lt's orange btw., Mepps already confirmed this: Maybe since that every single new power we'll get in here will be orange too. Make more money devz. Honestly l believe if orange lantern corp were real Spytle should've become full-scale member of it. LETZ TALK BOUT ITN HEA!!!
It would be funny if they release these in the Summer event and you can throw and knock down players, and get a feat like the Winter snowball one.
awww....look everyone thats the power of water healing at its finest. I was going for a reply to who ever posted this gif....epic fail on my part....
I was expecting or, i guess hoping that atomic would be dot based and that didn't happen, not sure why, we're overdue for a dot tank build, instead it seems a lot like fire with some combos thrown in. Idk, for water as long as its not combo or pet based i'd be happy. Electric 2.0 as someone posted would be great, maybe it'll get done right and be what electric always should've been.
It was a somewhat joke, because the next Controller power hasn't been announced, but the most asked for power now after water is Shadow Controller, inspired by Shade and Obsidian. Also the ingame effects for Shadow are Black and Dark Electric blue, look at the Shadowlands.
Water should have a stealth mode where you move around as a puddle. Then you could trigger a move that spouts underneath an enemy shooting him in the air.
OK safety nets for heals that stacks and waves of heals that grow in intensity. Sounds like a little bit of gavaniz3 and bio cap frome electric. Mixed with pets from sorcery sounds like a cross breed without fixing electric
Why don't we fix electric and nature instead of making a super healer combine from 3 healer powers oh oh I got it why not give us 30 power points too woooo
I'm curious to see what the devs will bring this time. I might switch my electric toon to water if the power is cool. I love the concept of electricity and its DPS side, but I still can't enjoy its healing side, not matter how much I play.
The best way to start out is to choose which iconic you want water to go after. Who is the most liked hero & villain in dcu? Then go from there.
i personally like HoTs but I love nature and im still disappointed that atomic isn't the healer instead of the tank but ill adapt.. if history is any indicator it will be the best of power set like atomic and rage both took the best of all the tanks incorporated into their power this will probably be the same a little of HoTs a little Burst and a some safety nets. as long as they keep up the trend of Atomic with multiple ways to play it like the combo vs 1234 style Im sure we will all find something about it to enjoy ... hey im always down for something new
Actually Shadow (along with a few other powers ) was asked to be put in game long before water. I mean how do you announce 3 upcoming powers, Then water (which was NOT even been slated to even be considered as a upcoming power ), all of a sudden jumps straight to development mode. It's total BS.Water shouldn't have been consider as a upcoming power till this time next year at the VERY EARLIEST. It would only be right that Shadow ((comes as a troll power )), gets the next Go ahead from the devs, seeing how there are FAR MORE Shadow powers already being used ingame by NPCs than water.
Water was actually demanded and asked for the first month the game was out, the main argument every time that water was arguing for was that ice was like water (even though they got very many arguments how it could have been different from ice). I will admit that shadow powers were asked around towards the beginning but they weren't asked before water.
Even if that is true, water should have NOT jump to the front of the line, as far as powers being developed. I tell you what I may not run with anyone that switch to water ( MY LEAGUE INCLUDED) just out of pure protest. Cause water getting the green light this early is the highest form BS-ERY ever.
Have fun not running with a bunch of people than you might as well drop your sub if you carry that threat out. That being said water getting the green light isn't the highest form of BS ever, the main argument the devs originally used for not doing water was the fact no one would like what that they could animate... than enter Aquaman for HH and people enjoyed those animations. That made them re think things and change direction.