Walking Dead - Season 6 Finale

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by CHUD, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. CHUD Loyal Player

    I'm carrying this over from another thread because....well.....it was gonna be getting derailed at some point in time.

    At the end of Season 6 we have been introduced to Negan.....of which I am stating for the record that Jeffery Dean Morgan was an excellent choice for the role. He just brings something to the character....a sense of charm....mixed with evil incarnate. In any case......

    We had Rick's group lined up, on their knees and scared for their lives because it's at that very moment Rick has just realized "Oh man.....I've screwed up on this BIG TIME!!!" when you look at his face. We also see,....at least from different angles......the potential victims as to who was going to kiss Lucille. I know that the rumor and belief has been there as it being Abraham. There has even been some rumors going around that it's Glenn and Abraham together. Personally I can't see that one for the life of me because Negan did say it's gonna be somebody and having to go for 2 kills in the same night just to set an example would be too much work. Even online forums from "The Nerdist" teased that it was Glenn and Abraham together,....which AMC has come down on that channel for putting out that info. That also surprises me because the guy who heads that is Chris Hardwick and he does Talking Dead and is probably involved with every SDCC (and NYCC) Walking Dead panel every year.

    In any case.....let's get down to who it could be.

    Going from left to right (as Negan is facing the group) we have the following....[IMG]

    When Negan goes through the whole bit with "....and YOU.....ARE.....IT!!!!!".......we have to take a look at the following clues.
    1. What he says before bashing somebody.....
    2. Camera angles......
    3. Overall lighting.....
    What he says to the victim who's gonna get it.....
    "You can breath"......that's Rick considering his heavy breathing....

    "You can blink"........that's Carl considering he's now the cyclops of the group

    "Hell, you can even cry because eventually you're all gonna be doing that".....That is Sasha because she is getting emotional and tearing up big time.

    The two people between "Breath" and "Blink" are Sasha and Aaron......so that is probably going to leave out Eugene (at least I hope.....I'm liking the mullet for some reason). Rick is not going to get it because let's face it....no Rick....No Walking Dead. Carl.....probably not because he's still surviving in the comic. There has been the mentioning of somebody we all have grown to like. Now that could be anybody's guess at the moment.

    Darryl.....mainly because he's also doing the show with AMC "Riding with Reedus". For the ladies out there I think it should be titled "Riding ON Reedus".
    Glenn......he is slated to do a major film coming up so that's going to take up time. But how many moments he's come close to death??? Remember the dumpster???
    Michonne......I'm sorry but you can't kill her off considering that her and Rick are now getting their freak on.
    Abraham.......technically he should have been killed off with the arrow to the eye but that was Denise who got it. And yes....I liked her as a character.
    Rosita......I can take her or leave her as a character. She isn't playing a major part in the show as of yet although she is a badass.
    Maggie......Again....can't really see that option because 1) her character is with child and 2) she's a hottie.

    So that does leave Sasha, Aaron and Eugene.
    Sasha.....again....can take or leave her as a character. I'm going with her because of the whole "You can cry" statement. But then again she is filling the role that Andrea has in the comment by being the marksman of the group.

    Aaron......he has a certain sense of popularity to him but then again.....could he be considered essential to the show's story line??? Possibly.....but who knows.

    My bets......either Sasha or Aaron. They're both popular in their own right but again....how essential are they to story arcs. Sasha a little bit more because there's a thing between her and Abraham going on now.....and Rosita is the 3rd angle to that love triangle.

    So.......who do you think it's gonna be when Season 7 comes out????
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  2. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

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  3. CHUD Loyal Player

    Okay. Change in the concept.

    Who do you think is gonna get it,........reasons for making the choice......and how much of an impact does that person have on the story lines (and yes.......using comic canon is allowed).

    Oh....also.......who else is anxious to see what they are going to do with Ezekiel and Shiva (the tiger)????
    I saw the trailer and I'm still going "WOW!"
  4. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Eugene, cause he is worthless n his story arch ended long ago,
    If the preacher was there , Eugene would have a chance, time to cut the mullet starting at the neck
  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Carl. Because we all wanted Wesley Crusher to die and he is The Walking Dead's Wesley.
  6. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    Saw this the other day. But I am still skeptic.


