Why is there absolutely nothing and no word on anything pvp related? It’s absolutely broken ran arenas with some older PvP players and I don’t expect them to ever log back in for sure now. No one uses their weapon, counters don’t work correctly, immunity is broken, power consumption for support roles seemed a little ridiculous, every arena we ran it was just rage/mental spamming powers. Can’t block HL or rage. Tried legends.... and well more broken stuff. 2Face/Rifle 5 tap can’t be blocked, Saint Walker utter garbage, none of the healing items excluding Colas give health /power back. Where and when did this go wrong? Who gave you the idea? The whole pvp section needs to reworked. I literally got countered four times. FOUR from getting lunged. I mean come on if you’re not going to fix any thing in PvP tell your customers you’re not, shut the section down, give everyone the styles and feats and for the people who actually played the game for pvp... idk what to say.
The answer was already given in a different thread a few months back. it is not their priority at the current time to address PVP. We can only hope that priority changes at some point.
Then they need to just shut the pvp down. It’s literally that easy disable the queues for pvp and let us all move on. We been going on since 2015 how bad pvp has been and it’s literally gotten worse and worse every year.
I understand it's particularly imbalanced right now and broken in many aspects, I get that you're frustrated. but sorry I don't agree with shutting it down.
Nah- Why waste the resources and keep it up? IMO just either put the ole girl down, or just remove it till it can be fixed. Right now it's an utter joke and frankly the devs should be embarrassed of the product they put out (in regards to PVP)
DC probably had more money and resources back then, who knows, but things are different now. Everyone has an old closet or attic or basement.....you have stuff you dont want to clean out, but you want to keep just in case. This is pvp now. They're just gonna let it sit. You cant just delete a whole half of a game. Do you know anything about coding lol? Well i dont but i know its probably not as easy as "select all pvp code and delete" People have been leaving for a reason. Why im still here i personally dont know. The game has literally told us indirectly "only pve and styles matter to us"
You are right can't just delete it, but easily coukd disable any PVP instance from allowing a queue. I wish they would do something about it. Many of us "old timers" used to get our dailies done then PVP for hours on end. Not so much anymore...now its maybe an hour to run my all of my toons dailes, chat a bit and off to somewhere else I might spend my money. You'd think they would realize that.
I just wish they would figure out a way to properly monetize PVP once they fix it. Since monetizing it won't do crap unless they fix it first. This way they can continually keep it running without so many issues. God, I miss the days when SOE ran stuff and actually cared about PVP.
I would have thought pvp could be monetized if they threw new pvp maps with each dlc....a new set of gear etc.....
Tell that to all the people who spend a surprising amount of time in the faction HQs, safehouses and just about any gathering point in the game dueling (and sniping back and forth at one another about the results of said duels). Suggest that to all the people who never seem to disable the dueling flag on their characters, even at spots where other players are trying to use a portal or vendor. See what kind of responses you get. PvP has been better, I won't deny that. I don't PvP much (if at all) and even I know that the situation has been in better places than it is now. But just going by what I see in my travels to and from locations in the game, I can't buy into the picture some try to paint about how dire the PvP situation is because people are still engaging one another in fights pretty regularly. Like I said, PvP isn't really my thing, so the removal of it wouldn't really affect my game time all that much. But I'm not going to advocate for its removal because I know there are people who do enjoy it and participate. So I find it kind of surprising that someone who enjoys it would advocate for it to be removed simply because it isn't getting the attention from the devs they think it deserves.
Question: What would be the effect in PvP if DCUO decides to reduce in 50% the prices in PvP vendors?
Sorry, have to disagree. Leave it as it is. There are newer players that know the current meta for PvP. I know sounds silly, but there is a way to play PvP currently. A few buddies and myself have been doing so this past week or two. Its obviously not the pvp most of us are used to, nor is it as difficult for people that dont PvP. We've found if you have these three things: shields, 100 power, and roles. Dps have a place, but just like before. If people do not know or understand how to pvp, they aren't gonna do good. I'm not a fan of what we have currently, but I confirmed to the meta. Really no different than the last big pvp shake up. I'm sure peeps remeber when the servers merged and nature became the "meta" for healing. It's really no different. Let me put it this way, is it as good as the old days of RPS, no. Is it as good as pvp after server merge, no. It is still fun to play with friends and kick azz. So take pvp for what it is currently, and not what it was.
at this point, i wish they would just throw up the classic rock paper scissors settings for pvp of the old days at least it was playable
PvP costs nothing to the users....it generates no money for DBG, so it's low priority. If you believe that people are leaving the game because PvP is busted, wouldn't shutting it down also drive them away? Now if you think PvP could be re-worked in such a way that it would be worth subbing for, maybe it would bring in some new subs, but that would have to be a huge change and would probably drive up the regular sub rate as well (I guess unless you made PvP a-la-carte). People who want PvP have several other options out there and I doubt DC would ever compete with those, so it's a moot point. Besides, if history is any lesson, there is probably no way to fix it that wouldn't be met with 1/3 of the community's complaints. "Too-OP" powers, broken weapons, out of balance match ups....every time they try to fix one a new problem comes to the forefront. I believe the cries to 'shut down PvP...it's broke' could easily be translated to 'shut down PvP, then give me the now defunct SPs because I can't PvP successfully'. Leaving it in place costs nothing and those who do PvP can do so (admittedly that's a lot less than used to). If they announced they were shutting it down, and that the SPs therein would become inaccessible, I'd wager some of those same people's opinion would change to 'ok....just leave it up'. Reinheld
So because they can't fix PvP now it's just shut it down. This thread should be a reminder of why PvP fixes cannot take place. Even on a common narrative, can't agree. It is worst than the controllers revamp They can't fix it because whatever they do, it will be seen as broken by others. To many rules for PvP, survivability is never really on the table. Everything has to be equal, including skill level, if not it gets removed or a handicap is put in place.