Vote for Danny Devito to voice Darkseid

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iAquamanJLA, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    Stephen Hawking just so I could hear what the evil laugh would sound like

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  2. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Vin Diesel. "I AM GROOT DARKSEID!"
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  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Outstanding Sir.....:)
  4. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Oh please.

    Everybody knows Devito was born to play Wolverine. Short, hairy and grumpy. :p
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  5. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    Obviously a joke, but the Oberon suggestion wasn't a joke.
  6. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    When I first saw the subject, I misread it as Danny Trejo for Darkseid. Forget Omega Beams, just hack everyone to death with his machete. :cool:
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