We Seem To Be Leaking Marks Of Triumph

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Sodam Yat, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    So yesterday a lot of ppl reported that they had lost a significant amount of Marks of Triumph. I myself somehow managed to lose 130,000. I know, ouch.

    But wait, there's more.

    I logged on today after amassing around 67,000 more Marks of Triumph, the hotfix was supposed to cap MoT at 65,000 max, but instead it decided to take away another 65,000 from my currency tab. So instead of losing 2000 MoT due to the cap and looking at a nice red 65,000, im instead staring teary-eyed at my new total MoT: 2142.

    2 Days, 195,000 MoT mysteriously gone.

    Ive logged a ticket and the devs said they're working on it but if you have lost any more MoT on Day 2, plz post here
  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    My HT mods expire today. I went from having 130K of MOT to 4000, not enough to replenish my mods. If this isn't fixed today, I may need to take a break for a couple of days.
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  3. Mantoe Well-Known Player

    I went from having 134,907 marks, to only having 3407 marks I hope this issue gets fixed soon either give us back our marks or convert them to marks of fury for us I would be fine with that.
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  4. Cyrano3134 New Player

    The day of the DLC 10 i lost over 61K marks of triumph and put a ticket in for the loss marks the GM that responded to me stated the following: "Unfortunately the GM Team cannot manually grant these marks individually to players, as it will be a server-wide grant. This reimbursement will be made at the discretion of the game developers. The game developers do not respond to tickets but they do interact with players on the forum. If you'd like to contact the game developers directly your best bet is to create a thread on the forum" Will the gave developers resolve this issue or will customer service do it?
  5. Ebon Angel New Player

    First, I congratulate you on at least getting a response from CS, no matter how vague it is. I also filed a ticket and have only received the automated "Your ticket has been received ..." Message. I have not seen on the forums any direct message about what the procedure will be for this (and I lost more than 100f). If anyone knows of a Dev addressing this, would you kindly provide a link?
    Thanks in advance.
  6. BriWi Well-Known Player

    I too lost a lot of MoTs since DLC10 launched. I can't say exactly how many because, to be honest, I hadn't been paying attention to my MoTs until after MoRs got 'retired' in favor of Marks of Fury. I don't know of anything specfic SOE has planned to make up for the mark loss other than the 50 replay badges we were told we'd get soon™. It still doesn't change the fact that this is still annoying.
  7. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    I lost 70k MoT and still no solution from the support theam :(