(1) How is what I said a threat to anyone, (2) Aquaman DOESNOT have water powers. just because he stays in water DOES NOT equate to having water powers if anything he's closer to Sorcery, & Mental powers than water, & NO talking to marine life IS NOT water powers that's telepathy, I.E Mental.
Threat is defined as: a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done. So you are technically making a threat (they may not have been your intent... don't know what else your intent could have been but still) but you're right if it's a threat that no one is going to bat an eye at. I think you waste your time relying on Superfriends or Robot Chicken (or any of the numerous things that make fun of his powers) than reading a comic book within the last ten years or even reading a simple wiki page. The trident of Poseidon allows Aquaman the ability to manipulate water. He also was given a replacement magical arm (when his arm was lost... previously he had a mechanical arm in there) by the Lady of the Lake which was able to allow him to shoot jets of water from his hand. Not to mention Mera and several other Atlanteans can bend water via Hydrokenisis and there own version of magic. So it's in Atlantean lore (and you have to remember Aquaman is a hybrid not a full Atlantean in most forms). Either way the melee weapon hes been whacking everyone with in HH (not to mention is mentioned as you level up on the hero side) gives him such powers.
SIGH ........O.K so in what way will my NOT running with a group that may have someone useing a toon with water powers inflicting pain or harm of any kind. ANSWER THAT! Oh also you talk about Auqa Mans magical arm? you mean the arm produced by Sorcery? that arm?????. Wasting my time, Heaven forbid I use references to back up any argument I may make, Even Robot Chicken has to reference back to DC lore to accurately depict, & spoof DC Characters..., And yes, you FINALLY got one right Mera IS A WATER USER, not Aqua Man....... Oh, & don't forget these guys.
Definitions can have multiple meanings let's break this down for you. Threat is defined as: a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done. Okay so the or highlighted in the middle is showing you that the word threat can mean one of two things... it can mean the first defintion highlighted in blue or it can mean the second definition highlighted in purple (which in my original response I highlighted in red to showcase how it was a threat). You choosing to not play with someone because of their power can be classified as hostile (at least in my eyes) and you're doing it in retribution because they are playing a power that you think never should have been introduced to the game (or at least not this early). Now that we've broken down that for you let's clear away the rest of the hub bub. So you gloss over the fact that Aquaman use the Trident of Poseidon (which I mentioned before his arm) which does allow him to utilize numerous other abilities other than his in born traits, one of which is the ability to manipulate water. While that does not make he wields water based off of inborn abilities but he still can wield it. As for the arm which was given by the Lady of the Lake (for crying out loud you just are being silly.. you realize that a mythical legend of a being of water and you're trying to argue it's just sorcery) I mean having something that was given by magical means doesn't mean you are a magic user... it means you derive your abilities from that. The original Jade (as in the one prior to New 52 reboot) derived her powers (as her father Alan Scott did) from the Starheart. Her powers were mystical in nature but she herself was not magic (a better way of looking at this ability is when you start the game you choose your mentor, DC classifies you.. assuming you join WW or Circe, as deriving your ability from mystical force). No one should classify Aquaman primarily as a water user, that alone would be inaccurate... saying he cat)n't control water though is silly and highly inaccurate (in some portrayals he hasn't even needed the Trident.[/quote]
[/quote] People choosing not to play with other people /groups is a constant in this game. because of Powers, CR, Skill point. Skill level. These ( AS YOU PUT IT) Hostilities have been, & ARE taking place in game as I'm typing this. You are still TRYING to paint my statement as something horrific something to be feared. when actually at worst my statement just asinine, & I have no problem admitting that , & I stand by my already made statements, And by the way YOU made the statement that Auqa Man was a Water powers character. All I did was correct you. Whether He uses water by MAGIC ARM or TRIDENT HE IS STILL DOES NOT HAVE WATER POWERS. Frankly its no different than a kid using a water gun on a hot summers days. With that being said Any comment you make after this will be you just grasping at straws So I say good days sir.
An empty threat, which is essentially what you made, is still a threat. Trust me nothing about what you have said at all is terrifying... I in fact called you silly and told you to have fun with choosing to play that way. Nor did I ever state Aquaman was a water character.... my very first post mentioned he had water animations in HH, that is what you used as a justification for saying I said he was a water character. Of course he can have water animations because he whacks us with the Trident of Poseidon (that is how he created them after all). So again at the end of the day you're seriously just being silly.
Fun fact, there is already a Might-based combo in-game. Quantum's Einstein's Ray combos into a move called Gravity Punch which deals MIght-based damage. I don't know, but when you find it please share.
Oh I was enjoying the debate lol. It happens Though, I'd like to hear your water power ideas. Off Topic: Unfortunately, Michael Jackson stole all my popcorn.
While I don't truly want a repeat of any of the powers per se... I am jealous at the potential that atomic shows. If they combine that logic with something like what they did with Celestial I think healing will be in a good spot. I mention Celestial because while all of the healing powers to be effective, most suffer from moves you "have to use" and Celestial does not. Celestial is the only healing power that truly doesn't need to use a supercharge. Granted the supercharges they have are beneficial (and are practically unique compared to the other classes) but not having one does not feel like you're holding the team back... it does when looking at the others. Atomic is the first power that literally can be played too ways.. you can choose to combo or just play from the tray... while I don't have access to test I have been trying to follow what's going on as best as possible (although I won't really truly be able to understand until I have access to the power on live) and neither play style seems to truly be better. So you can take the route for what's best for you. This is very how much I want Water approached... I want it to be given too different play styles so that were not necessarily forced into an AM we don't want... I'd also argue that I would prefer it to not be Pet Power.. we already have Sorcery don't need another one (if the controllers want a pet controlling power they can have that if we go back to bat for a power for them ). At this point if were going to get something we truly haven't seen before (which if I could choose I would at this point), it would have to be some type of healing/barrier class. I play FF XIV now and than and they actually have a healing class Scholar that for the most part uses a lot of shields to mitigate damage in between heals, That is not something that is currently in this game and from the healing stand point.. well let's just say I prefer if something more along the lines of that were looked into.
I could picture Water being the first healing power that can cause one shots. Hear me out, picture this. Rage, a tank that buffs health and gets constant healing and will most likely die unless they cancel their rage crash. What if, water was the same way in healing? I will explain. Let's assume there is a move called, "water" ( I'm sorry. I am not creative with names. I literally brained stormed for ten minutes here and couldn't Come up with anything. ) but this move will put this shield on certain members. Let's say, four members. It will stay active for a certain amount of time, but at the end, all damage taken by this shield will instantly damage the player. But the healer who actived this shield will have options to "cancel" it in some way. It could perhaps be transferred into a pet or something like that. But that's transferred option. Another option could be to transfer all that incoming damage to the tank but in heals. (Sounds really over powered and seems like this will be the healing power people won't trust in lfg due to the sole reason of not trusting.) but yeah, I came up with this one day during class. Sorry if it sounds outrages.