Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by melvinpox, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Treat New Player

    Sure why not? :D The winner gets to pose for the new calendar too!
    • Like x 1
  2. LordZeonidas New Player

    Yoda Dog.
    And is CarlynnPox a mix between Melvin and Carlynn?
    Like that movie The Fly where the guy got in the one teleport chamber and a fly accidentally flew into the chamber with him resulting in a super powered man that felt wonderful but eventually deteriorated into a savage and disgusting monster fly thing.
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  3. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Yeah idk what is up with that. I think pox is being shady. But no. It's not a cross of us. It's me and Yoda.
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  4. Treat New Player

    Well if YodaCarPox wins, they can duke it out in pinup swimsuits or something
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  5. LordZeonidas New Player

    Oh I see haha. Well then Yoda and Carlynn 2013! :)
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  6. The Kitsune New Player

    Thank you.
    OH he has clones so it won't be a problem. I am waiting for the assassination attempts.
  7. The Kitsune New Player

    Well since I am not allowed to vote for everyone I will have to vote for TrueMarvel.

    SO when we have the final two candidate they then fight to the death right?
  8. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Metal1ix will cast a vote for General Zod.

  9. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    I vote Yoda/Carlynn , cuz I heard they gots toast....mmmm toast
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  10. SuperMia New Player

    ZOMG! I made it just in time to vote. XD

    And I vote for "YodaDog/CarlynnPox" 2013! <3
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  11. Pharaoh Dedicated Player

    So who's going to Meet our list of demands? Long day at work? Looks like a close election.
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  12. Brit Loyal Player

    Pharoah fought the good fight, but Zod launched a feature film at the last moment which sold me to his cause.
  13. SuperMia New Player

    But but but Yoda/Carlynn has cookies...and apparently toast!

    And everyone knows that Toast + Nutella is basically a super soft yummy cookie! XD
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  14. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    We will Pharaoh! :D
    • Like x 1
  15. Treat New Player

    Alright these are the people who clearly stated who they were voting for:
    1. Treat
    2. The Lone Stranger
    3. Soulmass
    4. CarlynnCarnage
    5. FaLeX
    6. LisaLoeb
    7. PerfectLegend
    8. Rasputin
    9. Nekron 99
    10. Sore
    11. CptCornholio
    12. DeadAirSpace
    13. Warlan
    14. Max volt
    15. Blitzshock19
    16. tak
    17. Shooting Healer
    18. Spicoli
    19. Mont
    20. BattleAngel
    21. LOCKSLEY
    22. TheKent
    23. Gwalir
    24. TheRealDeathern (representing all of pluto?)
    25. Tlogie
    26. Radium
    27. Drathmor
    28. Ebon Angel
    29. Shadow Vlad
    30. Anti Bezz
    31. Stitch
    32. kikulan
    33. MrMigraine
    34. LordZeonidas
    35. AkikoTsunami (she wants toast)
    36. SuperMia
    1. TheTruth1
    2. CrystalAbys
    3. xoCiaraxo
    4. Ace1
    5. MercPony
    6. El El
    7. Blazeing fire111
    8. CrystalAbyss
    9. The Batwing
    10. Boscohark
    11. JokerWing
    12. Lights Derp
    13. Zuse?
    14. BatGuy
    15. BlackWingBeyond
    16. Jababalo
    17. SavageMind
    18. SteveMyBear
    19. Caleus
    20. Solar wing
    21. General_Gear
    22. QueenxAurelia
    23. Metal1ix
    24. Brit
    1. ShadowDragon
    If I didn't include you then you either, haven't voted or you were too vague. Please continue to vote and for those that were to vague, please pick a specific candidate. Poll closes I think after the weekend?
    • Like x 1
  16. Deathmike Devoted Player

    Damn it.. the ninja polluters are getting stronger and stronger..
    Mother Earth still has a chance!
    Vote Deathmike!
    Or don't.. whatever.. :)
    You guys do know that YodaDog is not a real dog, right?
    Just saying...

    Deathmike out.
  17. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Cuz if he was...I wouldn't be running with him.
  18. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Yes. After the weekend. And I may vote for you. You have just made my life a million times easier. Treat is now official vote counter.
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  19. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Um...sure. Actually all the VP candidates are clones of myself. This one has been genetically enhanced and modified to be a female and to beat the crap out of the original in PvP.
  20. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Look, Pharaoh! I'm wrapping myself up in bandages!. Wanted to make you feel welcome. Wanted you to know that we fully understand your culture and all that foolishness. Would you like a pyramid shaped piece of cheese on top of a snack cracker while you wait for Zod?