    I kinda think the mannequin looks more like ..what ever this guys name was. (if they even said it)


    Wish that mannequin picture was a little more to the left, so it would show the ears.

    I just don't think it's Aaron because I kinda think he is about to hook up with one of the main characters. Not gonna say who because I don't want to start a debate theory on something the story either will or wont.
    Would rather just wait and see.
    But if you look through some of the past interviews from the cast, and hints the show has talked about of bonds and friendships that will form, it's pretty easy to see who I think it will be. And why him getting with Aaron would make sense to a lot of past actions he has made the past 6 seasons.

    Also would explain why Aaron's boyfriend Erik was pretty much just written out of the show. Not even an explanation. He was just there, and then he was not there.
    He had to go so Mr. X could come in.
  7. CHUD Loyal Player

    I thought of that one as well.....but then again there was this from San Diego Comic-Con this year....

    Life size mannequins of the cast from that portion of the show where you could either be ready to crush somebody's skull......or be in front of Negan.

    .....not in front of him in THAT sense......

    But then again.....I wondered about that pic you put up as well.
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  8. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    Just for giggles, they should have put a mannequin of Walter White from Breaking Bad looking out the window from inside the RV. lol it kinda looks like the same car.
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  9. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    Just watched the ending again a couple of times to try and look for clues. Have not watched the eps since the night it aired...*shrugs* I don't know who it will be.

    But something I did notice, is how much Negan looks like Fargo from Chrono Cross.

  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Process of elimination(minor comic spoilers below):

    First, it won't be a woman because of Negan's "needs" when it comes to female companionship. Now, this doesn't mean that Maggie, or more specifically, Lauren Cohen, with the rumors of her wanting to do other things(she did do The Boy this year as well as being Martha Wayne in BvS) but I don't think the actress being that stupid as to give up a role on one of the most if not probably the most popular TV show right now. So, with that we can eliminate Maggie, Sascha, Michonne(not keeping with the comics, Negan might actually have a need for a warrior like her in other ways too. Breeding stock), and Rosita.

    Nest, characters that won't make an impact. The producers aren't stupid. Killing Eugene won't make any significant impact with the audience. In fact, some might think that would be a positive as Eugene isn't exactly the most popular character in the story, however, in the comics he's still alive so I doubt this will happen. Aaron also wouldn't make an impact so we can count him out.

    Then we have the characters who are too central to the story. That means Rick and Carl are safe and probably Michonne on this as well.

    So, this narrows it down to Glenn, Abraham, and Darryl. Yes, Darryl. The former 2 are dead in the comics with Glenn being the one who wears Lucille in the comic. Abraham was supposed to die when the group first runs into Negan's men(when Darryl killed them with the rocket). So, killing him now would both make an impact with both the group and the audience because the characters has endeared himself to the audience as well as he's badass of a character to be a huuuge loss to the group and in Negan's eyes, this is a huge plus. This leaves Darryl. Arguably the most popular character on the show and killing him off would send the fans into a tizzy. The fans would be so apoplectic with anger that you might see mini-nuke type meltdowns around the world but this would definitely make an impact with both the audience and the group. Again, this would be a good tactical move on Negan's part to eliminate such an important member of the group. Throw in the fact that Darryl is a made up character in the story as he's not in the comic and believe it or not, this makes him disposable. However, Darryl may be too popular of a character and might create enough of a backlash as to get people to stop watching the show so he might be safe unless Reedus has plans of doing other things. His new show on AMC isn't enough to sway someone to leave a lucrative gig as Darryl...yet.

    So, with all of that said, and the way season 5 went, it is my belief that the one who meets Lucille is going to be Glenn. The producers are trying their level best to try to swerve the audience into thinking that Glenn has 9 lives because as many times as he's escaped certain death but I believe this is going to be a time they stay true to the comic. Also, Glenn is an original. He was the first one to speak to Rick. He will have the most impact and is sympathetic enough of a character to kill off especially given the fact that Maggie is pregnant. So, Glenn is my choice.
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  11. CHUD Loyal Player

    The more you mention it and the more I think about it......YES!!! I can see that being done.

    *Walter White comes out of the RV*
    "Jesse....it's time to *notices what's about to happen* ummmmm......bad timing on my part???"
  12. CHUD Loyal Player

    That's what I'm going with as well. I can't see Negan killing of a female character because....well.....he has NEEDS!!!!! The show's producers did give the hint that it would be a like-able character. Whether or not it's a major one is anybody's guess. So out of the male characters it's either the following.....

