We need a Legends Characters Interface

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Crimson Crossfyre, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    The examples you gave sound more like advanced tactics learned through experience, rather than inaccurate power descriptions.(except for Shazams SC).
  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, some are. But there's a lot of bugs in there as well and things missing from descriptions. Not sure if they fixed this, but Shazam's first ability says nothing about being a shield, I believe Batman still has it listed that one of his powers is a debuff (nightwing may as well), they rarely say anything regarding CC immunity if it's provided, there's nothing in game about Cheetah's damage buff and the list goes on and on.

    And even then, there's plenty of games that explain the full functionality of powers and items in game. Granted for the devs to pull stuff like this off they'd need to actually learn about the game mechanics or *gasps* accept the community's help.
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  3. Crimson Crossfyre Well-Known Player

    To me, I get very embarrassed when I respond to someone's LFG request for a specific Legends character only to discover I have not unlocked that particular Legend on my current character.
  4. FreedomRollerMan Well-Known Player

    Dude there is already two options in the game that I know of since the game was made available where you can check on which legends characters you have unlocked.
    1. Go to the watchtower headquarters, go to the meta wing, go to the reactor core...now go to the computer thing you can interact
    with( not the one that gives the tour, the other one) and a list of all the available legends names pop up and each one says if it is
    locked or unlocked.
    2. Use the on duty matchmaking system and click to start a legends pve or a legends pvp and then a picture of each legends character is shown (if you can't select it , then haven't unlocked it), then just back out.

    For me I'd love to see an online instruction manual like most games have now within the game. It could be right at the start where
    choosing character. Currently have two tabs, one gives info on character, other gives info on updates. Why not add a third that
    gives the full online instruction manual like many other games? If not there, then maybe a new tab (& new icon) added to the list
    where the marketplace, deeds, costumes, etc. ,etc....is located. Perhaps simply add it to the area where hit escape to exit the
    game. Could be added to all those areas or none, that is the choice of the developers of the game. I would just love to see a basic
    manual that would get updated if or when they changed things within the game. Honestly I would love to see the online instruction
    manual on the official site too. They have information in the game and on the site but it is jumbled all around and simply needs to all be put in one area and titled the online instruction manual. The closest thing I currently see is located in the GAME area of the site, specifically: Faqs, movement mode, powers, and weapons. I think they just need some additional information added that ca be found in game like previous people have stated.(Currently pressing F1 and scrolling down to see a list of moves that the character can do.) All this info needs to be put together with a couple added stuff and then done.

    Other options:
    OptionA:They could simply add all legends characters as an option to enter the vault and add a sparring target in there, maybe rename it Vault & Practice room
    OptionB:They could add all legends characters to a solo (something I'd love to see)

    The only other kind of interface would be using the text chat, voice chat, and the online forums. (all currently available)
  5. SSeid Committed Player

    Don't worry no real old good player of this game has that mindset. Maybe not ready to reveal all the secrets here and there, but if there is one thing that the veterans of this game want is tutorials for the new players.

    Sadly 50 updates later and the devs are still incapable of providing them. By all means no harm can come in asking for tutorials ( of any kind not just legends ) but i don't see the dev team ever making them. In their eyes tutorials are not as profitable as "balancing" powersets.
  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Or you could hit the F1 button and read.
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It's on hold indefinitely, so I don't suggest holding your breath. They put it on hold so they could make doing an XBox version of the game as their priority. And given that we have no idea when or if that will ever take place, acting as if a new UI "is coming," when the devs have directly repeatedly said over and over again that it's on indefinite hold, will not result in happiness.
  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    It's F1, when LPVE came out I had to use it all the time to figure out the characters that I never use. I generally end-up putting the info back into a spreadsheet to reference later.

    That said, an in-game review might be nice. If not a specific tool in the UI at least the long asked for ability to test out Legends toons on dummies, which is to say add a scrimmage map that you can enter by yourself.
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  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    It's F1 on pc, but I want a way to read the abilities while not in Legends.
  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Lemme correct you on that.
    It's been put on hold, Indefeintly from mepps.
    indefeintly meaning forever cancelled.. it's gone guys.
  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You can go to queue up and you're able to see the characters you've got access to before you ready up.

    Those things are disgustingly innacurate and leave crucial info out.
  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    So are most tooltips. An entirely new interface is overkill if what is wanted is basic information. If we want to improve the Legends experience for players, endless numbers of people have made endless numbers of requests for an option to solo practice Legends chracters, and should be much easier to implement in code than UI changes.
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'm one of the people who requested and typed up a huge thread about exactly what such a thing should entail, so trust me, I know, but adding in correct tool tips isn't that hard.
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  14. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Great idea. I would love to see this implemented.

    Aside: as for the guy trolling, just remember the forums offers an ignore feature. Responses only feed the trolls. They go away when they realize nobody is listening.
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  15. Tannen Committed Player

    The OP wasn't asking for them to design a whole new UI specifically for this, or at least that isn't how I understood him. He was asking for the UI that is already in development (or rather on hold) to have this tacked onto it. Easier to work something additional into something that's already being worked on, than it is to go back later after its finished and attempt to shove it into the package.
  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    Indefinitely means for an unknown amount of time. It may be gone forever, but it may not be.

    I think it will probably depend on how long the game lasts and how long it looks like it'll last. If the game looks like it'll close next year, why bother with a new UI? OTOH, if people come back and stay for the monthly content, and they release dcuo on the Xbone and it goes well... I think it's still a possibility.
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  17. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Indefinitely - for an unlimited or unspecified amount of time.

    That doesn't mean it's forever cancelled, it means that they don't know when or if they can get to it.
  18. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    stupid is stupid does sir