We’re still kicking healers for not having EOG?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xenothelm, Oct 24, 2022.

  1. xenothelm Active Player

    RoE especially. Black Alice does NOT like when we group up...
  2. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Never seen a healer get kick cause of no eog. Makes me wonder if there is more to the story cause if I pug q or even party find never have I heard of this. Some 1 might ask if you are running it in a formed group but in pug group I am more worried if you even have a proper healing loadout and know how to utilize it. Again never heard of a healer being kick for not having eog
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  3. xenothelm Active Player

    Lol the story is we started TSWe, killed the first set of adds, someone asked if I had greens, I said I didn't, and suddenly I was back in my base.

    From what people are saying it's more common in elite runs, but EOG doesn't protect you from mechanics so it's still a pretty negative mindset when full heal can salvage people's mistakes better.

    As for my healing loadout, I really don't need to explain that, but on elec full heal I run PHR, Page, and Orb with Bio Surge, Recover, Arc Lightning, Bio Cap, Galvanize, and Flux(Group Transducer if someone is running greens). No I do not have power issues.
  4. Dene Devoted Player

    I'm an Elec healer too - we run only slightly diff loadouts (i always have GT and no arc) and Arts

    Maybe I read it wrong but isnt Galvanise basically Page anyway? (I run cloak instead of page) - asking to learn not assume mine is better etc, in case it comes across like that

    Agreed re: power - rare I run into power issues these days
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  5. xenothelm Active Player

    It's genuinely overkill in a competent group, but when you're doing normal runs in pugs it becomes really useful for salvaging attempts.

    I'll usually Clip Arc into Galvanize most often. If bigger damage starts to go out I'll have a double Recover ready to go from PHR since Galvanize can heal npc allies, and Bio-cap clipped into Flux for osht moments. Bio-surge is for the biggest osht moments as, with Orb, it'll 0-100 pretty much anyone outside a fire tank, certainly if it crits.

    I also like Flux for supporting pickups so people can do it w/o getting interrupted. Same idea with GT, but obv it's available less often.

    Bio-Cap and Page have the same safety net effect, but you do have to build up the one from page with multiple casts, so it's nice to have both sometimes! I like Page more for strengthening the double Recover I get from PHR.
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  6. El El Committed Player

    I have no power issues using orb,i ran sm round 30 and elite raids with it.It can be handy artifact.