    I can't see Rick or Carl getting killed off because in the comic they're both still alive and kicking. Speaking of which.....anybody catch the last few issue covers??? Notice that each of them make a larger combined picture when lined up together. Also notice that Negan is killing off some of the Whisperers with a smile on his face. I don't know what's gonna happen next but dude.......this does make things interesting for the readers.

    Glenn has had too many close calls and that being said his luck is going run out some time soon.

    Darryl......well you have Norman Reedus doing that other show for AMC so both shows have the potential of colliding when it comes down to production schedule. Either way,.....Reedus is gonna be well off doing either show. But then again there's that slight bro-mance between Lincoln and Reedus and I don't think that the show's producers are going to allow that split any time soon. They both have a degree of influence (at least I think) on the show. But I'm still putting Darryl as a potential victim.

    Abraham. Hmmm. Yeah he was to have been killed off prior to the Negan encounter so it's possible that he might get it as well. It could also be a point where there giving him the Shane treatment and extending the time of when he was supposed to be killed off. If they do kill him off,......I will miss the little Abraham-isms like "pouring the bisquik before making pancakes" line. I mean seriously.....did the script writers do that or was it all improv?????

    Aaron. I like the guy......but killing him off won't have a major impact. It's like Aaron is just there filling up space. Sure,....he's been an asset to Rick's group.....but still....Eric has kinda fallen off the edge of the world and that could mean that Aaron's gonna get it in the end.

    Eugene. Hmmmm. Not a major character,.....but is still alive in the comic. Besides,.....Eugene does have that comedic side-kick quality to him. Maybe, just maybe,....that Negan kills him off and the mullet somehow brings him back to life. THE MULLET HAS POWER!!!!!
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  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You are all ignoring a major deciding factor on who snuffs it in this rubbish: who recently had a major life-changing experience and slash or 'epiphany'? Most certainly not Glenn, because after all those near-deaths, he hasn't grown an inch as a character: Denise finally showed a bit of a backbone (specially after that bit with the Wolf), she wasn't going to stay sheltered 'at home' and wasn't going to let her fears hold her back from declaring her feelings for someone, and before she even finished speaking she grew a bolt from her eye socket!!
  14. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    I never really even considered Rick...but the more I think about it, it kinda might be him. With him gone it would weaken the group the most.
    The rest of them would be left in a very submissive state. And with Rick left alive, he would spend every moment coming up with a plan to either kill Negan or get his group far away from him.

    The only way it would be him is if the actor just did not want to do the show anymore. It just would not naturally fit for the story. As soon as Negan stopped in front of him, Rick would have charged him before he even hit him that first time. It would have just been a reflex for him. And with Carol gone, even tho he still has a baby, I don't think he would be very willing to answer any of Negan's demands. He would just tell him to go ahead and kill everyone in his group.

    Sad to say, but even tho he has been there from the start...with him gone, I would not miss him very much. I just don't really like him.
    For too long he seemed like a goofy scared kid, and now he seems too entitled. But could Maggie go on without him? She already watched everyone in her family die. Losing her husband now could be the end for her.
    By the looks of it, she is having a miscarriage, but even if she is not, I'm not sure she would want to bring a baby into the world on her own. Yes, she has everyone else in the group to help her, but she would still feel like she would be doing it alone.

    I hope it's not him. From my understanding, Negan is going to the let the group just keep doing what they are doing, and when ever the collectors come by, they will take half the stuff. With Abraham alive with all his combat skills, the group would have a better chance of getting more supplies for Negan to then take. But, with Negan killing one to send a message to the rest of the group, taking out the muscle would make a much stronger statement then taking out a weak one.
    It would be good timing for him to die tho. He an Eugene already made up, so nothing there will have gone unsaid. And with him and Sasha about to have a new romance, with him gone would add even more tragedy to the story.

    Like Abraham being the muscle, Eugene is the brain. So the group could really use him in the future but dose Negan know that about him? Really don't think it will be him tho. Was rewatching the season yesterday, and I know it would look like such a mismatch...but I kinda got the impression that somehow Eugene and Rosita are going to be a couple.

    Darryl & Aaron
    I really don't think it will be either of them....