Weapon mastery combo idea

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Scarletboy, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Scarletboy New Player

    I think that weapon mastery combos should be implemented in a way that any combo can be selected as a mastery combo. So it wouldn't even be complicated or mess up the tree. Just once you master a weapon you can hold down the select key and set it as your mastery combo. For example dual combos melee and hold range do a lifting slash. Then if you have other combos on another weapon unlocked you hold down the selection button X for PS4 on that combo. A drop down will come up with the names of accessible combos. Click the one you want and voila you have any mastery combo for any weapon. You could have 4 at a time to make combat for prec users more fun. The method for mastert combo could just be and extra hold of either melee or ranged.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sounds like a complete balancing nightmare.
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  3. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Are the combos balanced now? Last I heard they weren't but then I almost never see anyone using them anymore.
  4. Damon Clau New Player

    I doubt very much they are anymore balanced than anything else in this game.

    Evidence? Getting told I'm playing it wrong because my powerset isn't the best for clipping or I don't have an EoG bolted to my healer like it's the only thing that matters.
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  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I absolutely hate weapon mastery and if it were up to me I’d get rid of it and focus on balancing the combos that existed pre mastery.

    But I know a lot of people love mastery.

    So it needs to be balanced.

    Not everyone wants to use dual wield or brawling but those seem to be the only viable options for mastery at this

    They all need to be reworked so they all do similar damage.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the people that love weapon mastery. love two combos brawling MA and dual wield bow and purely for DPS reasons..

    they could be removed tomorrow and i wouldn't lose any sleep over it. it was a failed mechanic and should have kind of gone away when the mechanic did. but if they are staying they should be the same in output. for the same as other things to simply not have everyone doing the same thing..
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s not true. Many have used these weapons because they were aesthetically pleasing.

    People don’t actually know much about balance. Dw and brawling don’t have balance issues. The issue comes from literally no other weapon being viable.

    I don’t use speed and rarely use EoG yet I have never been told I’m doing it wrong. It’s that people just don’t know how to clip so other assume these players are doing bad damage because they aren’t using speed.