Water Powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sage-Rapha, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Hey everyone.
    What would you like to see for water's healing mechanic?

    I'd love to see a healer power that can mitigate effectively.
    Safety net healing combos. Not too many hots.
    Or saftey net shields..

    Im just spouting ideas.

    What would you like to see for water healing?
  2. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    A water shield doesn't sound very effective. :D
  3. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    that depends on the pressure of said water shield...;)
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  4. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Not so much water shields, but there's a durable water shield in Necropolis from the Water Artifact
  5. Elusian Crowd Control

    Smth along the lines of a big heal hit followed by a 2/3 of the same heal hit and another 1/3 of the first heal. Like waves of water at the beach. Burst with after-effect healing as we dont need just another HoT powerset.
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Combat healing to promote support role use. Also to add a layer of fun 2 support roles
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  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Water also can mitigate because it absorbs shock
    I would like to see a group mitigation effect.
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  8. Backseid Devoted Player

    I kinda like this.

    Something like a combo system that's almost like conducting a symphony. But, you can be interrupted and not have to completely start over. A steady hot system with big heals here n there.
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  9. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Well looking at Atomic, I'd say Water possibly would be a combo/Pet AM.

    It's hard to think of water healing mechanics water would have, but scientifically, water would refresh/regenerate cells slowly which tells me it'll be a HoT. I can think of a pressured shield, Refreshment healing mechanic?, Refresh single heal, Hydration heal, hm not really much.

    It most likely will share PI's with Nature and Electric.
  10. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Now that is creative.
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    A might based combo healing powerset? hmmm. With pressurized water shields
  12. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Munitions = Gadgets 2.0
    Atomic = Fire 2.0

    I am frankly expecting Water to be Sorcery 2.0. Healing AoE & pets, with ability to use pets with Weapon Mastery for dps. I hope I'm right. I not only have my Aqua Lady toon waiting for over a year on this power (I had hopes for water LONG before the announcement), I will very likely switch my main toon to Water as well.
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  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Water should be more complex than Sorcery.
    I dont want it to be all AoE healing. It should be king in ally healing though
  14. Jak-Man Committed Player

    I don't care, as long as the power itself is based on Atlantean Sorcery then it's all good.
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  15. Vodka Committed Player

    I'm kind of hoping it's sorcery 2.0, also.

    I'd like it to be pretty straightforward.
  16. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Yes, because all these other AMs are mind boggling
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No if any power gets a pet based power it should be the next troller power, not water.
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  18. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I'd like to see a combination of nature and celest:

    Have small combos or regular tray abilities that apply either burst heals or small hots, but grant a "charge"... we'll call it watery goodness for now.

    Build up 3 charges or so, and perform a move or combo called Rising Tide, which sends a wave of healing over your group, increasing with charges of watery goodness.

    In essence, this could be the first 1234 healer. While novel, it sounds just as droll as every other 1234 power currently is.

    Water will disappoint some if there are no aquatic life forms to assist. I would not be surprised if there are pets involved (in tiny fish bowls? loooooooool)

    Tortoise pet for tanking
    Lobster pet for dps (I dont know)
    Octopus pet for heals?

    Though, I dont know how these pets would or could be any different from sorc if these were implemented. Im sure wed all like something different.
  19. Absolix Loyal Player

    Maybe a variety of channeled heals. There is usually only one channeled heal per healing powerset, so it could be a unique.
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  20. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    How about a power that would wash away part of the healers health with ways to nullify or cancel the loss based on combos. I know celest is a combo heal but one of the things I love about combo powers is the need to stay active to perform well.
  21. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    And no one uses those channeled heals based on how vulnerable you are. Not saying that you have a bad idea but up to this point those channeled heals aren't practical. Also I'm hoping for a super active healset and jumping from one long channeled heal to the next sounds like snoozeville.