso. That makes sense, though I can see how folks might be irritated at having to choose. Of course, they will still be able to benefit from the WM combo damage, even if they don't get the buff.

    While you're here, can you speak to what some above have been noticing about DoT ticks seeming to proc within the WM buff window? Is this intended? Or is it an unintended side effect of the buff window?
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Hi Tunso,

    According to the link you displayed, the "awesome mechanic" should not have been introduced to Nature and Sorcery "yet". So is the information that Spytle posted lacking the fact Nature and Sorcery already got theirs? Can you clarify when their "awesome" mechanic to the other powers are being set? Also, with Sorcery, it did get adjustments later to Pets, but Nature had the DoTs and Swarm before the revamp. The revamp didn't seem like it changed the way the original dots worked, just adjusted like how harvest worked and added a new burst PI to the powerset. Swarm seemed unchanged as well.
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  4. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    I've been trying to think of a loadout that doesn't use dots or swarm. we have impaling thorns, voracious plants(with out the PI boost), carnage, hive mind, robot sidekick and supercharge? I don't know man. Think i might be switching from nature after this, I like weapon mastery too much to not benefit from it.
  5. DatWhizKid Active Player

    You do have a PI for voracious plants...terrorize...they added that PI in the most recent update.
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  6. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    yea thats true, for some reason I thought their post included terrofied as well. But have you ever seen what terrofied does? it makes every thing freak out and run away lol. ill give it a try though. Roar, serpent call, carnage, voracious plants, impalling thorns, supercharge that with WM combo's. sounds like it could work. ill play with it after work today and post a video of what I come up with.
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  7. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Hey, thanks for this post. I would like to further clarify if possible. I see that Watcher is not listed as an affected pet, so if I use Watcher (I'm assuming this is because the damage done isn't huge like the other two) will I get the buffs from using WM?

    I understand that I won't get a buff if I use Fury, but I'm still able to use the combos in WM right? I just won't get the buff? I just enjoy the animations and combos, they are fun and I'm totally fine with not getting a buff as well if it would lead to imbalance down the road.

    Honestly, I was a little worried, but I think that it's much better that you guys caught this and are fixing it now. Instead of having to read thread after thread of people demanding a nerf on sorcery. Thanks.
  8. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    I dunno. .. This is seeming less and less like a "play your own way" and more like a "play our way or don't play with the big boys". As nature if I want to use WM to be "AWSOME" as they have stated, then I can no longer use swarm, vine lash, savage growth, briar, harvest, gorilla, or wolf. Not including buffs and ST there are only 5 powers left to pick from. This is basically forcing everyone that is nature that strives to be awesome to play a cookie cutter load out. I understand not buffing DOTS. But taking away all critical buffs just for using DOTS seems way to extrema and detrimental.
  9. Tunso Committed Player

    I had already confirmed where the combo powers stood when that post was being written because there was outrage and concern surrounding them at the time. Nature and Sorcery players were fairly quiet so there was no need to immediately stop everything I was doing and to run tests. So I told Jens, "Ya know what, don't say anything about Nature and Sorcery yet". Even though we've been balancing toward this standard for quite some time, I wanted to be absolutely certain Nature and Sorcery hit the bar. If they weren't 100% fine and we announced otherwise, a pox would have been declared upon my house and the house of my kin for three generations. So please forgive the intentional omission from the post Jens made a few weeks back.

    TL;DR Nature and Sorcery are in fact, awesome.
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  10. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    That's a good point. Will other powers have their DOTs reduced like this? What about burning dots?
  11. Tunso Committed Player

    I don't think Watcher needs to be restricted as it's a low baseline damage pet and mostly a healer tool. You can still use the weapon mastery combos with the Fury, you just won't get the huge super power crit bonuses. In fact if you don't like clipping, using the full weapon mastery combos + fury (or Nature DoTs) allows you to play and maximizing your damage output without having to clip combos since full mastery combos approximate the damage output of their clipped cousins.
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  12. Tunso Committed Player

    Burning DoTs aren't affected as those are low damage and usually are paid for either in up front damage or power cost.
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  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Awesome, thanks for the info. That's what I thought but I wanted to make sure. Fury and I are appeased. ^.^ no crit bonuses, but what about the power reduction cost? (Or do you only get that when you successfully complete a WM combo? Sorry for the annoying questions.)
  14. Sore Steadfast Player

    Nature in the clipping style is in fact awesome. We'll have to let the jury be out for whether Nature in the WM style holds to that same bar. With the new PI, I can see you're keeping an eye on that. I just don't know if setting up a PI single target or in a cone with a 35% modifier move will keep up in a WM style to, say Mental, who might be using Mass Terror to setup their PI with a little more pep.
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  15. Tunso Committed Player

    Yes you still get the power reduction.
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  16. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    You just made my day, thank you. ^.^
  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    There isn't one if you want to stay competitive. I guess now you could do purely Precision based using Weapon Mastery but that kind of defeats the purpose of Nature specific mechanics. I was able to stay competitive without Poison Spores and using Primal Wolf but I needed a) another Nature Damager in the group to setup Power Interactions and b) Swarm. Primal Wolf and Swarm both cancel Weapon Mastery.

    I guess you could use:

    Serpents Call - Chaotic Growth - Carnage - Voracious Plants - Impaling Thorns - Choice (Swarm Shield/Robot Sidekick?)

    Use Serpents Call to setup Terrorize so that you get the added damage from Voracious Plants. Robot Sidekick for the consistent pet damage and then use Weapon Mastery 100% of the time with a Voracious Plants/Impaling Thorns clip. Setting up Terrorize every 2-3 combos, Carnage every 12 seconds and Chaotic Growth when available. It would be a much different way to play but may work. This was similar to how I play alongside another Nature Damager now using Primal Wolf.

    I'll have to test the loadout when I am next on the test server. :)
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  18. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    If you clip Serpents Call with Carnage you would be at a minimum of 45%. You would be at 50% with your next Weapon Mastery combo. I did a similar thing with Primal Wolf but I stayed at 40%. Could be viable but I will have to test it. It will be another Build for me on live at least. :)
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Okay, I understand that. So in other words, the benefits from WM is no longer useful in the powerset outside of the white damage from the combo.

    But can you explain more on WM with the others that are actually in the top tier too? Rage, Celestial, and Light all benefit from the massive tick of might damage from WM, as you need a might damage to combo out of. Are you looking to exclude these from the crit bonus like Nature and Sorcery is getting?

    Also, the damage from the other powersets that can benefit from it, when they finally get the bonus "awesome mechanic" from a future adjustment, does this mean that it too will be excluded from WM?

    Finally, when can we expect these "awesome power mechanics" to be implimented? I know it can't be done all at once, but it seems like the imbalance will still sway towards the opposite end before it settles out.
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  20. Sore Steadfast Player

    The possibility of a non-spore style being available to Nature is intriguing. I the power, animations, tree, colors, and concept too much.

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