Was it always this bad?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    Just wait until Battlefront comes out. On top of that you have MGSV in September and Fallout 4 in November. Late November will be interesting - Fallout 4 releases on the 10th and Battlefront on the 17th. How much will the population drop as a result?
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  2. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    36...47.... it's obvious we must fear the 58!! :eek:
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its the lowest population we have seen since launch.
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  4. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    69 will result in your PS4 blowing up!
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  5. spikeat Well-Known Player

    GU47 definitely hit the population hard, because this is one of the most drastic drop in population. The DEVS spends more time fixing their bad decisions than making new headway. Every time they restructure the game resulting in taking away currency you've earned, such as marks, it's a slap in the face. They take one 1 step forward and 2-3 steps back. It grows tiresome over time tbh.

    Back then they said they wouldn't make a WATER power, so when it was announced I knew dcuo was in a time of desperation to get players back.

    I can see and understand the direction the devs wants to head towards, but the way they implement their ideas into the game is just terrible.
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  6. Dogico Loyal Player

    Anyone have population numbers for the months of June-August this year compared to June-August last year? Is it even possible for us to get those numbers, or do we need a dev to tell us?
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Please stop trying to use the lack of substantiated statistics too dispel the rush to doom and gloom. Individual speculative impressions are entirely valid for determining population numbers - and the health of the game.
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  8. Dogico Loyal Player

    I don't like to gather numbers but I love to look at them.
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  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The last time DCUO felt as dead as it does now was 2013, after DLC7 and the launch of Grand Theft Auto 5. Last year it didn't seem anywhere near as bad as it does now or during 2013.

    They really should have got cross play implemented by now. It should have been the number 1 priority and had the same level of importance as the PS4 launch did.
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  10. Saami Loyal Player

    Summer 2011 was worse, but there were also more servers. Hard to tell, if total population was any lower.
  11. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    The problem with losing long term players is that if they find something else they love, they're not likely to come back and check out changes because they're long term players. I think it's great that they're trying to fix things that drove away a lot of fans, but now, a lot of us are in love with ESO or Destiny. I tried to come back briefly and play both, but they redid Fire and I realized I didn't want to spend time speccing when I could be playing the game I fell in love with.
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  12. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I'm not sure if he was referring to you or not with his statement, but you have to admit there are people on the forums that would defend the devs for eating babies...
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  13. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Most people can tell by looking at LFG and seeing what's happening with their league or friends lists...Why does there need to be evidence for everything? Can't people use their senses to figure these things out?
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  14. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I don't think it as bad as you make out to be especially on USPS (Heroes, I dont know about the Villains though).
    I play almost everyday and I can make a group easy (for new content), the only roles that hard to find is a tank role....but hey....I'm a Tank....so no problem for that.
  15. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I already redownloaded FF14. People have been playing this way for awhile, but at this point my only option is to just log in every thursday, do some raids and daily stuff and log out until the next week. I think the newer people will have stuff to do, but I have most feats done that I've been grinding on all these years and PVP just isn't fun anymore, and it's clear as day the devs don't care about PVPers.
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  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I leveled a tank just to do endgame raids easier, but it was just a tool. DPSing with ice was way too boring so I just use it as a tank and log back out lol.
  17. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    ? I'm really confused by this statement. LFG is constantly flowing on PC hero side. The league I'm in is gaining new members. You can't use LFG or league size to determine what you are saying unless you are in one of those small leagues.

    Now, I have noticed that population depends on the time of the day. The most active times seem to be right after server reset until about noon eastern time and then later in the evening eastern time. Mid day seems to be a real low time.
  18. Lionxoft Committed Player

    On USPC, the population died away after WotL Part 1 but the game was still fairly active throughout 2013. Probably in conjunction with ESO launching on PC and the tragedy that was Amazon Fury Pt 1. Weapon Mastery was also added somewhere in there as well.
  19. Sylo Committed Player

    Simple truth is people have grown tired of chasing the carrot. When a game is thriving the motivation to do so is strong with players. When its not, they move on.
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  20. UltraVillain Committed Player

    WM struck pvp particularly hard and AM is generally seen as even worse with pvp'ers but GU47 was a concentrated hit.

    I think there is still a great game at the heart here, acutely so for f2p, but the justification for a subscription or to buy new DLC has been heavily undermined as variety and choice (things you kind of expect to expand if you pay) have been big casualties - be it in terms of load-out, preferred style of play, preferred content to patronise, dlc structure (truly stuck in a rut), even where you might want to play, the game has systematically narrowed its focus, prejudiced options and alienated one group or another. I am sure some will return, but the impact of recent changes is more akin to a Damage Over Time effect and the most acutely affected are the bedrock of long term players, people who once they lay down roots elsewhere will be most difficult to win back.......it really has been a case of DCUO shooting itself in the foot, just as it is furthest from civilisation!
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