War of Light Part 1

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I don't think you misunderstood. Halls of Power is still going to be a DLC. That's the DLC with Apokolips, Darksied, New Gods. The League Halls and Armories were removed from that DLC and will be part of a game update now.
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  2. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I may be getting nitpicky here but it's War of THE Light not War of Light.

    Edit: Jens pointed that out to us at SOE Live when someone called it War of Light there also. I would venture a guess that there is a distinction between the story line that's going to be told and "The War of Light" story line from the comics.
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  3. Stitch Well-Known Player

    This would be interesting. I think Blue Lantern healing would have been much better and much more in tune with the comics.

    However I've told my league. If blue lantern becomes a power, for whatever role, I will be switching.
  4. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    No. This (small to large group content) is starting after the next DLC. As per the DEVs at SOE Live.
  5. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Don't you mean Stitching?
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Also in the video I posted, Larry Liberty said there will never be another PVP focused DLC.
  7. Stitch Well-Known Player

    Correct. I will be Stitching to Blue Lantern if it ever comes out as a power.
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  8. Azrael New Player

    just to add to what you posted the Devs said PVP updates will ONLY come from Game updates from now on.
  9. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Nope. They said at SOE Live that from now the storylines will take place over 3 DLCs, but that the DLCs will not be sequential. So basically the next three DLCs are "Part 1s", and the part 2s will likely follow immediately after (unless they have more part 1s in the pipeline that we don't know about yet).
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yup. To me that makes a big difference. "War of Light" in my head means a war within the corps. War of THE Light in my head means that somebody is attacking the Light as a whole, a la what Brainiac was doing to mess with the Corps in the FFTL DLC.
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  11. Whiteroom New Player

    Oh yeah? Did they say what size they intended the first war of the light to be?
  12. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Well according to what they said, the first DLC in each 3 DLC arc will have small content. Second medium. Third large. So yeah, they did. Any other questions?
  13. Whiteroom New Player

    Yeah. Why the attitude to a simple question.
  14. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    You started your reply with "Oh Yeah?" I simply mirrored your attitude.
  15. OutRage Level 30

    ....I still don't understand how this could be done with light powers already being introduced as controller based....I mean correct me if I'm wrong but aren't red and blue still hard light construct based with a few extra abilities (reds spitting rage blood etc)
    ...I guess what I'm saying is they would have to do a power description revamp to call out green/yellow light and red/blue light as troll and tank specifically.
    ....I only imagined just a new feature for existing hard light players to have the option to choose either red or blue instead of just green and yellow.
    ....Furthermore I imagined the next tank power not even being released in this particular dlc but the the one after.
  16. Boscohark Well-Known Player

    Cool. I have been out of touch the last couple of weeks so did not see the updated information!
  17. Statman New Player

    Actually, this is incorrect. Spytle said they had already started their alternating between Small Group DLCs and Large Group DLCs starting with Home Turf; Home Turf being small, Origin Crisis being large, and back to small for Sons of Trigon, and they would continue this pattern.

    They did mention something being backwards thus far, but that was in relation to when they release a new set of Tier gear. As they mentioned new Tiers would now begin with Small Group DLCs, Spytle commented that they were currently a bit backwards in terms of that, as they released Tier 5 with a Large Group DLC. This can also be supported by Mepps comment yesterday in this thread.
  18. Flair Well-Known Player

    Thanks Jafin! Good to know for the folks like me who spend most of their time on PVE!
  19. LL New Player

    So Stat what your telling me is for this current tier...we are going to have two raids, two ops, a trigon alert, 3 duos, two solos, and open world solos.....then with the war of light they are going to give us more raids and ops, or alerts?

    I'm not saying your wrong, just seems to be a lot of stuff for one tier. As I stated before have not been following as much as I have been moving and stuff. Actually downloading the new update as I write this... :)
  20. Statman New Player

    I've not said anything, just repeating what the devs have said themselves.