was wondering?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by veri, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. veri Active Player

    has anyone else been playing dc and r computer just goes black then it comes back up but is actting funny 4 a bit ? was playing and it just froze and he went black then it came back up
  2. JohnnyMagic Well-Known Player

    I have had this happen also on the PS4 but not sure why.
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  3. JohnnyMagic Well-Known Player

    I have also had the PS4 go to a blue screen that asked to report a problem and I have to log back on.
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  4. veri Active Player

    so what did u do about it ?
  5. JohnnyMagic Well-Known Player

    My screen went black twice this morning. I could still hear the sounds and my controller was vibrating since I was being attacked in game. I realized that the game was still active so I continued to try and attack and block. It lasted about 10 seconds.
  6. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Graphics driver or directx related bug, maybe?
  7. M.R. Thomas Level 30

    mine does it too. for some reason my game randomly gives dll errors. Usually when i start getting the black flicker I find that the next time i load it has a couple dll errors so use

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (64) and
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistrubutable (86)

    these usually fix the dll problem and the flicker goes away til i get more dll errors. The 2015 should fix the problem by itself but for some reason it doesnt so i use both

    If you google the program names (fix the spelling errors cause i dont know how to spell that) they are easy to find on the microsoft website and only take 5 minutes or so to download and run both.

    Please only get these from the Microsoft site because if a second party has them and they are corrupt these files can damage your PC
  8. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Damage as in completely wiping the hard drive and reinstalling windows to fix it, with possible loss of all your personal files if you don’t have them backed up somewhere.
  9. GreyGhost0475 New Player

    I haven't played in a few years but I think I'm having the same problem as JohnnyMagic up above.
    Basically, I'll be out mid game and my screen goes black and eventually dumps me out on my desktop. I can still hear the game music playing the whole time. If I'm patient, I can click the game icon and it will bring me right back to the game.
    So is this along the same lines the suggestion from M.R. Thomas about Microsoft Visual C++ dll problems will fix?