I've been playing this game from the beginning, give or take a few days. I play because I like DC Comics, and it's fun. This game has some really cool things going for it. Even though I enjoy playing, I don't keep up with changes, and I don't pay attention to the launchpad so much. I just pop into the game, and go. So there I am, in a base checking mail, and mentally prepping for the cancient coins grind (very happy with what this game is doing with the Amazons), when I suddenly get a ninja invite from a toon name I don't know, or haven't committed to memory. It's odd for me due to my rep in the game. As helpful as I try to be with other players, I don't exactly have pplayers vying for company unless they are looking to quickly gear up.. But, I accept, and off I go. Next thing I know, I am in a massive crater, and I see the Anti-Monitor standing over the fallen statue of Superman. I understand that many players expected this, becaue such players pay attention. But, I don't attend news so often. For me, this was a surprise. The cr pop to 230 (maybe that begged a few questions) was interesting. For me, everything goes right with this. Anti-Monitor. I did not expect this to be an event. Just seeing the Anti-Monitor in the game felt fantastic! It was like travelling to Themiscyra for the first time. The combat made sense. I don't normally find happiness with the tremendous aoes, but this was fun. And, it's the Anti-Monitor. Being able to re-enter the fight was a serious relief. Among the more disheartening things about many games is being locked out after being knocked out. Or not getting there in time due to a group that doesn't want to wait, or a chaotic player triggering the fight. Leaving the door open was a great call. Then, there is the look of it. Ant-Monitor looks great! The entire field looks great. The folks responsible for this event, and for the daily have out-done themselves. Since these themed events started, the game has been more enjoyable. The stories and adventures go a long way to make the game. I look forward to seeing more, and I thank you for the work you've done. I hope that an 'open door' is considered in the future for other missions in the game. Being able to fly back in is very helpful. Perhaps we could consider a cap on it, like if you are ko'ed three times, you're out for good? Or perhaps a slightly longer respawn time to indicate a character struggling back to their feet, and wabbling back into the fray. Maybe a character is a bit weaker each time they respawn to enter the battle? You guys give an inch, and I beg for a mile. But it's worth asking. Great stuff you devs came up with here. Thanks again!
Haven't gotten to that part yet (still have two healers to get through the dailies), but your description makes me looking forward to it: all out brawls? Love 'em, really enjoying the Archon fights where Villains and Heroes team up to take down a single giant foe and then go our separate ways
Couldn't agree more. It's amazing having the Anti-Monitor in the game, and teaming up with iconic heroes and villains to fight this huge megaboss outside just ticks all the boxes for me. Reminiscent of the Doomsday battle in the Smallville alert. Love it.
I knew about it but was still excited. The ability to re enter was a godsend cause with some sections of that fight if you go down your screwed. Its funny cause I died cause I had to stop a type to tell someone they could revive
Finished the dailies with the healers, and dang-diddley-doright but they cleaned up Qwards better than even the tank did: Zoom was taking on three at once and most times barely even used her heals (other than her damage shield and Watcher), and for an Electric Staffer Issan was doing just as well (but the most she liked dealing with were duos)
i think my favorite part of the event is flying around metropolis doing the daily missions and running across wonder woman or cyborg or j'onn and helping them fight a bunch of ads.
I like that we can help any of them for the feat and not just specific characters. Something to do while waiting in a queue.