We need alternative options to stats clamping...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by STsource, Jan 22, 2022.

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  1. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    wow idk why ppl need to get so mean
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    The content is easier when it goes in to EEG than just before that occurred, Wonderverse showed this, the day before Wonderverse went in to EEG it was harder than the day after, I know this because I checked it the night beforehand to see how it felt, Did you observe something differently? Did you do the same? If you have an issue with Wonderverse specifically, what is it? What instance, what boss?

    As for getting hard feats, why should you get them, just by randomly queuing the content and getting it with absolute randoms who probably aren't even attempting it? At that point how is that feat even worth anything? Did you 'earn' it at that point when it could be argued you simply go it for participating; because it was that easy...

    For what it's worth as well networking in an MMO is important, join a league, build or join a network of friends, obtain help. The more you try to be a lone wolf in an MMO the bigger the rod is you're creating for your own back.

    It isn't the games fault you have limited time, nor should a game be designed around players whose time is limited. Everyone has to choose how much time they want to spend on the game and that decision will ultimately impact what you can get done and what you can't or how long you might ultimately be at your grind. for example LPVE feats will take longer or never be achieved at all.

    Repeatedly making groups by the way is what everyone has done before you to get feats where doing exactly that provides you with the best way or opportunity with which to get that feat, why should that really change just because it goes to EEG, did somehow those rules change?

    This is pointless because like I said, the reason people want to be unclamped is to get the feats, getting the feats first before being able to run unclamped seems nonsensical besides the fact of course that's going to make people rage just as much if not more when the more skilled players in the game get the feats, get unclamped only resulting in the more casual player base having a massive cry about how unfair that is.

    For the record as well, when content is within relevancy you are not getting "dragged" along to the hardest feats, the content is harder the day before it hits EEG so that's simply demonstrably untrue, sorry
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    There was no part of my post that was mean, There were no direct personal insults and I'm not going to add a bunch of cotton wool so that some players don't get their feels hurt with the descriptive truth.
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  4. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    idk seems mean and hostile why can't ppl disagree without being so nasty
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Nothing really hostile about it, was just calling an apple an apple.

    The skill point in this game has been the same since it started, you get feats, you get skill points (stat points, whatever).

    As you progress, which you still do, those feats get easier and that is still the case even now.

    They're just not as easy as they would have been without the clamp, but perhaps back then they were just too easy.

    Would you rather achieve something and be proud of it afterwards or make something so easy you get the trophy just for turning up? Does the latter really make you feel good?
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  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    it takes multiple feats as they have different values, to gain skill points. /facepalm, so obvious. over time you gain more feats/skill points. I've accepted to not ever get the ones from LPVE and many many collections, that would amount to little skill point gains more than I've gotten from regular/not elite gameplay. (did not use a CR skip, does not have alts)
  7. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    except snarky things about feelings and cotton or whatever but if you don't think u were being nasty ok sure. if u want to get yr point across try being nicer and more humane ino
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  8. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    So did they learn, or did you and the one other without deaths beat it for them anyway? Sounds like 6 people got the carry just like before, except maybe more slowly.

    I don't have nearly the vehemence for or against the clamp that most here seem to, but my own take is that it's not helping people learn. Your post is another confirmation that 2 players can still roll through most content.

    To anyone who feels the goal is player improvement, gettin' gud, learning, doing mechanics -- what do you see that indicates that the clamp is working toward that goal?

    The last time I ran omnibus, I got Labyrinth, one of my favorite old raids. It's highly mechanical, but I was in the omnibus mood, so I ran it. Of course, it took like a dozen "a player has declined the instance, searching for a new group" but then it popped. More evidence that a good number of people just opt-out on mechanics.

    Anyway, I had a decent experience. We had one person leave, but the remaining others accepted that you actually had to do the mechanics to progress. They listened to the experienced players giving instruction. Once they chose to listen we beat it easily, and grabbed the newer folks a few feats, too. Clamping had nothing to do with it. The door just won't open unless you do it properly. That's the kind of development we need to see if we want people to learn and interact with mechanics.

    For now, clamping just slows people down, either fishing for an easy queue, or by lessening the burn rate. In some cases sure, we needed slower burn to not glitch instances. But in most cases slower burn doesn't equate to learning. And in most instances, fast burn didn't equate to glitches.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    One could argue the phrase I used was sarcastic, certainly not intended to be mean though. It is in fact quite a common phrase used in English to highlight the unreasonable level of someones complaint.


    There was nothing mean intended with it other than to emphasize the point I was making that the complaint was "unreasonable" and "excessive" ;)
  10. Dene Devoted Player

    this is the only reason an end game player would have for optional - whether they admit it or not
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  11. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    Considering that the feat system in this game is intertwined with the progression on our stats, yes I would feel good having it easy as long as I get my stats up. Most of the time I do not care if the feat is a feat, I just want the progression in stats.
  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I EARNED every bit of CR and SP I got, no one HANDED it to me! I work hard for everything I get and trust me nothing was handed to me on silver platter. My only gripe with this whole stat clamp affair is why can't we keep more of what we earned than just +15 CR?

    Never in any of my posts have I complained about not getting feats or being able to complete an instance.

    In fact, Ryuko invited me to run a raid with him, Fractured God Sphere, the raid from Wonderverse. I did, and we had a good time. There was only one wipe on the first boss but after that we were able to complete the raid without any further difficulties. It was clamped and took us about 38 min to run which is descent. Did I feel OP? No.

