
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Prime OG, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    This is definitely a situation that needs fixed
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yep, celestial got pooped on the hardest. They need to get rid of this stupid "if it heals it does less damage" crap. That kills variety and flexibility for healers.
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  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Actually, as my buddy has found out. Being a battle troll is awesome, but your only needed and wanted in raids. Multiple people would drop from our alert groups because he would troll. Regardless if their blue bars would actually move. There's now a prejudice against a troll in alerts.

    Even being a troll for two, maybe three raids, a week isn't much of a draw for an entire way to play. They really need to do something. I know a lot of groups have ran content with no troll and had no issues. This is a dying role.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Actually players push that motto. Skill points are important...up to a point. The Devs have stated repeatedly that people will get the majority of their stats from Gear, and then Mods with skill points rounding things out. It's the players that have always pushed the agenda of skill points mattering more...because they want a clear separation from the casuals. It's a try had mentality.
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  5. Controller Devoted Player

    Can't even remember last time I used Wavedox to look someone up.
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  6. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Like many here I’ve also ran content with the so called big boys on EU that use wavedox as a recruitment tool , needless to say it was all bark and very little bite when it came down to it.

    The league I’m in currently is a different class of player , it only took me 6 years to find them ... Maybe I should have used wavedox ;)
  7. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    My disappointment with the whole thing is that stat points don't (appear to) carry enough weight. The claim by Mepps a while back was that those with SP approximately equal to CR should experience no problems in regular but should find elite to be very difficult, and that if you wanted to do elite content you would want a lot more SP. This would imply that those with a lot less... those who get rushed up the CR ladder without doing feats along the way... should be having difficulty even in regular content... poor damage out, poor healing, poor power regeneration and lack of continued debuffs, or having a boss basically laugh at you because the adds he called in took you out.

    There is only so much that your playing ability can make up for when it comes to lower stats. If you do not have enough health when your health bar is full to withstand one of the boss's Big Hits (tm), even while blocking, you have no business trying to run that instance. If your burn cannot exceed or barely exceeds the boss's defense... even with a defense debuff in place... you have no business trying to run that instance. If you can't provide enough healing to buy the tank a couple of seconds to get out of the AOE, you have no business trying to run that instance. If the entire team has to keep colas and supply drops on cool-down just to have enough power, you have no business trying to run that instance.

    All that said, I have noticed how having both artifacts at level 80+ does help when you do have improved stats.
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  8. Johnnie5oh Level 30

    I KNOW you will find wavedox useful if used correctly and for the right reasons. Skill points do matter as well as gear and experience. These three things when combined determine the usefulness of a particular player. Too many players that are Too weak in anyone of these area's and no OP support role can help. It's good to know someones REAL resto, vit, dom, etc. instead of having to take their word for it. For as we know there are MANY liars in this game and MANY who only wish to be carried and not actually go through the trial of fire to earn their prestige, gear, feats, etc. You know these people by inspection, knowledge of their own power set, how they participate in the actual level and by WAVEDOX. Someone with no mods, low cr, low sp WILL hold a group back on the harder levels and multiple of these players mean assured defeat. While many are on here for FUN, we are also on here to WIN. Yes you can have both FUN and WIN. It's definitely more FUN when you WIN. I have no problems helping those who are actually trying, but when you have no white mods, not even beta mods, and wavedox shows your sp to be very low. WE KICK and WE KICK gladly. Go back do some more work, earn some better gear, get some mods, then we may let you stay. Hell we may even help you, but don't come into our alerts/raids and wreck it because your lazy or think certain things don't matter. If they didn't matter they wouldn't be in the game and thats a FACT. You have to look at all things combined and WAVEDOX helps you do that. Those who abuse it will abuse it, but for those groups who know how to use it, it is another tool towards greatness. Thank you WAVEDOX, I applaud your creativity and your free use of data, it has helped tremendously. We will always use WAVEDOX and always kick those who are lazy.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    I made the logo for him. He no longer updates it but it is still way better than some of the others. The only other one close to as good was sore's. I miss him too.

    Now if only dbg would actually update the census...
  10. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I don't really trust the census for stats most of the time. There are some weird things going on with the numbers for some players. I saw a combat rating 100 ice tank who supposedly had 8k might at one point. Even with buffs, I don't see how that would be possible. When I checked again an hour later, it was reading 4k might, which is more reasonable.
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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    The only thing I use these sites for is when I'm thinking of a new character. A quick search on the character name will tell you if it's available, and it's less frustrating than going through character creation just to get your first few ideas for names denied because somebody already has them.
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  12. 6ix9ine Well-Known Player

    will they ever update the pictures?
  13. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Good ol' Wavedox.

    I had fun the other night on my alt hero. Saw of one those "top" leagues shouting for an extra DPS, unfortunately they were asking for 390+ SP and I am nowhere near that, gambled on them not wavedoxing me.

    Conclusion, even though they have a requirement of 390+ SP, I came on top for pick ups and DPS with a mere 188 SP.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    We should ask DBG, because they haven't updated the item list since before AF3. Wavedox is just a site that puts the information into a webpage. The information is provided by DBGs.
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  15. Dene Devoted Player

    The top 100 stats should be based on base only imo
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    That would not include gear and mods. The problem is the buffs as well as other tricks to get that high upon logout.
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  17. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    How do people more than double their might? Or is that a bug in the census?
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    It has to do with stacking buffs. Soders, trinkets, etc. Then logout right then.
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  19. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Must be some fancy buff applications I don't have then. None of my stuff would add more than probably 15-25%.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    This also includes buffs you get from powers too. Like how rage could stack health and what not.