War of the Light Part I Where the heck the Collections Nodes at?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Earth742, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    AFTER as many other things i did to clear my 'to do' list, i FINALLY got to start War of the Light Part I and did a couple missions, and some exploring.
    UNfortunately, i didn't find any Collections Nodes yet, just a few Briefings & Investigations.
    Where the heck the Collections Nodes at?

    Please Help...
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    You have to either own the episode or have membership to be able to collect collections.
  3. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    Oof! Well, that takes my enthusiasm for Open Episodes a peg or two...
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Sadly it was always like that. :\
  5. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    I'm pretty sure this is actually incorrect. I recall being able to collection collections when I was premium and didn't own the episodes. The only exception to this that I know of are the Amazon Fury Part 1 collections. You're probably not looking at the right places. There a few collection routes on YouTube so you could follow those to get the collections
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  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I remember a thread bug on it a few years ago and one of the Devs said it was intended.
  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Try open a bug thread in Arkham Asylum, it might be a bug with open episodes if Kanninu is right
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  8. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    I have so far found two (2) Nodes for Collections!! WotL I was the first DLC episode, right? Ok, 9th ep, still before i started playing. I'll chk out some of those ytube vids!