    So don't go accusing me of wanting everything handed to me on a silver platter. I just want to keep more of what I earned. PERIOD.
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  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    you use words but I'm not sure you know what they mean, typical
  14. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Time isint the issue, its your excuse.
    I did make a new toon, started from scratch a year and a half ago (after coming back from a severe identity theft). I have a full time job, wife, 2 beautiful little girls and ALL that comes 1st. I get an hour or so MAX each day in the evening to play.
    I DID get all those feats all over again, 580 sp later you need to get on my level.
    Its not a “high horse” im on, its a “put in the work like ALL of us did or **** horse”.

    This cry baby garbage is just an excuse. Per your criteria, i been there done that. What else u got? Get good, put the work in or dont get the rewards.
    Thats how these types of games work.
    All i hear is “waaaa poor me”. Its not my nor the games fault you cant spare an hour each day or cant plan a strategy or find a good league or read a feat list or shout an build a group etc.
    Not my prob. Figure it out (like we all did).
    Worst part is, now your massivly OP. I did prime last nite, quantum tanked it as a dps, did more damage than the entire group combined and we werent in there for more than 5-8 min……… yea, its sooooo much time smfh. Stop making excuses and find solutions.
    What other excuses u got?
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  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Its Truthful not mean.
    People wanna cry about time….. well, some have out in 11+ years so lets talk about time.
    People wanna cry about SP……. Well, earn it like the rest of us did
    People wanna cry about progression……. Well, stay in relevant content then

    Fact is, there is ALOT of crybabying happenin and “woe is me”. These people need to stop making excuses and think of solutions.
    Catching up is i finitly easier and faster than doing it legit when relevant, what else do you folks need? I mean, how tight we gotta hold your hand? And what in the world makes any of you think a quicker and easier path will produce better players?
    Biggest issue in this game currently is the non-stop supply of CR skipping wannabe end gamers who “think” they are good an have no idea hat they are doing an blame low SP then come here cryin bout the clamp.
    Content is mind numbingly fast and easy……. How fast and easy does it need to be? These people already arent learning anything or how to even play as is………

    The fact people are cryin they do t have time to catch up os proof of all this…. Min effort gets u 350+ sp in under a year in a game with about 12 years worth of content……… wtf is wrong with you people
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Agree with alot but you issued a “make a new toon” challenge
    Well, 1.5 years ago i did on a new acct after an identity theft and being away 6.5 years.
    Job, wife, 2 kids, and ALL that comes 1st.
    Maybe 1-1.5 hrs per day to play and i been at it a year and a half now. Came in new off the ship w/no frie ds an league etc just as you suggest.
    Played pretty casual as i said, real life comes first.
    1.5 years back and 580 sp later……… so yea, these whiney a** crybabies do in fact need to just play the game and shout for groups an do it.
    They have it infinatly easier than we had it back in the day. I had it infinatly easier than i had it back in the day.
    Want the feats? Do them. Its absurd…….. people cryin about time? Some people have 11+ years n this an they are cryin bout time? Whatever man, 0 sympathy, absolutly none.
    Find a league, be helpful and get help, read the feats, make a plan, make groups, join groups. This is not that hard….. maybe im the exception? Maybe i just did it rather than cryin about it? Who knows…..

    In eaither case, all these ppl spew is excuses, we offer solutions an they dont wanna hear it. “Waaaaa time, waaaaa poor me” its not get good so much just get it done.
    We all had to do it and thes CR skipping noobs have done nothing to deserve it any easier yet here we are, they already have their hand held, content is dumbed down to a mind numbing point. What else do they need? I mean ffs, give an option to let me control their character for them and they can sit an watch ffs.
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  17. Requake Dedicated Player

    FGSE no death is a good example, I'm sure people had hoped to outgear it in a couple of DLC's, guess that isn't really happening :D
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hmm. Your reading comprehension is normally better than that...or maybe it's on me. I guess you are in 'defend' mode, so the fact that I said that hard skill based feats should be hard still was missed....no problem though, keep on keeping on.

    This is a message for you noobs joining 1 year in the future....

    Hey noobs, go get your skills up for feats like 'Rouges Round Robin', or the feat to kill the 123 rats in FVR. I know you are busy getting 75 FGS/FGSE runs together to get the 2 count feats there or spamming the solo 50 or so times to pick up crystals (so much SKILL involved), AND spending 50+ hours hammering the bosses in WV, but don't be lazy...if you were 'gud' you too can knock out these feats that so many got while just running what they were running anyway the last year for marks and gear. Here's a tip, join 'LOOT' and they will be all about re-running (then re-re-re-running) these old runs with you, because if there's one thing a league likes doing...it's old grindy feats they knocked out when current.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you were back 1.5 years ago that means you had over a year to still knock out feats while there was no clamp, and I'd guess you got to 580 by taking advantage of that. That's not the same as post-clamp, but congrats. I've got a PC account I started a few years ago and it's just about to roll over to 600. I'm there with you. If I could stomach re-doing the PVP feats on her she'd be 600+.

    Yes....some have 11 years of playing most days for a few hours (I've got like 8). Some of the grindery feats random RNG just happen because we have been hitting it over a long period of time. Someone starting later isn't going to run LLL or WV every day, or queue into FVR or FGS over 40-50 weeks because it's 'current'....because it won't be current at that point. The long time grinders aren't crying because they were running the content anyway.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I've lived through the nightmare and headache of getting all of the older content feats (I've only been playing 3.5 years), and it was still super rough unclamped (especially with me being a villain having to coordinate grouping with both factions sometimes). I really wish I had it in me to relive it all by helping my friends with those feats, but now that it's clamped, extra hard pass from me. You're on your own buckaroonies
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